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Here are the Equipment’s needed in your Rabbit Farm

Rabbit farming is one of the lucrative business aspects on Agriculture especially when managed properly. It yields enough profits for the rabbit farmer. When you bring a new rabbit home for the first time, or if you own an adult rabbit there are certain items of equipment that you should have:

1. Rabbit Housing

You will need a rabbit hutch or cage to keep your rabbit in. There are various different types of hutches and cages on the market today but it is very important that you purchase one that is large enough for your rabbit.

Ideally the hutch should be high enough for your rabbit to stand on his hind legs without his ears touching the roof, it should be long enough for your rabbit to take 3 – 4 hops without bumping his nose on the end and it should be wide enough so your rabbit can lie fully stretched out and turn comfortably.

Generally the minimum recommended size for a hutch is 150 cms (59 inches), but if you are keeping more than one rabbit, it will need to be much larger.

2. Wooden Hutches

These are the most popular type of hutch. If you are intending to keep your rabbit outdoors, you will need to insure that the hutch has a sloping, waterproof roof. Those intended for indoor use have a flat roof and are not suitable to be situated outside.

Wooden hutches are made up of two areas; they have an enclosed, wood paneled area at one end which your rabbit will need in order to sleep, seek privacy and shelter, and the rest of the hutch will have a wire mesh front where your rabbit can feed, look outside and get some fresh air.

Wooden hutches are also available that have multi levels and/or a rabbit run extension. The extension is made up of a wooden frame with wire mesh sides and no floor. These are designed to be situated on grass so your rabbit has an outside area to play, exercise and eat grass.

The disadvantage of wooden hutches is that that the wooden floor soaks up urine so a deep floor covering is required that will regularly need to be changed. They may also need to be repaired if your rabbit gnaws on the wood.

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3. Plastic and Wire Cages

Here are the Equipment's needed in your Rabbit Farm

Plastic and wire cages are designed for dwarf rabbits that are to be kept indoors. They are constructed of either a metal or plastic base with a wire top. Most of them do not provide a sleeping area so you will have to provide your rabbit with a sleeping box.

Plastic and metal cages are more easily cleaned than wooden hutches, but cages with wire floors should be avoided as they can hurt your rabbit’s feet. In general, most plastic and wire cages are too small, even for dwarf rabbits.

4. Exercise Area

In addition to a hutch, your rabbit will also need an exercise area. Some hutches already have a built in run where your rabbit can access the outside, but if your hutch doesn’t have this you can purchase exercise pens that you can put up and place your rabbit in so they can run around and play on the grass.

5. Nesting Material

Rabbits like to have a nesting area where they feel safe and secure. Wood shavings or wood pulp bedding and large amounts of hay are ideal nesting materials.

Hay that is used should be clean and dust free as your rabbit will also eat it. Because of this reason you will need to regularly check the amount hay and you may have to top it up daily.

Here are the Equipment's needed in your Rabbit Farm

6. Floor Covering

You will need to provide a covering for the floor of your rabbit’s hutch so that your rabbit has a nice, comfortable surface to hop around on and it will also soak up any urine.

Wood shavings are a popular type of floor covering as is litter made from wood pulp. You should avoid using sawdust, cedar wood shavings, scented shavings or corn cob bedding as these can all cause irritation in rabbits

7. Feeding Equipment

You will need to put rabbit food in a bowl to prevent it from becoming soiled. Ceramic bowls are the most suitable for this as they cannot be chewed or knocked over by your rabbit, unlike plastic or lightweight metal dishes.

You could also provide your rabbit with a hay/salad rack to eat their hay and vegetables from.

8. Water Bottle

Rabbits need a constant supply of water and the best way to provide this is with a water bottle that can be attached to the side of your rabbit’s hutch.

The best type of water bottles to buy are those with ball bearings in the end as they are less prone to leaks. However, as a precaution it is best to supply your rabbit with two water bottles, just in case one leaks and becomes empty, then your rabbit will still have access to water from the other bottle.

If you keep your rabbit outdoors it may be necessary to insulate the water bottle during the winter months to prevent the water from freezing. Also, when water freezes it expands, so never fill a water bottle to the top as if it does happen to freeze it will split the water bottle.

9. Grooming Equipment

Short haired rabbits only require weekly grooming, but long haired rabbits should be groomed every day.

A variety of grooming brushes and implements are available to suit a variety of coat lengths. Extra grooming during times when your rabbit is shedding his coat, helps to reduce the risk of hair balls.

Your rabbit’s nails may need occasional trimming and this should be done with a pet nail clipper.

10. Travel Equipment & Accessories

There will be occasions when you may need to take your rabbit out in the car and there are many items available to ensure both he and you have a safe, comfortable journey.

A travel box or carrier is the most suitable way to transport your rabbit. They should be large enough for your rabbit to stand and turn around in, but not so big they can be tossed around inside when travelling.

Your rabbit’s nails may need occasional trimming and this should be done with a pet nail clipper.

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