Bugs belong to an order of insects called Hemiptera. There are a few characteristics that distinguish bugs from other insects: Most bugs have a straw-shaped mouth, or stylet, that they use to either sap juice from plants or blood from animals.
Bugs also tend to have long, segmented antennae and wings that are tough and dark where they meet the body and are thin and translucent at the ends.
True bugs include bed bugs, fleas, ticks, roaches, ants, millipedes, silverfish, carpet beetles, spiders, gnats, flies, beetles, stink bugs.
Now let us explain how these bugs affects us in different ways in details:
(1) Bed bugs
Bedbugs are small, wingless insects that feed exclusively on the blood of warm-blooded animals. Humans are the preferred hosts for the two main species.

There are two species of bedbugs that are known to feed on human blood. They are known scientifically as Cimex lectularius and Cimex hemipterus.
They are called bedbugs because of their preferred habitat in human homes: Sofas, bed mattresses, clothing, and other soft furnishings. They also prefer the dark.
Bedbugs are seen as a growing problem within all types of dwellings, including private homes, dormitories, cruise ships, army barracks, and shelters.
When seen close up, their color may range from a white, light tan to a deep brown or burnt orange color. When they have fed, a dark red or black blob may be observed within their body. They seek shelter in dark cracks and crevices when disturbed.
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(2) Fleas
Fleas are small, flightless parasites that feed on the blood of various warm-blooded animals, depending on the species, and can transmit diseases to their host. Although most people think of fleas as a problem only the family pet has to deal with, they can also bite humans and are the most common transmitter of the rare bubonic plague.

While pet owners are primarily at risk for flea infestations, these biting pests can also be brought onto a property via wild animals like raccoons or skunks and then make their way into a home.
The most common species is the cat flea, which often feasts on cats, dogs and humans. If you suspect you may have an infestation, we highly recommend hiring a professional for flea extermination.
Fleas are common external parasites of both dogs and cats. The adults are ravenous blood-feeders, consuming up to 15 times their body weight in blood per day. Pets initially become infested when adult fleas occurring indoors or outdoors jump on the animal.
With the ability to jump vertically up to about 6 inches, the adults can easily hitch a ride onto a passing dog or cat, or even the shoes and pant legs of a human. Pets acquire fleas from kennels, groomers, etc., or from stray dogs, cats or wildlife (especially opossums and raccoons) wandering through the yard. Contrary to popular belief, fleas seldom jump directly from one pet to another.
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(3) Ticks
Ticks are external parasites, living by feeding on the blood of mammals, birds, and sometimes reptiles and amphibians.Ticks are scientifically classified as Arachnida (a classification that includes spiders). The fossil record suggests ticks have been around at least 90 million years.

Ticks require blood meals to complete their complex life cycles. Ticks have a complex life cycle that includes eggs, larvae, nymphs, and adult male and female ticks. The larvae, nymphs (also termed seed ticks), and adults all need blood meals.
Usually, the female adult (hard tick) is the one causing the most bites as males usually die after mating. Ticks do not jump, fly, or drop. They simply reach out with their legs and grab or crawl onto a host.
Although some larvae have preferred hosts, most ticks in the nymph or adult phase will attach a get a blood meal from several different kinds of animals, including humans. Except for a few species of larval ticks, the immature phases (larvae, nymphs) usually are even less selective about where they get a blood meal and are known to bite snakes, amphibians, birds, and mammals.
Ticks are transmitters (vectors) of diseases for humans and animals. Ticks can transmit disease to many hosts; some cause economic harm such as Texas fever (bovine babesiosis) in cattle that can kill up to 90% of yearling cows. Ticks act as vectors when microbes in their saliva and mouth secretions get into the host’s skin and blood.
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(4) Flies
Fly, (order Diptera), any of a large number of insects characterized by the use of only one pair of wings for flight and the reduction of the second pair of wings to knobs (called halteres) used for balance. The term fly is commonly used for almost any small flying insect.

However, in entomology the name refers specifically to the approximately 125,000 species of dipterans, or “true” flies, which are distributed throughout the world, including the subarctic and high mountains.
Most homes and businesses eventually experience problems with indoor flies which is often annoying as their disturbance often gets us all pissed.
Flies have a mobile head, with a pair of large compound eyes, and mouthparts designed for piercing and sucking (mosquitoes, black flies and robber flies), or for lapping and sucking in the other groups. Their wing arrangement gives them great maneuverability in flight, and claws and pads on their feet enable them to cling to smooth surfaces.
Flies undergo complete metamorphosis; the eggs are laid on the larval food-source and the larvae, which lack true limbs, develop in a protected environment, often inside their food source. The pupa is a tough capsule from which the adult emerges when ready to do so; flies mostly have short lives as adults.
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(5) Beetles
Beetles belongs to Order Coleoptera which is the largest order in the class Insecta with over 250,000 described species. Obviously, with this many species, there is a wide range of diversity in this order with respect to size, morphological characters, biology, and behavior. However, the order is typically characterized by a pair of elytra (hardened front wings) and a pair of membranous hind wings.

They have chewing mouthparts that may be slightly modified for various functions and undergo complete metamorphosis. Beetles occur in nearly every type of habitat, from the desert to aquatic systems, and feed on various plant and animal materials.
Beetles attract attention for many different reasons, including their economic importance, size, abundance, appearance, and remarkable habits.
Several groups of beetles (e.g., Lampyridae) are among the few terrestrial animals capable of producing light; members of several other families (e.g., Cerambycidae) can produce sound (stridulate). Most large beetles make a loud noise during flight, and many species, both large and small, are attracted to light at night.
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Meanwhile there are also other bugs like roaches, ants, millipedes, silverfish, carpet beetles, spiders, gnats, stink bugs etc. which infests both crops and animals including man.
Luckily there are guaranteed ways to prevent and control bugs infestation. Kindly visit our ”Agric4profits.com Market Place” now to search for naturally formulated bug killer to kill and prevent the infestation from different types of bugs.
The naturally formulated bug killer eliminates bed bugs, fleas, ticks, roaches, ants, millipedes, silverfish, carpet beetles, spiders, gnats, flies, beetles, stink bugs and prevents future infestations for up to 30 days.
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