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Handling of Poultry Chicks on Arrival and Management of Chicks in the Brooder

Handling of Poultry Chicks on Arrival and Management of Chicks in the Brooder

The following steps are important in handling the poultry chicks on arrival:

1. The chicks should be unboxed and inspected individually for defects and apparently healthy ones should be put under the brooder hover. The deformed ones should be killed while the weak chicks are aided to drink water.

2. After setting them up, they should be observed for some minutes to be sure that they are in a state of comfort.

3. If the chicks spread evenly under the hover, they are considered comfortable. If they huddle in the centre close to the heater, they are cold and if they are far from the heater, then the brooder is too hot. Thus, the heater should be regulated to produce the right temperature.

 Handling of Poultry Chicks on Arrival and Management of Chicks in the Brooder
Masses of cute newly hatched chicks eat and drink from feeders at a large chicken farm.

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Management of Poultry Chicks in the Brooder

The following steps are important:

1. Adjust the temperature to meet the requirements of chicks.

2. Discourage litter eating by the chicks by sprinkling mash over a flat tray on arrival and ensuring that there is feed always in the food trough.

3. In the first week, inspect your flock as often as you can but without disturbing them. Early mornings and evenings are regular inspection times and may be at other times.

4. Remove dead birds and bury them. Also, isolate weak ones.

5. Maintain a flow of fresh air.

6. Remove mouldy or contaminated feed and add a fresh supply. Wet litter should likewise be treated.

7. Wash the drinkers and clean the feeders daily and thereafter refill them with clean water and fresh feed respectively.

8. Report abnormal signs observed to your veterinary officer promptly.

9. Follow a regular vaccination programme.

10. Avoid overcrowding as this will retard growth and mortality.

11. Keep records of everyday activities using forms designed for each activity.

12. Just before the chicks are moved to the grower house or if there is evidence of worm infestation, ensure the chicks are dewormed.

A Vaccination Programme for Chickens

Age Vaccine

day old 1st dose of Newcastle disease vaccine A dose of Marek’s disease vaccine

weeks 1st dose of Gumboro disease vaccine

3-5 weeks 2nd dose of Gumboro disease vaccine (to be given 3 weeks after the 1st dose)

6-8 weeks A dose of fowl pox vaccine

2nd dose of New Castle disease vaccine 16-18 weeks 3rd dose of New Castle disease vaccine

18 weeks 3rd dose of Gumboro disease vaccine (Breeders only)

Read More:  Farm Management Practices and Hygiene in Poultry Production

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