With their happy, star-like flowers, the variety of Bell flowers available can fit any gardener’s needs. Ranging from short to tall, and featuring almost every color of the rainbow, these cheery flowers are a great fit for your garden or cut to display in your home.
They require a Full Sun / Partial Shade Sun and a well-drained soil.
Zones: 3 – 8 and a
Bell flowers grow best in loose, well-draining soil with a pH range between 6-8. By creating a planting mixture that is 50% soil and 50% compost you will ensure healthy, long-living plants that will produce an abundance of beautiful flowers for years.
Light Requirements
Bell flowers will tolerate a little shade in the
Temperature and Humidity Requirements
Warm days and cool nights are ideal for Bell flowers. These plants won’t grow well in regions with hot, tropical climates nor in regions that dip below 50 degrees at night. Bell flowers will develop powdery mildew in humid climates and soils that are kept overly moist.
Allow soil to feel dry to the touch between waterings. Soil should not be allowed to dry out completely and should never be soggy. Always apply water at soil level to prevent plant foliage from getting wet. Water early in the morning so the rising sun can quickly dry off any moisture that may have gotten on plant stems or foliage.
Read Also: Bee Balm Flowers – All You Need to Know About
Apply a balanced fertilizer, like a 10- 10-10, once in the spring and again in mid-summer. Water plants thoroughly after fertilizing. A side dressing of organic compost can be applied to plants twice a year instead of non-organic fertilizer to keep the plants well fed and growing strong.
Place a 3-inch layer of organic mulch, like straw or compost, on the soil surrounding the Bell flowers;
Prune (also called deadheading) as soon as blooms begin to fade. Snip off spent blooms with sharp pruning shears to encourage the plant to re-bloom.
Powdery Mildew
Symptoms of powdery mildew (which is a common disease for Bell flowers) include a fuzzy white substance on leaves, wilted and/or discolored leaves that drop from the plant. Get rid of powdery mildew by pruning off all parts of affected plants and discarding them, along with any fallen debris. Dip pruning shear blades in a mild bleach water solution, then prune remaining plants to increase air circulation and prevent powdery mildew from returning.
Pest Control

Aphids, snails
Cut plants back to 3 inches in late fall. Add a
Propagation Tips
Dig up and divide plants every 3 years to prevent overcrowding. Early spring is the best time of year to divide and transplant Bell flowers.
Read Also: Balloon Flowers – All You Need to Know About
Campanula Plant Profile
Name: | Campanula pronounced (kam-PAN-yew-luh) |
Bloom Color: | Blue bell flower, purple, pink, yellow bell flower or white |
Bloom Time: | Bell flower bloom in the Summer time |
Length of Bloom: | Around 3 to 4 weeks or more |
Height: | Varies by species |
Spread: | Varies by species |
Garden Uses: | Ideal for ground covers, mixed borders, containers, rock gardens; can be planted on slopes, flower beds (towards the back) |
Soil: | Average, well-drained soil |
Light: | Thrives in Full Sun to light shade |
Propagation: | Sow seed in the Spring; for cultivars, take stem cuttings or divide in spring or fall |
USDA Plant Hardiness Zones: | Zones 3 to 9 |
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