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Oriental Shorthair Cat Breed Description and Complete Care Guide

The Oriental Shorthair (Felis catus) cat breed is descended from and closely related to Siamese cats. Despite coming in a variety of coat colors and patterns, it still has the contemporary Siamese body and head type.

Siamese-like almond-shaped eyes, a triangular head shape, huge ears, and an extended, slender, and muscular torso also distinguish Orientals from them.

Additionally, they have quite similar personalities. Asians are intelligent, social, and many are quite talkative. They frequently continue to be playful into adulthood, and many of them like to play fetch. They look to be thin, but they are athletic and can leap to great heights.

They seek out human contact and prefer to live in pairs or groups. Orientals typically have green eyes instead of the breed’s ancestral blue eyes. The only way the Oriental Longhair is different is in the length of its coat.

The breed originated in Thailand, but it was officially developed in the US by a group of cat breeders in the New York area, led by Vicky and Peter Markstein (PetMark cattery), who were intrigued by lynx-patterned and solid-colored cats with Siamese body types at Patricia White’s and Angela Sayers’ Solitaire Cattery in 1971-72.

These were developed from Siamese-like solid-colored cats that Baroness von Ullmann had reared in the 1950s. Peter Markstein introduced the breed to the 1976 Annual Cat Fanciers Association at the same time that Joe Bittaker introduced the Havana Brown. In 1973, “Oriental Shorthairs International” was established.

The Cat Fanciers’ Association approved the Oriental Shorthair for championship competition in 1977. Additionally, it has been acknowledged by the GCCF and numerous other cat-breeding organizations since 1997. Among CFA members, this breed is among the most popular.

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The Oriental cat is a cat of extremes. The head is formed like a long triangle. The tall ears are intended to carry on this triangle. The nose is long and straight. The legs are lengthy and lean. The lengthy tail tips off.

The almond-shaped eyes are often a bright green hue. White Orientals frequently have eyes that are blue, green, or have odd shapes. The pointed Oriental has blue eyes.

The Oriental shorthair coat is short, glossy, and close to the body. The longhaired variety has a medium-length coat rather than a long, flowing one.

Not only is the Oriental cat stunning, but it is also quite intelligent. She’s trainable to follow a lead when walking. She can’t necessarily be trained to do everything you ask of her, though, so take it with a grain of salt. Like the majority of other extremely intellectual breeds, the Oriental has her own preferences.

The devoted Oriental cat needs a parent who will devote as much time to caring for her as she does for her. The Asian child must receive love from the parent, and she must play with her for a while.

Oriental cats are excellent jumpers and enjoy heights. Perches and cat trees ought to be available as a result. Oriental cats enjoy playing with toys that are placed throughout the house for their amusement. Although the coat requires little maintenance, Oriental Shorthairs like grooming because they equate stroking with affection.

The Oriental cat can be a great lap cat despite its gorgeous appearance. She is quite loving and will lie in bed with her mom.

Your Oriental cat can lead a healthy, long life with the right nutrition, care, and exercise. Their normal life span is between 10 and 15 years.

Your cat depends on you to provide the highest caliber care for them, and if you do, they may repay you with many years of friendship.

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The Oriental Shorthair cat is a fast learner. They’ll ask you to play games with them, teach them how to fetch, chase a mouse on a string, or even teach them how to do simple feats like sit and spin.

They can easily adjust to being on a leash if taught from an early age, enabling them to safely explore the outdoors. Because these cats are inquisitive, they might get into stuff (or trouble) if they get bored.

Your Oriental Shorthair deserves the greatest possible life, so make sure they have lots of toys to keep them occupied. They are graceful climbers and jumpers, making your refrigerator and the tops of your cabinets quite alluring places to perch. (Therefore, you ought to encourage them to utilize cat trees.)

Oriental shorthair cats don’t just walk into a room; they make it their own. These magnificent cats only appear to be distant, with their huge ears, angular looks, and long, lean bodies. The opposite of their warm, kind attitude.

Both houses and apartments are suitable for Oriental shorthair cats to live in. Oriental shorthair cats have primarily social requirements and high levels of activity; they are always looking for friends and enjoy playing and exploring.

Gonzalez mostly cites the following reasons for having your cat a friend: “Get more than one if possible! They detest being by themselves and are very willing to squander any free time on their whims and demands. They require fun and continual stimulation.”

Due to their simpler coats, Oriental shorthair cats may be more popular than their longhaired cousins. Regular brushing will highlight that beautiful coat and lessen seasonal shedding. The best in a cat’s coat can also be seen after an occasional bath or wipe down.

