The answer to this question is more of your interest rather than what each entails whether to raise fish fingerlings or raise fishes till they get to adult edible size before selling them. Sincerely speaking both has its advantage and disadvantages and both could be very lucrative if properly harnessed.
However, I will like to say that the risk involved in fish fingerling and juvenile production is minimal because the time lag between production and sale is short. Also, fish fingerling and juveniles production could bring money at short intervals if there are enough market outlets.
Nevertheless, handling of fish fingerling and juveniles production needs more attention and expertise more than raising them to table size. This is why you will need to be trained before going into this production and you must have enough time to give them adequate attention.
We can think of fish production as a three-stage system: 1. fry rearing, 2. production of fish fingerlings and 3. on-growing.
Whereas fry are raised in small and shallow ponds, fingerlings need larger-sized (0.08-0.20 ha) and slightly deeper (1.5-2.0 m) ponds. If the ponds are seasonal, only one crop of fingerlings will be possible, whereas at least four crops can be produced in perennial ponds.
Read Also: How to Control Feeding Struggle among Fishes in the same Pond
Facts About Fish Fingerlings:
1. Fingerlings of about 100 mm are good for stocking in medium-sized ponds where predators have been eliminated.
2. Advanced fingerlings of about 150 mm are best for stocking in seasonal ponds (because they grow fast and can be marketed in 6-8 months).
3. Advanced fingerlings of about 150 mm are also good for large ponds and tanks and Medium Irrigation Projects (MIPs) where competitors and predators are present in good numbers (because they can better escape predation).
How to Reduce Fish Fingerlings Mortality
1. Do not over stock fish fingerlings in a pond
When fingerlings are overstocked in a pond, mortalities tend to be higher. It is more difficult to manage them when they are overstocked since large quantity of feed would need to be given to the fish and their subsequent waste released into the pond would quickly degrade the water quality which could lead to mortalities.
Also, there would always be uneven growth as the stronger fish tend to feed better and grow faster leading to them preying on the smaller ones.
2. Sort Frequently and remove the larger size fish
Catfish are carnivorous. The larger sized fish usually prey on the smaller ones swallowing them whole. When stocking fingerlings, always try to sort them frequently (weekly), removing the quicker growing fish (shooters) and always try to put the same size of fish together.
3. Stock grow-out ponds at the right size
For both surface tanks and earthen ponds stocking them at the right size in the grow-out ponds determines the survival rates. Its usually best to always stock fingerlings and manage them in smaller tanks before transferring them to grow-out ponds.
Given below is a table showing the expected survival rates for fingerlings stocked at different sizes and the expected survival rates:
Size at Stocking (g) | Survival Rate (%) | |
0.3 – 1.5 | 6 – 20 | |
1.5 – 3 | 19 – 30 | |
3 – 5 | 30 – 50 | |
5 – 10 | 40 – 60 | |
10 – 50 | 60 – 90 | |
50 – 100 | 80 – 100 | |
above 100 | 90 – 100 |
Please do not hesitate to input any other factors that could help reduce fingerling mortalities.
How To Increase Your Profits From Catfish Farming Business
Over the last couple of decades, the demand for seafood has increased around the world and it’s still increasing. This is due to rapid urbanization around the globe. As people’s living standards improve, they tend to buy more seafood and meat for their diet.
Many experts believe that the demand for seafood will put further strain on an already overfished natural and wild fish supply around the world.
Aquaculture can be a profitable method to produce more seafood and meet this increasing demand. It would also help the natural fish stocks to recover and regenerate.
African catfish (Clarias Gariepinus) farming could be a profitable business and could be an important source of protein in diet. Catfish is a warm water fish and can be grown in natural ponds, fish tanks, raceways aquaculture, and in backyard ponds for profit.
They reach a marketable size of 2.5 to5 pounds within a very short period of time. They can reach 1-2 pounds after 18 to 36 months of hatching. Now, let’s look at some of the most efficient ways you could raise catfish in your pond or channels or cages for maximizing your profit.
Read Also: Factors that Hinders your Fishes from Growing Fast
Producing Marketable Sized Catfish Fast
There are several factors that affect the growth of your catfish. Growth of your fish and profit will depend on how efficiently you manage your farm, the water quality, disease control, managing your costs, and the number of fish you produce for your inputs or per acre of your land.
Your profits from a catfish farm will depend largely on how fast you grow them to marketable size. The faster they grow, the sooner you can harvest them for profit.
Here is a list of factors affecting your fish farm production:
1. Temperature
Catfish grow best in warm water between 83-86o F. You can begin spawning of your fish in the spring when the water temperature rises above 70 o F. You may collect juvenile fish from a nearby hatchery.
2. Flowing water
Catfish grow more rapidly with flowing water or raceway aquaculture. However, they can also thrive in fish tanks and reservoirs. They do not grow well in small ponds because of the predators, especially if bass and bluegill are present which feed on young catfish. Catfish tend to grow faster in rivers where cage based aquaculture culture is possible.
3. Pond balance
Maintaining a balance in your pond is important because if you have fish growing in higher density, it could give rise to toxic water and pollution.
Your fish will get sick and grow less. Two years following the stocking, your fish will reach its limit and harvest sized fish have to be taken out. Remove all undesirable fish and materials from your pond.
4. Fish feed
In a well-balanced pond, the natural ecosystem of the pond can feed your fish after you have set up your pond and added nutrients to the soil. In a fertile land, plants and insects will provide food for your fish. For rapid growth, use a nutritionally balanced catfish feed.
Your catfish fingerlings will grow faster if you feed them regularly in the beginning of production season, they will grow the right size for harvesting by autumn. However, feeding too much will result in poor water quality and it will also increase your feeding costs.
5. Water quality and fish health
Water quality plays an important role in raising healthy fish. A circulating water system will keep your water clean but also check for the right pH balance. Your water should have a pH between 6.5-9.0. If the pH is too low, add limestone to your pond. Also check for dissolved impurities and oxygen level of your water. Both physical and chemical factors play important role in rising catfish faster.
The ideal density for intensive farming could be between 1,500 to 5,000 lb/acre, with four feed pond depth. For small scale farms 1,000-1,500 lb/acre is ideal. For faster growth, you will need to supply aerostation and regular supply of food.
Check for water contamination by using water tests and soil tests. Also look for sick fish in your pond. There are several signs for checking illnesses in fish. You may consult your local authorities and agricultural centers if you have any concerns about your fish health.
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