Sunday, September 15, 2024
General Agriculture

Top 13 Lucrative Agricultural Businesses for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

There are several agricultural business opportunities available in the agricultural industry and one good thing about the industry is that there is market for all the produce which the industry produce.

On our previous article, we discussed about the Top 50 Agriculture Business Ideas for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Meanwhile on this new article, I decided to narrow the whole 50 Agricultural business ideas down to the Top 13 to enable you make a faster choice if you are finding it a little bit difficult to make the perfect decision.

Over the years, researchers and scientist have been reaching for ways to improve the agricultural sector. For beginners the investment costs are generally low, and the return on investment are decent.

If you are looking to for opportunities in the agriculture industry, the Top 13 profitable agricultural business ideas for young entrepreneurs are listed below:

(1) Cassava farming

Top 13 Lucrative Agricultural Businesses for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Cassava is the most important and regular staple food for Africans. The market for starch in Nigeria and other neighboring countries in Africa is huge. But the lack of quality cassava processing facilities within the country is a huge business opportunity that you can take advantage of.

(2) Food processing and storage

This is also one of the good agricultural business opportunities. Most of the food produced in Nigeria end up as waste because of lack of storage facilities.

(3) Vegetables Farming

The fresh vegetable business is a small-scale business that you can start with little or no capital base. One benefit of this business is that it requires no cost of maintenance to run the business. Also, there is always demand for fresh leafy vegetables like; the Waterleaf, Scent Leaf, Ugu leaf and Green.

To run this business, you need a small space in your compound or nearby farm where you can cultivate the vegetables. For cultivation, you only need to plant the stem of the vegetable. It takes six weeks or less for the vegetables to mature for harvest. You cut the leaves and sell to consumers and marketers.

Read Also: Snail Farming: Step by Step Beginners Guide

(4) Heliculture (Snail farming)

Snail farming is another interesting, thriving and profitable business venture that anybody can venture into with the aim of making money.

As a matter of fact, snail farming requires low start -up capital and anyone who is serious about business can generate good income from the business. Snail farmers are certain to hit it big because many people are shunning away from red meat.

(5) Fish Farming

Top 13 Lucrative Agricultural Businesses for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

The numerous health benefit of this species of fish makes its demand higher among especially people above the age of forty. Restaurants, pepper soup joints, hotels, market women, are possible markets for any entrepreneur venturing into catfish farming in Nigeria.

The profitability of catfish farming depends on how much you are willing to invest as an entrepreneur. Apart from catfish farming, you can also specialize on feeds for the fish. This is another lucrative aspect in the fish business.

(6) Frozen foods

The demand for frozen foods is rising globally. An entrepreneur living in the city can start this business with proper training and planning.

(7) Pig farming

Top 13 Lucrative Agricultural Businesses for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Pig farming is another major source of meat production. Pig farming is considered to be one of the most lucrative business ventures in Nigeria. People who are into pig farming can affirm that it is true.

(8) Cucumber farming

Cucumber farming is a very lucrative business as entrepreneurs who are already in the business will testify. The right time to start is now!

(9) Poultry Farming (Broiler production)

Broilers are meat birds that are bred to grow fast so that they are ready for consumption between 4 and 10 weeks of age.

Currently in Nigeria for instance, there seems to be a huge demand for broilers which may not be satisfied any time soon. But the catch is to know the market, i.e. whom are you producing for?

Read Also: How to Make Money in Poultry Farming

(10) Chicken and Egg Distribution Business

Top 13 Lucrative Agricultural Businesses for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

This basically involves bridging the gap between poultry farmers and the consumer market. It is very lucrative and requires relatively little money to start-up.

You meet poultry farmers, buy their stock and resell them in the market to wholesalers and retailers. It does not need any special skills, only your marketing abilities and a working vehicle.

(11) Bean Flour Production

Most people prefer to use beans flour for moi-moi and akara. To produce bean flour, you need to buy beans. Wash out the outer back, dry and grind. In order to build a brand for your business, you may need to place a label inside your packaged bean flour.

(12) Banana and Plantain Plantation

There is a high demand for ripe banana and unripe plantain both within and outside Nigeria. You can convert any unused land at your disposal into a banana or plantain farm.

(13) Grass cutter Farming

Grasscutter farming is yet another lucrative livestock breeding business that an entrepreneur who is looking towards making money should consider going into.

In recent times, it is now pretty much easier to breed grass cutters in cages, unlike when hunters would have to go hunting for grass cutters. Grass cutter farming is a highly thriving and profitable business in Africa; grass – cutter meat is a good delicacy that is eaten in all parts of the world especially in West Africa and East Africa.

Read Also: 12 Management Tips for better Poultry Performance Potential

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Benadine Nonye is an agricultural consultant and a writer with several years of professional experience in the agriculture industry. - National Diploma in Agricultural Technology - Bachelor's Degree in Agricultural Science - Master's Degree in Science Education - PhD Student in Agricultural Economics and Environmental Policy... Visit My Websites On: 1. - Your Comprehensive Practical Agricultural Knowledge and Farmer’s Guide Website! 2. - For Effective Environmental Management through Proper Waste Management and Recycling Practices! Join Me On: Twitter: @benadinenonye - Instagram: benadinenonye - LinkedIn: benadinenonye - YouTube: Agric4Profits TV - Pinterest: BenadineNonye4u - Facebook: BenadineNonye

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