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10 Health Benefits of Astragalus Roots (Astragalus Onobrychis)

Astragalus (Astragalus Onobrychis) is a large genus with more than 3,000 species of herbs and small shrubs. It is a member of the Fabaceae family of legumes and the Faboideae subfamily.

In terms of the number of described species, it is the largest plant genus. The Northern Hemisphere’s temperate zones are home to the genus. Common names for several species include goat’s thorn, locoweed (certain species in North America), and milkvetch (most species) (A. gummier, A. tragacanth).

Similar in appearance to Astragalus or Astragalus Onobrychis are several pale-flowered vetches (Vicia spp.), although they have a more vine-like appearance.

Researchers must carry out further high-quality human trials before anyone can declare for sure whether it is safe and effective for any therapeutic use. The current state of the research should be regarded as preliminary.

The majority of the genus’ members possess pinnately complex leaves. Both yearly and perennial species exist. Each bloom in the raceme-like flower clusters is a member of the legume family and has three types of petals: banner, wings, and keel. The calyx can be bell-shaped or tubular.

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10 Health Benefits of Astragalus Roots (Astragalus Onobrychis)

10 Health Benefits of Astragalus Roots (Astragalus Onobrychis)
Astragalus Roots (Astragalus Onobrychis)

Although astragalus or Astragalus Onobrychis has been used for many years in traditional Chinese medicine to treat a variety of ailments, there is no credible medical research to support either its efficacy or safety.

1. Anti-inflammatory

The majority of diseases have an inflammatory component. It frequently causes damage, from arthritis to heart problems.

Astragalus has been shown in numerous studies to have anti-inflammatory properties due to its saponins and polysaccharides, which may help with the healing of wounds and lesions as well as reduce inflammation in diabetic kidney disease.

2. Boosts Immune System

Astragalus’s claim to fame in terms of reputation is its ability to strengthen the immune system. It has been employed in this manner for countless years.

According to a study from Beijing, it can regulate t-helper cells 1 and 2, effectively controlling the body’s immune reactions.

3. Prevents And Stops Tumor Growth

Recent studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of astragalus saponins, flavonoids, and polysaccharides in reducing or removing malignancies.

According to a study published in the Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, astragalus has demonstrated potential in reversing multidrug resistance in cases of chemoresistance treating liver cancer and as an adjunct to standard chemotherapy.

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4. Shields The Cardiovascular System

Astragalus contains flavonoids, which act as antioxidants and shield the inner wall of the vessel, preventing plaque development in arteries and vessel wall thinning.

Additionally, a 2014 study found that adding astragalus injection to standard therapy for viral myocarditis (inflammation of the middle layer of the heart wall) improved outcomes in patients with heart conditions. The study was published in the Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine.

According to other research, it can lower triglyceride levels and blood pressure. People who have high triglyceride levels are more likely to experience heart attacks, strokes, and arterial wall hardening, among other types of heart disease.

Loss of blood flow and oxygen during a heart attack causes cardiac muscle damage. At that point, calcium overexposure causes additional harm. By controlling calcium homeostasis in the heart, astragalus may stop further heart muscle injury.

5. Regulates And Prevent Diabetes

Progressively more research has been done on astragalus as an anti-diabetic. Studies demonstrate its capacity to naturally treat diabetes and reduce insulin resistance.

Saponins, flavonoids, and polysaccharides found in the herb work together to treat and control type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

They can protect pancreatic beta cells, which are the cells in the pancreas that create and release insulin, boost insulin sensitivity, and reduce inflammation in locations where diabetic symptoms are present.

Diabetics frequently develop kidney disease, and astragalus has been used for many years to treat renal disease. Astragalus has been found in more recent studies to protect the renal system and reduce the progression of kidney issues in diabetics in both humans and animals.

6. Heals Wound

Astragalus has a long history of using its anti-inflammatory properties to treat wounds. The dried root of astragalus, also known as radix astragali, has been utilized in Traditional Chinese Medicine to heal and regenerate damaged organs and tissues.

Wounds treated with astragaloside IV, the active component in dried astragalus root, showed recovery rates of two- to thrice over 48-96 hours in a 2012 study by the Institute of Pharmaceutics at Zhejiang University. Astragalus was found to be a promising natural remedy for wound healing and anti-scarring.

7. Treats Cold And Flu

Astragalus has long been used to treat the flu and common cold due to its antiviral properties. It frequently goes with other herbs including licorice, ginseng, and angelica.

Like many other natural cold medicines, it appears to function best when taken frequently by healthy individuals in order to stave off illness in the first place.

Before the winter months get really cold, taking astragalus regularly may help people avoid or have fewer colds and upper respiratory infections overall.

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8. Alleviates Symptoms Of Chemotherapy

Astragalus has been demonstrated to hasten the healing process and lengthen the lives of chemotherapy patients.

Astragalus has been administered intravenously along with other Chinese herbal mixes in situations of severe chemotherapy side effects like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and bone marrow suppression.

Early studies point to its potential to lessen these symptoms and improve the effectiveness of chemotherapy therapies.

9. Anti-aging And Antioxidant

The main cause of disease and aging is oxidation caused to free radical damage, and astragalus contains several components that minimize oxidative stress and fight free radical damage.

The polysaccharides in the herb have advantageous effects on the immune system and enhance cognitive function, both of which potentially increase lifespan.

10. For Chronic Asthmatic Patients

Astragalus has been proven to be an effective natural asthma cure and adjunctive therapy for the treatment of persistent asthma.

In trials, the production of mucus and inflammation was reduced after treatment and the degree of airway hypersensitivity was significantly reduced. Chronic asthma troubles may be resolved by preventing or minimizing asthma attacks in patients.

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