Friday, May 3, 2024
Nature's Pharmacy

8 Health Benefits of Olive Leaf (Olea Europaea)

Olives botanically known as Olea Europaea are indigenous to the Mediterranean area, central and tropical Asia, drier areas of South America, and several regions of Africa. They have been used for thousands of years, going all the way back to ancient Greece and Rome, for both their culinary and therapeutic qualities.

They are a key component of the Mediterranean diet and go well in pesto, tapenade, salads, sandwiches, and pizza. Table olives, which are those that aren’t grown to be used for oil extraction, can be eaten as a salty snack or an entrée.

Olives are tasty and nutrient-rich fruits that have several health advantages, such as the capacity to guard against oxidative damage, and heart disease, stop bone thinning, prevent different malignancies, lessen inflammation and arthritis, and enhance digestion.

They aid in calming allergic reactions, enhancing cognitive function, fending off infections, lowering blood pressure, and improving blood circulation.

8 Health Benefits Of Olive Leaf (Olea Europaea)

8 Health Benefits of Olive Leaf (Olea Europaea)

1. Lowers Blood Pressure

The efficiency of olive leaf extract was compared to the drug captopril, which is prescribed to people with hypertension or high blood pressure. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure was dramatically lowered by taking 500 milligrams of olive leaf extract twice daily for eight weeks.

Both olive leaf extracts and captopril were effective at lowering blood pressure, but the olive leaf therapy also reduced triglyceride levels (bad cholesterol); also, unlike olive leaf, captopril has several potential adverse effects, such as dizziness, loss of taste, and dry cough.

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2. Fights Diabetes

One Greek study examined the impact of olive leaf extracts on the production of AGEs, or advanced glycation end products, which can contribute to the onset of diabetes and a number of other chronic disorders.

Patients with diabetes should aim to prevent and treat AGE production, and a 2013 study indicated that olive leaf extract did just that, helping to reduce the symptoms of diabetes naturally.

Olive leaf extracts have hypoglycemic properties, which means that they lower the body’s blood sugar levels. The olive leaf also regulates the body’s blood sugar levels. Olive leaf polyphenols are essential in preventing the creation of sugar, which results in inflammatory disorders like diabetes.

Olive polyphenols, which are included in olive leaf extracts, interact with one another and have synergistic health advantages, according to a review article published in Molecules. When prediabetes patients took these polyphenols, their blood sugar levels improved.

Additionally, there is some evidence from animal studies that suggest olive leaves may promote weight loss by controlling the expression of specific genes linked to weight growth. However, additional research is required before we can be confident that olive leaf can help you lose weight.

3. Anticancer

Olive leaves the capacity to halt the angiogenic process, which promotes tumor growth, suggesting that they may be crucial in the fight against cancer. Oleuropein, a chemical, inhibits the growth and migration of advanced tumor cells, acting as an antioxidant and anti-angiogenic.

For the first time, a study carried out demonstrated that olive leaf extracts had potent antioxidant properties and inhibit the growth of endothelium cells and cancer cells. Olive leaf extracts inhibited the development of cells linked to the brain, bladder, and breast cancer.

4. Improves Brain Function

Positive effects on brain function are a further advantage of olive leaf consumption. Oleuropein, one of the primary ingredients in olive leaf, has been shown in studies to lessen the signs or development of age-related diseases like dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

Free radicals and Alzheimer’s disease may be related, according to research. Due to its antioxidant properties, olive leaf aids in preventing free radical damage and guards against memory loss in the brain. Alzheimer’s disease can be treated safely and effectively organically by using olive leaf infusions or extracts.

Oleuropein can activate autophagy, which results in a decrease in aggregated proteins and a reduction in cognitive impairment, according to an in vivo study. Olive leaf extract aids our cells’ orderly decomposition and recycling.

5. Treats Arthritis

Joint inflammation and discomfort are symptoms of arthritis, a condition that affects the joints. In this sentence, swelling, which denotes inflammation, is the crucial word. The olive leaf functions as a natural arthritis treatment because it has anti-inflammatory properties.

Because the extracts were able to lessen the inflammation that was present in the joints, a study reported that olive leaf extracts dramatically reduced paw swelling in rats with arthritis.

This happens when the cartilage that serves as a cushion and barrier between the bones and the joint begins to wear away, allowing the bones to rub against one another.

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6. Fights Bacteria And Fungi

Fighting off infections like candida infections, meningitis, pneumonia, chronic tiredness, hepatitis B, malaria, gonorrhea, shingles, and tuberculosis is a significant olive leaf advantage. Infections of the teeth, ears and urinary tract are all naturally treated by it.

Olive leaf extracts have an antibacterial impact against bacteria and fungus, according to a study. Due to its capacity to combat some bacterial infections, this shows that olive leaf functions as a natural antibiotic.

Study participants’ skin, hair, and nail infections from dermatophytes, oral and vaginal infections from candida Albicans, and Escherichia coli cells were all nearly eliminated by the olive leaf extracts (bacteria found in the lower intestine).

7. Boosts Immunity

The olive leaf possesses antiviral qualities that enable it to treat harmful viruses as well as combat or prevent the common cold. According to research, olive leaf extracts can efficiently combat a variety of pathogenic microorganisms, including certain influenza and other respiratory infection viruses.

Olive leaves contain potent chemicals that kill invasive species and prevent viruses from replicating and spreading infection. In fact, olive leaf extracts were used to cure several HIV-1 infection-related changes because they are so good for our health.

8. Protects Skin

Olive leaf has the ability to repair years of skin damage and aging symptoms. Olive leaf helps to prevent some types of cell damage, notably those brought on by oxidation, as a result of its antioxidant qualities. Antioxidant-rich foods and herbs are excellent instruments for maintaining the health of your skin and cells.

Olive leaf extract was found to reduce skin thickness and elasticity in mice with UV radiation damage by research carried out. The medication also slowed down the development of tumors and skin cancer.

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Benadine Nonye is an agricultural consultant and a writer with over 12 years of professional experience in the agriculture industry. - National Diploma in Agricultural Technology - Bachelor's Degree in Agricultural Science - Master's Degree in Science Education - PhD Student in Agricultural Economics and Environmental Policy... Visit My Websites On: 1. - Your Comprehensive Practical Agricultural Knowledge and Farmer’s Guide Website! 2. - For Effective Environmental Management through Proper Waste Management and Recycling Practices! Join Me On: Twitter: @benadinenonye - Instagram: benadinenonye - LinkedIn: benadinenonye - YouTube: Agric4Profits TV and WealthInWastes TV - Pinterest: BenadineNonye4u - Facebook: BenadineNonye

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