A complete growing guide for yams can provide you with all the essential information you need to grow the plant successfully. This guide also provides useful techniques to increase your yields. For better yields, you need to have a well-planned and structured cultivation plan. Whether you’re a first-time grower or a seasoned farmer, the following tips can help you grow yams to their fullest potential.
Soil: To grow yams effectively, you need to prepare a rich soil with a pH of 5.5-7.0. You also need soil that drains well and is not clayey. A soil that has good drainage will produce more yields. However, since yams are a tropical or subtropical plant, you need to make sure that the soil is rich in organic matter and has a pH of 5.5-7.0.
A good soil is essential for the growth of yams. They prefer rich red loam soil that is well-drained. The soil should be rocky and not clayey. In addition, it should be moist most of the time. To determine the right level of moisture in the soil, check the leaves of the plants. When it’s too dry, the leaves will become wilted and will fall off.
Rainfed yam farms are especially vulnerable to global climate change, so the timing of field activities is important. In a rainfed region, yams need an annual rainfall of 1,000-1500 mm.
This rainfall should be spread evenly throughout its growing season and preferably over five or six months. Moreover, if you’re planting yams in a late season, they won’t receive adequate moisture during their tuber bulking phase. This, in turn, reduces tuber yields.
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Depending on the climate, yams should be planted in a cool, humid place. In general, yams require about 1200 mm of rainfall a year. It grows well at a temperature of eight to fourteen degrees Celsius. It is best to plant yams in areas with full sunlight. It is also possible to cultivate yams at higher altitudes.
A good yam growing guide is essential for successful yam growing. Ensure yams are well-watered and have the right pH. The soil should be rich in organic matter and free of clay. A yam garden needs a pH range of 5.5 to seven. It needs ample water to survive and thrive. The more fertilizer it has, the higher your yields.
For optimum yields, double harvesting tubers should be considered. Double harvesting reduces nematode infections. It is also more cost-effective for farmers as it reduces the need for milking the tubers for higher price. The risk of nematode infection is higher when using the proximal part of the tuber. The proximal portion of the tuber is the most fertile part and should be used only for a single crop.
Yams are a staple crop in many tropical regions. It is also a valuable source of calories for people in the tropics. It contains a number of nutrients and has 600 species. Some of the main varieties of yams are known as sweet potatoes and are grown in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, and the islands of the South Pacific.
Yams are a highly versatile tuber crop that is grown for food and income. They are commonly grown for their edible tuber and also have cultural and religious significance for some groups. In West Africa, yams are produced primarily in the region of the country. Despite the growing demand for yams, average yields remain relatively low, around 10 t. ha-1.
Seed yams can be a valuable resource for farmers, because they can be grown from seed. These plants can be grown in a variety of soils, and it’s easy to see why yams are so popular in Africa. But how do you grow them? And why are they so important? Here’s how! It’s not just about their cultural value, but also because they’re economically viable.
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