The induction of parturition can be broadly divided into therapeutic and managemental. Of the later, the most common are induction of abortion in early gestation (usually to terminate unwanted pregnancies) and induction of parturition close to full – term (as a means of preventing excessive foetal growth associated with gestations prolonged beyond 282 days in the cow.
It has been suggested that this could also be used as a management tool to synchromise parturition. However, in a number of cases where parturition is induced, there is the risk of retention of the placenta (after birth) which may lead to infection of the uterus, possible future reproductive failure and loss of milk production.
Induction of parturition should therefore be avoided unless the welfare of the cow or calf is likely to be improved.
Animals should not be mated too young or mated by an inappropriate sire.
The induction of parturition should never be used as a routine procedure. Correct nutrition and sire selection should be the first option and will minimize the need for this technique. However, as a last resort, it may be considered as a way of preventing cows from having to deliver grossly oversized calves.
Induction of parturition should not be used as a management tool if this involves induction well before full-term and production of premature, unviable calves.
Induction of Parturition Indications
Managemental causes as you desire that animal should participate in competition. Consider the husbandry facilities, availability of labor, and man power. So we induce parturition to make the use of maximum facilities.
Health conditions – health of dam is deteriorating day by day so induce the parturition. Induce parturition two weeks before normal due date; otherwise less survivability of fetus.
To avoid dystocia because during last two weeks growth of fetus is enhanced and daily weight gain of fetus is increased.
To avoid udder injuries or excessive udder edema as development of udder near the parturition is fast.
Truncate the calving season (Cut – short). There by allowing more time post-partum to resume cyclicity before the next breeding season.
Some Important criteria for successful induction of parturition include:
The method must be effective.
Must have a predictable time (less variation).
Treatment should not have any adverse effect on dam and on health of the calve.
Method should not affect the quality nor the quantity of colostrum because immunoglobulins are transferred quickly from blood to milk in udder during last two weeks. Colostrum is only the source of immunity for the calf.
Post-partum involution and subsequent fertility is not affected.
It should not increase the incidence of retained placenta.
Accurate and reliable breeding record should be known. Exact date of breeding should be known.
Must consider the facilities, manpower, husbandry and life span etc.
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Hormonal treatment;
Combination of these.
Use of Long Acting corticosteroids.
These are given intramuscularly one month before the due date of parturition and parturition occurs between 4 -26 days. Not good method; wider range of time is the disadvantage. Here the incidence of RFM (Retained fetal membrane) is less.
High incidence of calf mortality 45 – 70% due to premature placenta separation and uterine inertia.Calf died in uterus and born autolysed. Calf lacks the immunoglobulins. Calf is weak and cannot ingest adequate amount of colostrum.
Short Acting Corticosteroids:
Efficacy is 80 – 100%. Give intramuscularly two weeks before due date, parturition may occur within 24 -72 hours with an average of 48 hours. Amount of IGs (immunoglobulins) is normal in colostrum. It increases the incidence of retained placenta which is related to degree of prematurity. Incidence range is 30 – 100%.
Use of Prostaglandins:
Use of prostaglandins is similar to corticosteroids short acting. Its efficacy is similar to short acting corticosteroids. So no advantage over corticosteroids.
Use of Estrogens:
Use of estrogen is considered as old method (before the availability of PGF2x). Disadvantage is poor efficacy and high incidence of retention of fetal membrane combination of short Acting Corticosteroids + Estrogen:
It does not decrease the incidence of retained placenta. However, larger doses of estrogen decrease the interval of parturition by several hours. Chances of failure are lower.
Long Acting + short Acting/PGF2x:
After administration of 7 – 12 days of long acting, the short acting PGF2x is given then at 2 – 3 days before parturition occurs. Interval is short and predictable; however, incidence of calf mortality is high. Corticosteroids and PGF2x does not decrease percentage of retained but chances of failure are decreased.
In summary, the induction of parturition can be broadly divided into theurapeutic and managemental. Induction of parturition should be the last option, only when other management steps like nutrition, correct size combinations (sire and dam), have failed.
Indications for induction of parturition and the availability of both facilities and personnel must be clearly certain before embarking on this procedure.
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