Thursday, April 25, 2024

Deep Litter Poultry Production System

There are several poultry production systems employed by poultry farmers in different parts of the world. Examples include: Extensive or Free range poultry production system, Semi-intensive or Restricted range poultry production system, and Intensive poultry production system. Each of these poultry production system has its merits and demerits.

Poultry of various classes are kept either for meat or egg production. For example white leghorns are normally used for egg production while broiler strains are based on crosses between Cornish white, New Hampshire, and white Plymouth Rock.

Large poultry units are being increasingly developed in areas of high temperature that are not traditional to advanced methods of husbandry and special techniques are needed for satisfactory management of poultry under these conditions.

In a tropical environment, the design and construction of poultry houses must take into consideration the climatic and weather conditions of the environment. The guiding principle is to keep poultry productive throughout their producing life. This involves the provision of optimum conditions of temperature, humidity, ventilation, and light.

Another important principle relates to design and durability. Poultry house should be structurally strong, durable, and cheap.

Read Also: Semi-Intensive/Restricted Range Poultry Production System

Deep Litter Poultry Production System

In the deep litter poultry production system, the birds are confined to a large permanent house. The floor is kept covered with finely cut straw, rice hall, or sawdust. Troughs of dry mash and water are always made available for the birds.

An initial litter layer of 2-3 inches is recommended for young birds, this is build up to 9 inches for the adult birds. The litter is normally renewed ones every year or when it becomes lumpy. Floor space per bird is 1 square feet or 30.5cm.2

This system can be used to raise broilers and layers. In addition to feeding and water troughs, perches and nest boxes are provided for the layers.


No risks of trouble from predators.

With the proper condition, there is less risk of parasitic infection.


Increase chances of nutrient deficiency especially when bird are not well fed, and the incidence of cannibalism also increases.

Difficulties of keeping the floor clean especially during the rainy season when humidity is very high.

It involves high capital investment.

It predisposes birds to social vices such as fighting, cannibalism, and broodiness in laying birds.

In conclusion, poultry has proved to be the particularly versatile domestic bird that is adapted to almost all environments and system of production.

Poultry production makes it an open choice for the farmer to decide which system of production he is interested based on his capital, skills, and needs.

In a tropical environment, the design and construction of poultry houses must take into consideration the climatic and weather conditions of the environment.

The guiding principle is to keep poultry productive throughout their producing life. This involves the provision of optimum conditions of temperature, humidity, ventilation, and light.

Another important principle relates to cost and durability. Poultry house should be structurally strong, durable, and cheap.

It is very important that food troughs should not be overfilled and neither should the tube feeders be too widely opened. The construction of the food trough is also important and there exist types that reduce spillage and so reduce food wastage by up to 20 percent.

Food wastage can turn a profitable enterprise into one making a considerable loss.

Read Also: Extensive System/Free Range Poultry Production System


Benadine Nonye is an agricultural consultant and a writer with over 12 years of professional experience in the agriculture industry. - National Diploma in Agricultural Technology - Bachelor's Degree in Agricultural Science - Master's Degree in Science Education - PhD Student in Agricultural Economics and Environmental Policy... Visit My Websites On: 1. - Your Comprehensive Practical Agricultural Knowledge and Farmer’s Guide Website! 2. - For Effective Environmental Management through Proper Waste Management and Recycling Practices! Join Me On: Twitter: @benadinenonye - Instagram: benadinenonye - LinkedIn: benadinenonye - YouTube: Agric4Profits TV and WealthInWastes TV - Pinterest: BenadineNonye4u - Facebook: BenadineNonye

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