Friday, April 19, 2024

Sourcing, Selection and Stocking of Snails

Sourcing, selection, and stocking of snails in the realm of heliciculture, or snail farming, involve a thoughtful and strategic process to ensure the success of the enterprise.

If you are looking for a business that you can start with very little capital and would have you raking in millions within a short time, then you should really start looking into snail farming .

In the past, the only way to get snails was to go into the bush and gardens to hunt them after a rainfall or at night.  This was because most people did not know that snails could be reared domestically just like poultry and animals like chickens and goat.

Snail farming is a very interesting business not just because it’s a highly profitable business, but because it is easy and fun.

Sourcing, Selection and Stocking of Snails

Sourcing, Selection and Stocking of Snails

Let’s now look into the key aspects of these stages for a clearer understanding;

1. Sourcing

Sourcing snails is the initial and crucial step in establishing a thriving snail farm. There are two primary methods for obtaining snails: wild collection and captive breeding.

Wild collection involves gathering snails from their natural habitat, while captive breeding entails obtaining snails from established snail farms or breeding centers. It’s essential to source healthy and disease-free snails to form the foundation of a robust snail population on the farm.

2. Selection

Once sourced, the selection process involves identifying and choosing snails with desirable characteristics for breeding. Key factors include size, shell quality, reproductive health, and resistance to diseases.

Typically, snails that are active, have well-formed shells, and are free from deformities are preferred for breeding purposes. This careful selection ensures the propagation of a robust and productive snail population on the farm.

3. Stocking

Stocking refers to the introduction of selected snails into the designated snailery or farming environment. Snaileries are constructed to mimic the natural habitat of snails, providing suitable conditions for their growth and reproduction.

Adequate spacing and environmental conditions, such as temperature and humidity, are crucial during the stocking phase. It’s important to monitor and manage stocking density to prevent overcrowding, as this can impact the health and growth of the snails.

Throughout these stages, attention to detail is paramount. Regular health checks, proper quarantine measures for newly sourced snails, and adherence to recommended breeding practices contribute to the overall success of the snail farming venture.

Additionally, providing a balanced and nutritious diet is essential for the well-being and optimal growth of the snail population.

Below are the recommended different sources of sourcing for the foundations of your snail stock, the selection processes and the recommended stocking density of snails for optimum performance.

Sources of the foundation of your snail stock

Sourcing, Selection and Stocking of Snails
  • Snail farmers
  • Research Institutes.
  • M a r k e t s
  • Hawkers
  • Direct from the bush


  • The age of the snail could be determined.
  • The performance of the snails are known.
  • The snails are already used to the system of rearing (Intensive system)
  • The snail  are  well adapted to the environment.


  • The price may be higher than that of snails purchased from
  • hawkers or obtained directly from the bush.

Read Also: The Most Suitable Species of Snails

Research Institutes

  • Snails like the Giant African land snail to be used as foundation stock could also be purchased from Research Institutes like  –
  • Institute of Agric. Research and Training, Moor Plantation. (I.A.R.&.T.), Ibadan.
  • The experts will also give necessary advice.


  • Snails like giant snail could also be purchased from the markets.  The buyer must be very careful when purchasing from the market because of the adaptability and future performance of the snailery. The market women do not take care of the snails in the market.
  • The hawkers along the highway used to create hole in the shell and allow the rope to pass through the hole, this process has adverse effect on the future performance of the snail if bought from the hawkers.
  • Direct from  the  bush:  The price of other snails if bought from the person that collected them from bush directly is cheaper because no expenses is incurred by the gatherers.

Selection of Foundation Stock of Snail

  • The snails like the giant African snail for instance must be healthy and active.
  • The fleshy part should completely fill the shell.
  • Snails of the same specie must be selected.
  • The snails must be relatively of the same size.
  • Snail with no shell damage is recommended.
  • Consult experts or those that have been rearing snails in your locality especially for the choice of breed and necessary advice.

Recommended Stocking Density of Snail /M2

  •  40 to 50 hatchlings
  •   35 growing snails
  • 10-15 adult snails

Protein Rich Feeds

Protein are obtained from animal or plant source. It is required for growth, maintenance of body parts and egg production, etc.

Related: Factors that affect African Land Snails Survival


Benadine Nonye is an agricultural consultant and a writer with over 12 years of professional experience in the agriculture industry. - National Diploma in Agricultural Technology - Bachelor's Degree in Agricultural Science - Master's Degree in Science Education - PhD Student in Agricultural Economics and Environmental Policy... Visit My Websites On: 1. - Your Comprehensive Practical Agricultural Knowledge and Farmer’s Guide Website! 2. - For Effective Environmental Management through Proper Waste Management and Recycling Practices! Join Me On: Twitter: @benadinenonye - Instagram: benadinenonye - LinkedIn: benadinenonye - YouTube: Agric4Profits TV and WealthInWastes TV - Pinterest: BenadineNonye4u - Facebook: BenadineNonye

2 thoughts on “Sourcing, Selection and Stocking of Snails

  • Wow… Thank u for this piece.. God bless you

    • Benadine Nonye

      Smiles… Thank you so much Sir
      I’m glad i could help


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