Ogbono (African Bush Mango): Facts, Health Benefits and Uses
Ogbono which is popularly known as “Bush Mango”, in Nigeria, Africa. It is also called scientifically Irvingia gabonensis. However, this tree originates from Africa.
This tree has many other names apart from “Bush mango” it is also called wild mango, bread tree, Dika nut, Apon, Goron. But it is also grown in Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Togo, and Benin, but it is more common in Nigeria.
Ogbono is a very tasty and edible sweet fruit packed with nutrient content, it is also used in cooking the popular ogbono soup.
According to recent studies, researchers discovered that the ogbono seed can be used to treat weight loss, insulin resistance, and high cholesterol.
However, in this article, we’ll be highlighting a few health benefits of this tree.
As mentioned earlier, the Bush mango (ogbono) is packed with nutrient content, it is also used in cooking.
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The seeds of this edible tree are rich sources of fats, protein, carbs, iron, calcium, and antioxidants.
You should also know that a 100gram of ogbono seeds will provide you with about 590-595 calories and also important minerals and vitamins, as shown below.
- 56grams of fat
- 17grams of carbohydrate
- 10grams of protein\
- 6grams of water
- 2grams of dietary fiber
- 77milligrams of calcium
- 2milligram iron
- 60milligram of potassium
It also contains a rare mineral, “Dika fat”, it is a good source of myristic, lauric, palmitic, and oleic fatty acids.
Unlike some other varieties like Irvingia wombulu which produces bitter fruits, the fruits of Irvingia gabonensis are fleshy and edible.
The pulp is rich in vitamin C and yields about 70% juice. Unlike other types of “Irvingia “, like Irvingia wombulu, which produces bitter fruits, the fruits of Irvingia gabonensis are sweet, fleshy, and edible.
The pulp is rich in vitamin C and also yields about 70.0% juice.
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Interesting Benefits of Ogbono (Irvingia gabonensis)
Here are some of the interesting benefits of ogbono (irvingia gabonensis);
(1) Antioxidant
We do know that our body needs nutrients and minerals possessing antioxidants to fight against diseases and make our immune system active.
However, due to the presence of such vitamins possessing this antioxidant property, it makes the ogbono an antioxidant that helps the body fight against free radicals that cause cell damage and diseases like diabetes, cancer, and heart disease.
(2) Good for Diabetic Patients
Recent studies have revealed that the Irvingia gabonensis(Ogbono) is made of water-soluble dietary fibers.
These fibers act as bulk-forming laxatives and delay stomach emptying – leading to a more gradual absorption of dietary sugar, which helps to reduce a spike in blood sugar after meals.
You should also know that feeding a diabetic patient 4grams of ground ogbono seeds for one month reduced blood sugar and bad cholesterol levels in the blood(high blood sugar is a symptom of diabetes.
(3) Increases Good Cholesterol Level
You should also know that a high intake of foods with high cholesterol can increase the risk of a stroke or heart attack.
It is recommended that you use Ogbono in your food, as it tends to reduce bad cholesterol levels and increase good cholesterol levels in people who are overweight.
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(4) Weight loss
Nowadays, the nutrients of ogbono are packaged and sold as a weight-loss supplement in many stores. It is also known as the “obesity killer”.
A study carried out on 102 overweight patients who were administered 150 mg of Irvingia gabonensis extract twice a day, found a reduction in weight and metabolic parameters (plasma total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, blood glucose) associated with insulin resistance.
After these studies were carried out, it was suggested that ogbono seeds are a useful weight-loss tool. However, more in-depth studies in humans are required.
(5) Fights Infections
According to our research, it is claimed that the stem bark, root, leaf of the African Bush Mango(Ogbono) may have activity against several microbial and fungal infections.
(6) Gastrointestinal Activity
The extracts of the Bush mango(Ogbono) possess anti-ulcer and anti-diarrhea activity, it also reduces the acids excreted by the stomach in our body, also increases the mucus secretion to coat the lining of the stomach.
The extract of Ogbono has so many uses. Other Uses of Ogbono (African Bush mango)The barks, leaves, and seeds of Ogbono are versatile. Below are some different uses of the plant.
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Other Uses of Ogbono Tree
(1) Seed
One major use of Ogbono is for making delicious local soup.
(a) Ogbono soup
In parts of Nigeria, grounded seeds of ogbono are used to prepare a local delicacy called “ogbono soup”.
Ogbono soup is prepared with fish, beef, okra, pumpkin leaves, crayfish, and seasonings.
The ogbono seed also serves as a soup thickener. The soup is low in calories and is often eaten with yam pudding, fufu, e.t.c.
(b) Oil
The oil extracted from the seed can be used in cooking.
It has an edible brown-colored oil solid at room temperatures and can be used as a substitute for cocoa butter in cream and soap making.
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(2) Fruit
The African Bush mango fruit, is an edible yellowish drupe, with a juicy pulp when ripe.
It has a nut inside that encases the kernel of the ogbono seed. The pulp of this fruit can be prepared and used to dye clothes.
It also serves as a great source of sweet wine.
(3) Leaves
Mostly, Igbos use the leave of this tree to prepare a concoction that is used in treating fevers.
The leaves are also chewed to treat diarrhea and stomach upset.
(4) Bark
The bark of the Ogbono tree is used as an analgesic to relieve pains.
It is crushed and applied to sores and wounds.
It is also used to relieve toothache.
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Facts About Ogbono Seeds
Ogbono also called Irvingia gabonensis scientifically, and known locally as “Bush mango”, is a very versatile plant packed with lots of vitamins and minerals.
The parts of these plants; Leave, root, seeds bark are rich in protein, carbs, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fats.
It is an excellent obesity killer, also effective against high cholesterol and diabetes. Also, it is a good source of sweet-tasting wine, cooking oil and also can be used as a soup thickener.
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