Tuesday, April 16, 2024

How Feeding Snails Affects their Eggs Hatching Rate

Hatching eggs start from feeding of the snails. What you feed them is what they give out therefore I encourage that you should Feed them nutritious meals and they will develop quality eggs. Provided a temperature of below 27degrees centigrade and humidity of above 80 and they will mate and give more eggs.

Cover eggs immediately after they are laid and moist the substrate, you may cover the top soil with dried leaves to help maintain temperature and moisture.

When your eggs hatch, you should take the baby snail to nursery pen and u feed them with succulent food like over ripped paw-paw or watermelon or banana till they are six weeks.

Reproduction in snail is actually a very interesting process as it is very fascinating and slightly weird process. Snails are usually hermaphrodites (they can be both male and female), so to get the snail eggs, all you need is a couple of adult snails. Their mating process is rather aggressive but you should not intervene if you want it to be successful.

Meanwhile depending on the species, the amount of eggs might be different. Usually, it is about 50-100 eggs, so be prepared for lots of tiny baby snails! Below, you can find out how to take care of the eggs and how to hatch them.

Put some plants in the breeder for your baby snails to crawl and snack on when they hatch. Both land and aquatic snail eggs need to stay moist, so make sure you spray them regularly, so that they do not become dry and crusty. If your eggs have dried out completely, it means that you are too late, sorry.

Next time as soon as you notice Egg presence in your pen if you spare hatching pen take them gently with plastic spoon not with bear hand dig a little hole of about a finger deep that’s almost 3cm bury the eggs in it and cover it with soil sprinkle water on it immediately to give the needed humidity to the eggs but not damp then you do that morning and evening till next 28-40 days depending on the pen temperature you should be expecting your baby snails by then if not they cannot hatch again.

In snail rearing business also known as snail farming business, there are different types of eggs laid by snails (snail eggs). AF snails lay about 100 to 200 eggs in one lay. AM snails lay about 4 to 20 big yellowish lemon green eggs in one batch AA snails lay about 100 to 200 small eggs in one batch.

Meanwhile before we go into details of how to hatch snail eggs successfully, let’s first understand what snail farming business is all about and the benefits associated with snail farming business.

Snail farming business also known as “Heliculture, Heliciculture or snail rearing” is the process of raising snails for subsistence or commercial purposes. Snails are Hermaphrodites meaning that a particular snail can act as a male as well as also act as a female.

Snail farming or snail rearing can either be reared as subsistence snail farming level or for commercial snail farming business level where you raise snails in large quantity and sell them to others for consumption or other purposes.

Meanwhile, Snail farming for beginners is very easy as snail farming does not require much knowledge to understand. As a beginner in snail farming business, all you need to do is carry an expert along on undergo a training in an already well established snail farm to acquire more practical knowledge about snail farming to guide and assist you establish and run a successful snail farm.

Recommended Snail Food and Snails Feeding Methods

How Feeding Snails Affects their Eggs Hatching Rate

What Snails Eat

Snails are vegetarian and will accept many types of food. All snails will avoid plants that have hairy leaves or produce toxic chemicals, like physic nut (Jathropa curcas). Young snails prefer tender leaves and shoots; they consume about twice as much feed as mature snails.

As they get older, mature snails increasingly feed on detritus: fallen leaves, rotten fruit and humus. Older snails should be fed the same items as immature snails. If a change in the diet has to be made, the new food items should be introduced gradually.

What Snails Need

Snails need carbohydrates for energy, and protein for growth. In addition they require calcium (Ca) for their shells, as well as other minerals and vitamins. Snail meat is low in crude fibre and fat; for that reason, these components are of minor importance in snail feed.

Read Also: Methods of Disease Prevention in Snail Farming

Recommended food items

Some of the recommended feed items for your snails include the following:

Leaves like: cocoyam, kola, paw paw, cassava, okra, eggplant, loofa, centrosema, cabbage and lettuce. Paw paw leaves (as well as its fruit and fruit peels) stand out in many trials as good snail food.

Fruits like: paw paw, mango, banana, eggplant, pear, oil palm, fig, tomato and cucumber. Fruits are usually rich in minerals and vitamins, but low in protein.

Tubers like: cocoyam, cassava, yam, sweet potato and plantain. Tubers are a good source of carbohydrates, though low in protein. (Cassava should be the low-cyanide type).

Flowers like: oprono (Mansonia altissima), odwuma (Musanga cecropoides) and paw paw.

Household waste: peels of fruit and tuber, like banana, plantain, pineapple, yam.

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Benadine Nonye is an agricultural consultant and a writer with over 12 years of professional experience in the agriculture industry. - National Diploma in Agricultural Technology - Bachelor's Degree in Agricultural Science - Master's Degree in Science Education - PhD Student in Agricultural Economics and Environmental Policy... Visit My Websites On: 1. Agric4Profits.com - Your Comprehensive Practical Agricultural Knowledge and Farmer’s Guide Website! 2. WealthinWastes.com - For Effective Environmental Management through Proper Waste Management and Recycling Practices! Join Me On: Twitter: @benadinenonye - Instagram: benadinenonye - LinkedIn: benadinenonye - YouTube: Agric4Profits TV and WealthInWastes TV - Pinterest: BenadineNonye4u - Facebook: BenadineNonye

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