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General Classification of Animal Products

The meaning of the term animal products or animal by-products is usually not fully understood or not really thought about though we consume or have used these products from time to time.

This article will introduce and describe to you what animal products/animal by-products are from different perspectives, depending on customs, traditions, and beliefs. In addition, we will discuss different ways of grouping (classifying) animal products.

This would help you to understand the basic function of animal production, which is to produce food and raw materials important to our well-being.

Alright, let’s chat about the incredible world of animal products – the bounty that our furry and feathery friends contribute to our lives. We’re talking eggs, milk, meat, and everything in between. So, grab a cup of coffee, and let’s navigate through the basics of the general classification of these goodies.

First up, we’ve got the A-team: Meat. This category includes the muscle tissues we devour from animals. Think beef, pork, lamb, and poultry. Each brings its unique flavor to the table, and the cooking possibilities are endless. From a hearty steak to a succulent roast chicken, meat is the star of many a meal.

Now, let’s move to the dairy aisle, nature’s milk bar. Milk and Dairy Products cover a broad spectrum – we’re talking milk from cows, goats, sheep, and even buffaloes. From there, we get cheeses, yogurts, and butter, each with its distinctive taste and texture. It’s like a delicious symphony of dairy delights.

Eggs, our breakfast champions, find their place in the Egg and Egg Products category. Whether scrambled, fried, or baked into a cake, eggs are the unsung heroes of the kitchen, adding richness and structure to a myriad of dishes.

Now, let’s not forget the often-overlooked Honey and Bee Products. Bees work tirelessly to give us this golden nectar, and it’s not just for sweetening your tea. Honey has a host of health benefits and is a versatile ingredient in both the kitchen and your medicine cabinet.

Moving on, we have Seafood. From the depths of the ocean, we get fish and shellfish, offering a bounty of flavors and nutritional benefits. Salmon, shrimp, tuna – the choices are as vast as the sea itself.

Lastly, we have By-products. Nothing goes to waste in agriculture. Animal by-products include things like bones, hides, and organs, which find their way into various products like gelatin, leather, and pet food.

Understanding these general classifications is like unlocking the door to a treasure trove of culinary possibilities. Whether you’re in the kitchen or the grocery store, a grasp of these basics lets you appreciate the variety and richness that animal products bring to our tables. So, next time you savor a meal, remember the incredible journey these products took from farm to fork. Enjoy the adventure!

What are Animal Products and By-products?

Animal products refer to products that can be obtained from animals totally or partially. That is, they are either produced by the animal or taken from the animal.

This term is generally not applied to products made from fossilized or decomposed animals, which include petroleum. Further, crops grown on soils fertilized with animal remains cannot be called animal products.

1. Animal Foods

Animal foods refer to the edible parts of the animal carcass (the body of the animal after it is killed) or those products obtained from the live animal.

Animal foods comprise meat, milk, eggs, and processed products from these as well as the edible parts of the carcass such as kidneys, brain, liver, heart, intestine, and tongue (usually called offal).

2. Slaughterhouse by-products

These refer to inedible parts obtained from the animal after it is killed comprising rumen contents (undigested or partially digested food remaining in the largest intestine (called rumen) of animals such as cattle, sheep, and goats); blood, bone, hair, horn, hoofs, feathers, skin (skin of small animals e.g. sheep, goats, and rabbits) and hides (skin of large animals e.g. cattle).

However, blood, bone, skin, and hide may be classified as animal foods depending on the existing or acquired customs and traditions of the people.

For example, in some countries, bone, skin, and hide are used as human foods widely but blood by a few people.

In contrast, the Masai tribe of Kenya drinks regularly the blood obtained from live cattle they keep.

Read Also: Adaptive Means of Coping with the Environment in Animal Production

3. Manure

This is the waste or remnant of food eaten by the animal that was not digested or absorbed but has gone through the whole of the intestine and is passed out through the rectum or anus.

It is usually used as organic (natural) fertilizer that helps to promote plant growth. Manure can also be used in the production of biogas.

Biogas is gas obtained when manure is mixed with plant or crop material, which then decomposes by the action of microorganisms (especially bacteria) in the absence of oxygen.

This is done in a small container or a large tank. Biogas, which is basically methane can be used for cooking or used as fuel to power generators to produce electricity.

Read Also: The Concept of Animal Production

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