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Do’s and Don’ts of Poultry Farming

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      Starting a Poultry farm business is lucrative in Nigeria, but it is also important to know the Do’s And Don’t’s of Poultry farming.

      What Is a Poultry?

      Poultry, botanically known as Gallus gallus Domesticus refers to domesticated birds that are raised, nurtured, and put up for sale for money. The most common types of poultry are chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, and quails.

      Poultry is an important source of food for people all over the world, and it is often considered a staple in many diets.

      Poultry farming is a major industry, with many farmers specializing in the production of specific types of poultry, such as broiler chickens for meat or laying hens for eggs.

      Types Of Poultry Farming

      Here are some examples of Poultry Farming :

      1. Broiler farming: This involves raising chickens specifically for meat production. The birds are typically kept in large sheds and are fed a high-protein diet to promote rapid growth.
      2. Layer farming: This involves raising chickens specifically for egg production. The birds are typically kept in smaller cages or on the floor of a barn and are fed a diet that is high in calcium to promote egg production.
      3. Free-range farming: This involves allowing chickens to roam freely outside, where they can forage for food and engage in natural behaviors. Free-range chickens may be raised for meat or egg production.
      4. Organic farming: This involves raising chickens without the use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, or other chemicals. Organic chickens may be raised for meat or egg production.
      5. Backyard farming: This involves raising a small number of chickens in a backyard or other small space for personal use. Backyard chickens may be kept for egg production, meat, or as pets.

      DO’s And Don’t’s Of Poultry Farming

      Poultry farming is a lucrative business in Nigeria and here are some of the things to consider before starting up a Poultry farming In Nigeria:


      1. Provide clean and fresh drinking water to the birds regularly.
      2. Provide a balanced diet to the birds as per their age and nutritional requirements.
      3. Provide proper ventilation in the poultry house to ensure fresh air and to prevent respiratory diseases.
      4. Keep the poultry house clean and free from pests and parasites.
      5. Monitor the birds regularly for any signs of disease or illness.
      6. Use biosecurity measures to prevent the introduction and spread of diseases.
      7. Provide adequate space to the birds to ensure their comfort and welfare.
      8. Follow proper vaccination schedule and maintain proper records.
      9. Train the farm workers in proper handling and care of the birds.
      10. Maintain proper record keeping and documentation.


      1. Don’t overcrowd the birds in the poultry house, as it can lead to health problems.
      2. Don’t neglect the birds’ nutritional requirements or feed them expired or contaminated feed.
      3. Don’t use antibiotics as a preventive measure unless recommended by a veterinarian.
      4. Don’t allow wild birds or other animals to enter the poultry house, as they may carry diseases.
      5. Don’t use harsh chemicals or pesticides in or around the poultry house, as they can be harmful to the birds.
      6. Don’t handle the birds roughly or mistreat them in any way.
      7. Don’t mix birds of different ages or from different sources without proper quarantine and testing.
      8. Don’t sell sick birds or birds that have been treated with antibiotics without proper withdrawal periods.
      9. Don’t ignore biosecurity measures and allow visitors or vehicles from outside the farm to enter the poultry house without proper sanitation.
      10. Don’t neglect the proper disposal of dead birds, manure, and other waste products, as they can spread disease and contaminate the environment.
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