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Introduction to Bio-Fertilizers Uses and Importance

Bio-fertilizer is a Natural organic fertilizer known that helps to provide all the nutrients required by the plants and helps to increase the quality of the soil with a natural microorganism environment.

Our fertilizers are 100% natural organic material from the nutrient-rich lands of Costa Rica, that could be easily applied with water over your plantations on any stage, or use it as a base for creating a potent and concentrated natural organic liquid fertilizers that could be used in many different growing mediums with excellent production results for organic farming, industrial and home applications such as gardening.

Bio-Fertilizers are the most advanced bio technology necessary to support developing organic agriculture, sustainable agriculture, green agriculture and non- pollution agriculture. This Bio-organic Fertilizer can increase the output, improve the quality and it is responsible for agriculture environment. Today, It has been widely used with excellent results in all kinds of plants and several countries.

It is well known that the continue use and overuse of petrochemical based fertilizers and toxic pesticides have caused a detrimental effect to our soils, water supplies, foods, animals and even people.

The Biological Grower is more sensible with sustainable approach and employs the resources of both science and nature to allow better results in his production.

For centuries, peat moss has been recognized soil bacteria, fungi, earthworms, and other bio-organisms to enrich the soil to produce safe, nutritious and abundant crops.An excellent fertilizer sources. We have developed all natural organic fertilizers made with pure peat moss.

Biofertilizer Contains a wide range of naturally chelated plant nutrients and trace elements, carbohydrates, amino acids and other growth promoting substances.

Kelp acts as a soil conditioner by stimulating microbial activity in the soil which results in improved air-water relationships in soil, improved fertility and makesoil less prone to compaction and erosion.

Organic Growers who use kelp in their regular fertility program report increases in yield, quality, shelf-life and resistance to environmental stresses such as drought, extreme heat, early frost, pest and disease problems.

This blend makes an excellent foliar fertilizer. Besides being a nutritionally complete fertilizer (containing even calcium), the nutrients are readily absorbed by the leaf.

This is because the nitrogen in fish is in the form of amino acids which plants take in and use directly– unlike inorganic fertilizers in which the nitrogen needs to be converted into a usable form first.

Additionally, because the micro- nutrients in the fish and in the kelp are in a naturally chelated form they are quickly and readily absorbed into the leaf surface.

Foliar applications on a regular basis can increase the health, vigour and yield of plants due to this easily absorbed additional nutrition.

Organic fertilizers differ from chemicals fertilizers in that they feed your plants while adding organic material to the soil.

Soils with lots of organic matter remain loose and airy, hold more moisture and nutrients, foster growth of soil organisms, and promote healthier plant root development.


If only chemicals are added the soil gradually loses its organic matter and microbiotic activity. As organic matter is used up, the soil structure deteriorates, becoming compact, lifeless and less able to hold water and nutrients.

This results in increased amounts of chemical fertilizers needed to feed plants. We also like organic fertilizers because they’re made from renewable resources; chemicals are not.

Read Also : Nitrogen Fixation and Role of Nitrogen in the Biosphere

The Bio Fertilizer, is a premium natural fertilizer composed just with certified organic ingredients special for nutrient-poor Western soils.

This organic fertilizers is unequaled in its ability to nourish the beneficial micro-organisms in the soil greatly increasing the soil’s humus content and improving its ability to sustain and nurture healthy, more colorful plants.

Use by the handful when planting individual plants, broadcast and mix it deeply into the soil when planting flower beds or spread it around established plants and scratch it into the soil. It is also excellent for use in vegetable gardens, container plantings and as a compost-pile activator.

The Peat moss is a plant that could lives well in an environment poor in oxygen but when dies, it’s decomposition could takes thousands of years, That property, give them special properties to the cells, making them much bigger and it that helps to KEEPS the water and nutrients that could be applied later to the plants.

Bio-Fertilizer: The Best Economic Value: Proven, top-quality product. Stick with biofertilizer the one that always has and always will give you top quality and the best value immediately for your investment and much more profits at long term.

Research winner: Growing trials conducted by an independent research center at a professional greenhouse compared various soils amended with peat, coir, compost and blends.

In conclusion, sphagnum peat can be considered the best overall performer as a soil amendment and substrate: it is homogenous, easy to handle and has shown the best growth results; all of this at a highly competitive price.

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