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Best Broiler (Table Birds) Production Guide

Best Broiler (Table Birds) Production Guide

Broilers are fast-growing birds that reach a market weight of 1.6kg to 2kg in 8-10 weeks or 12 weeks at most. A broiler or fryer can be of either sex. Its flesh is tender, with soft pliable smooth textured, and flexible breasts.

The commercial tale birds industry is now largely based on broilers. The other types of table birds are either:

The by-products of egg production i.e. spent layers or

The by-products of hatchery operations like Poussin, and roasters.

Facts Pertinent to an Understanding of Broiler Performance

At any given age, males are heavier than females.

Weekly increases in body weight are not uniform and weight gains increase until reaching a maximum at about the eighth week for a straight run (both sexes together).

Weekly feed consumption increases as weight increases.

The more feed consumed, the better the feed conversion at a given age.

As weekly gains increase, feed efficiency increases.

Healthy birds consume more feed and have better feed conversion than sick birds.

The greater the activity of broilers, the lower the feed efficiency.

Cannibalism causes lowered feed intake, growth, and feed conversion.

Changes in temperature cause changes in feed consumption. High temperatures reduce feed intake while low temperatures cause them to eat more.

At the market time, the birds in a flock will not be uniform in weight.

The mortality rate should not exceed 5%.

Read More: Farm Management Practices and Hygiene in Poultry Production

The Different Breeds of Broilers

Best Broiler (Table Birds) Production Guide

Commercial hybrid broiler chicks are derived from Plymouth Rock, Cornix Sussex, and Rhode Island Red. Progeny test and family selection have been effective in the development of broiler lines.

The end product of all well-planned selected crosses is to produce a modern chick, white in color, yellow shanked, which grows faster than either of the parents (hybrid vigour), with tender flesh and flexible breast cartilage. All these characteristics of broilers depend on the genetic make-up of their parents who themselves are not broilers.

Broiler Housing

Broilers are reared traditionally on deep litter. In modern commercial broiler production, the bird spends its entire life in one house. This means that broilers are not brooded in a special brooder house, then moved to another house for growing.

Broiler raising is essential, a brooding operation. The broiler house should be located in such a way that:

  1. It takes advantage of prevailing wind for ventilation and the sun for light.
  2. Its ground elevation is higher than the surrounding ground level to permit good water drainage away from buildings and
  3. It is readily accessible to power and water supply.

There are many different styles and designs of houses and even more variations in equipment. What is important is that broiler houses and equipment provide comfortable conditions, so that the birds can perform at the highest level of which they are genetically capable.

A satisfactory broiler house must protect the birds against heat and cold, high winds, and inclement weather.

Read Also: Types and Benefits of Hydroponic Farming

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