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Types of Pastures Based on Duration

Temporary pastures are one of the types of pastures and they are the pastures that are established with the intention of converting them into farmlands after a few years. This will depend on the type of livestock enterprise the farmer wants to establish and the resources available.

Also, the number of animals on the farm will influence the farmer’s decision to choose the number of years these pastures will be used. However, the farmer needs to be careful in choosing the right pasture species to establish to avoid environmental damage.

Temporary Pastures

These are pastures established as part of a rotation system either to provide feed for livestock or for other purposes such as control of erosion, pests, and diseases or moisture conservation.

They could also serve as sources of nutrients to the soil, thereby improving the fertility of the soil. Both annual and perennial species can be used but they have to be easily eradicated.

They are of high productivity because they are established on good soils. They last for a period of 3-5years.

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Establishment of Temporary Pastures

Temporary pastures are established on already fertile lands that are relatively plain and not rocky. The site should be well prepared through plowing, harrowing, leveling, and ridging. The right quantity of seeds should be purchased from a reliable source, before sowing.

The agronomic procedure is similar to that of establishing field crops. However, there is a need for prompt fertilization and weeding especially during the first year of establishment.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Establishing Temporary Pastures

Establishing temporary pastures has the following advantages:

The farmer could integrate livestock production into pastures;

There is less use of chemicals to control insects, pests, and diseases on the farm;

The fertility of the soil improves;

They can easily be eradicated.

However, the following disadvantages affect the establishment of these pastures:

These pastures may not serve the purpose upon which they are established to achieve;

Farmers may require additional expenses to purchase fertilizers, especially for grass species;

They may not withstand heavy defoliation or grazing by livestock.

Read Also: Pastures Associated with Field and Tree Crops

Types of Pastures Based on Duration

To put it simply, types of pastures based on duration are like different kinds of dining options for animals, where some places offer a quick snack while others provide a full meal. Farmers use these categories to figure out which pastures are suitable for their animals at different times of the year.

1. Temporary Pastures: These are like quick snack spots for animals. Temporary pastures are typically used for a short period, often during specific seasons, and are planted with fast-growing plants that provide a quick source of food for the animals.

Farmers often use temporary pastures to supplement the regular diet of their animals, especially during times when other pastures may not be as productive.

2. Annual Pastures: These are like pop-up restaurants for animals. Annual pastures are cultivated each year, providing a seasonal dining option for grazing animals.

Farmers plant these pastures with crops that grow quickly and are highly nutritious, ensuring that their animals have access to fresh and healthy food during certain times of the year.

3. Perennial Pastures: These are like a reliable favorite restaurant for animals. Perennial pastures are long-lasting grazing areas, consisting of plants that regrow year after year.

Farmers rely on these pastures for more extended periods, as they offer a consistent source of food for their animals, providing reliable nutrition and sustenance throughout the year.

Understanding the different types of pastures based on duration helps farmers plan their grazing strategies effectively, ensuring that their animals have access to the right kind of food at the right time, and that the pastures can be managed sustainably for long-term agricultural productivity.

In summary, the types of pastures based on duration refer to categories of pasture land distinguished by the length of time they can support grazing animals effectively. These categories help farmers understand how long they can rely on a particular pasture for their animals’ feeding needs.

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