Like all Siamese cats, conforming Oriental Shorthair cats have almond-shaped eyes and wedge-shaped heads with big ears. Typically, they have muscular, “sleek” physiques.

The Oriental Longhair, a long-haired variation of the breed that CFA has recognized since 1995, merely possesses a pair of recessive long-hair genes.

The high levels of movement in Oriental Shorthair cats make them excellent conversationalists. Breeders and veterinarians regard adult Oriental Shorthair cats to be lively, inquisitive, and interested in their environment.

Due to their Siamese ancestry, Oriental Shorthair cats are more susceptible to neoplastic and gastrointestinal illnesses, crossed eyes, lung infections, feline OCD, vestibular disease, feline hyperesthesia syndrome, and diabetic Mellitus, among other health issues.

It has also been observed that cat breeds descended from the siamese have greater mortality rates than other cat breeds. Oriental Shorthairs, on the other hand, are renowned for having longer lives often 15 years or more.

Female oriental shorthair cats weigh less than 8 lbs (3.63 kg), whereas males weigh between 8 and 12 pounds (3.63 kg to 5.4 kg).

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Oriental Shorthair Cat Grooming Guide

Oriental Shorthair Cat Breed Description and Complete Care Guide

Oriental cats make wonderful companions because of their chatty and gregarious personalities. They do require a little careful attention and care to keep themselves healthy and fit. Because they don’t have thick or lengthy hair, they require less grooming.

However, you’ll ultimately need to provide your Oriental cat with a variety of care. Brushing, ensuring a healthy diet, and eliminating any potential problems are all ways to take good care of your Oriental cat.

1. Cat brushing: Even though the majority of Orientals have short hair, they constantly shed. You will therefore need to comb them frequently. You can give your cat a healthy coat and eliminate loose hair and grime by brushing them.

2. File their nails: You should cut your Oriental cat’s nails frequently, just like other cats. This is particularly true for Oriental cats, the majority of which are indoor-only pets without access to outside scratching posts. They have their nails trimmed every 10 to 2 weeks. Avoid cutting your cat’s quick, which is the fleshy top of their nails.

3. They ought to brush: You should regularly brush your cat’s teeth, according to the majority of veterinarians nowadays. Oriental cats are particularly prone to periodontal disease, which can affect cats who don’t get their teeth brushed frequently.

4. Keep your Oriental from eating too much: Orientals tend to gain weight quickly due to their metabolism and physical makeup. In order to avoid giving them too much food at once, you must be careful.

5. Keep up routine visits to the vet.: Many of the illnesses that Siamese cats suffer from are also common among oriental people. Consequently, you should educate yourself on the various ailments your cat may experience and make sure to schedule routine checkups with the vet.

6. Keep your cat inside: Oriental cats are usually bred to be indoor cats. As a result, you should keep them inside to shield them from a range of threats.

7. Vaccinate your pet: Major feline illnesses like feline leukemia won’t infect your cat thanks to vaccinations. At the age of six weeks, cats often receive their first vaccination. They require vaccinations every three to four weeks after that. The final booster shouldn’t be given until 16 weeks of age. You might start by taking your cat to the vet if it has never had vaccines.

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Oriental Shorthair price: An Oriental Shorthair cat typically costs between $600 and $3,000. The price will vary depending on the cat’s age and quality.

The cost of a kitten will typically be more than an adult. Retired breeding cats or display cats may be available for purchase from some breeders at a discount. The most costly Oriental Shorthairs to buy are those that show quality.

Oriental shorthair kittens have distinct personalities and features. They may, however, look similar to Siamese cats and some mixed-breed cats.

Fortunately, there are enough qualities and characteristics that are specific to the breed that it should be easy for you to spot an Oriental kitten.

You can recognize an oriental kitten more easily by looking at the cat’s build, paying attention to its behavior, and sometimes seeking professional assistance.

The best people to ask for advice when trying to identify an Oriental kitten are probably breeders of Siamese or Oriental cats. They will be able to consider crucial elements such as the kitten’s physique, color, and temperament.

As you might have guessed, these kittens are extremely gregarious creatures. Oriental shorthair kittens are intelligent and loving creatures who adore spending time with their relatives and other animals, especially felines. They frequently serve as your second shadow and are complete “Velcro kitties.”

The typical size of an Oriental Shorthair kitten is medium. A fully developed Oriental Shorthair cat can weigh anything from 6 to 12 pounds and stand anywhere between 8 and 10 inches tall.

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