Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Find out: “Earthen Pond vs Concrete Pond” Which one is Better?

In making a decision as regards to which type of fish pond that will be better for your fishes, This depends on the way you are looking at it and what you actually want. As far as am concerned, the two could be very rewarding if adequately managed.

In comparism, water management in earthen pond is easier than in concrete pond because most wastes from the fish and the feeds are absorbed by the soil in earthen ponds while they have to be flushed out in concrete ponds.

Also phytoplanktons and zooplanktons are available as additional sources of feed in earthen pond while artificial feeds are the only source in concrete ponds. There is no need to clean earthen ponds as it is done for concrete pond.

However, it is easier to ensure adequate security with concrete pond than with earthen ponds because most concrete ponds are usually built in and enclosure. Also sorting, numbering and harvesting are easily done in concrete ponds than in earthen ponds.

Diseases, cannibalism and death is also easily observed in concrete tanks, meanwhile how well the fishes are consuming and absorbing their feeds is easily known in concrete ponds than in earthen ponds and more importantly, you do not need a water-logged (swampy) area before embarking in concrete pond construction.

Meanwhile for you to be able to decide as to which of the ponds will be best for your intending fishes, you will have to first understand the advantages and the disadvantages of each of the different type of ponds we have and compare them with what you want to achieve from your fish farm.

Therefore let us discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the different type of fish ponds we have below:

Read Also: Female Fish and their Reproductive Strategies: All You Need to Know About

Types of Catfish Ponds

1. Earthen Ponds: are artificial dams, reservoir, or lake constructed for different species of fishes in order to retain some features of the natural aquatic environment. Earthen ponds are created manually, or mechanically, in a carefully selected site with high water retention ability. Earthen ponds are constructed manually with the use of shovels and diggers.

However, in recent times, the use of excavators to dig ponds has been on the increase. An excavator can dig a pond that ten men will ordinarily dig in five days within just ten hours.

For commercial pond construction, the use of excavator is more cost effective than manual construction. It also saves time and can attain good depths in hours.

The choice of land for earthen pond must take into cognizance availability of water, or at worse confirm wetlands in season and out of season.

Other factors that must be considered include soil type, soil texture and soil permeability. A site located in an area that mainly has sandy soil costs more when it comes to construction because ponds constructed in such areas will need sandbagging to prevent the collapse of such a pond.

earthen pond

Advantages of Earthen Pond over Other Types of Ponds

  1. It is similar to the natural habitat of fishes.
  2. Fishes grow better in an earthen pond than in every other type of pond.
  3. Maintenance cost is cheaper.
  4. It can support different kinds of feed.
  5. It has natural capacity to control pollution.
  6. You do not need an electric aerator to boost the oxygen level.
  7. It requires lower cost of production.
  8. It allows fishes to grow faster.
  9. It allows easy water management

Read Also: Species of Female Fish and their Method of Reproduction

2. Concrete Ponds: are usually constructed with concrete and sometimes reinforced to make them stronger. Construction of concrete ponds is often handled by highly skilled professionals in civil/construction engineering.

For any concrete pond to stand the test of time it must be well constructed. The use of blocks for the construction of concrete tanks is not usually encouraged.

Concrete tanks for catfishes can be constructed below or above the earth surface. Concrete ponds are must popular in urban areas where catfish farming are practiced.

concrete pond

Advantages of Concrete Pond over Earthen Ponds

  1. It is easy to manage; e.g. counting, sorting, sales and other management practices.
  2. It is better for production of fingerlings and juveniles.
  3. It can be constructed on dry land.
  4. It cannot be flooded.
  5. It has manageable surface area.
  6. Diseases are easily detected and controlled.
  7. Predators can be kept away or easily controlled.
  8. Concrete ponds do not need demudding.
  9. Waste feed can easily be discovered in concrete ponds.
  10. It cannot be affected by weed and chemical pollution.
  11. It may not need major maintenance for years.
  12. Growth of fishes can easily be monitored.
  13. Usage requires less manpower.

3. Tarpaulin/Synthetic Leather Ponds: are dug like an earthen pond but the walls are lined with a form of rubber/leather carpet to prevent water percolation. These kinds of ponds are excellent at raising juveniles and brood stock. They are usually constructed with flow-through system.

Advantages of Tarpaulin/Synthetic Leather Pond

  1. They are easier to manage
  2. They reduce water waste
  3. They are easy to maintain

4. Plastic/Rubber Tanks: are of different sizes specifically manufactured for raising catfishes. Some of these containers are constructed to accommodate as much as one tonne of table-size fish.

rubber tanks

Advantages of Rubber/Plastic Tank

  1. They can be used to raise fishes almost everywhere.
  2. They can easily be moved from one place to the other.
  3. They can be used to raise fingerlings before they are transferred to the main ponds.
  4. They are safe and secure because they can be used to raise fishes indoor.
  5. They pose no threat to the environment i.e. they are environment friendly.
  6. They can be used to learn the art and science of fish farming.
  7. They are cheap and less expensive to maintain.

Read Also: Female Fish and their Reproductive Strategies: All You Need to Know About

5. Fiberglass Tanks: are transparent tanks used to raise frys and fingerlings under a controlled temperature before they are transferred into the outdoor tanks.

Advantages of Fiberglass Tank

  1. They are easy to manage
  2. The activities of the fishes can be monitored at a glance
  3. They are portable and movable

6. Cage Tanks: are constructed and placed inside fresh water. They are anchored to the surrounding pegs. Most of the times, feeding of fishes in the tanks are done with the use of a canoe because these tanks are placed in the middle of a large water body to replace their water environment in an enclosed cage.

Cage pond

Advantages of Cage Tank

  1. It can be used to raise large number of fishes
  2. Water pollution is rare
  3. Fishes grow better due to constant fresh water
  4. Availability of oxygen at all times
  5. Availability of other water organisms for fishes to feed on
  6. However, water pollution can lead to the death of all fishes in the cage

Related: Anatomy of Fishes: Female Fish and their Reproductive Strategies

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Benadine Nonye is an agricultural consultant and a writer with several years of professional experience in the agriculture industry. - National Diploma in Agricultural Technology - Bachelor's Degree in Agricultural Science - Master's Degree in Science Education - PhD Student in Agricultural Economics and Environmental Policy... Visit My Websites On: 1. Agric4Profits.com - Your Comprehensive Practical Agricultural Knowledge and Farmer’s Guide Website! 2. WealthinWastes.com - For Effective Environmental Management through Proper Waste Management and Recycling Practices! Join Me On: Twitter: @benadinenonye - Instagram: benadinenonye - LinkedIn: benadinenonye - YouTube: Agric4Profits TV - Pinterest: BenadineNonye4u - Facebook: BenadineNonye

5 thoughts on “Find out: “Earthen Pond vs Concrete Pond” Which one is Better?

  • Hamidu Sani

    If I want to start fish farming how much amount will I start

    • benadine

      Sir, It largely depends on the capacity of Fish farming that you want to embark on.

  • Mokwunye Emmanuel Onochie

    Can one construct an earthen pond in my compound?

    • Benadine Nonye

      Yes you can but it has to be constructed within a location where people don’t often visit or kids playing around the area as safety must be considered first.
      Alternatively, you can construct a concrete pond as it will be more suitable for a compound

  • Nwaigwe

    I am constructing an earthen pond. Is it okey if I lay the wells with concrete while the floor remains earthen?.


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