Sunday, May 5, 2024

Sizes of Feeds to Give Catfish at a Particular Age

I want to assume that your catfish are juveniles. If yes, they will be around 6-8weeks of age. At this age, 2mm of imported catfish feeds is recommended. As fishes keep growing and from experience, I have come to conclude with the sizes that correspond to their age especially if they are from good source and are responding well to their feeds. For instance: 2mm at 2months, 3mm at 3months, and 4mm at 4months etc.

However, the type of feed should also be considered, for instance the size of 8mm coppens is the same as the size of 6mm of Indonesia feeds. So put this into consideration and inform your consultant before changing from one size of feed to another.

What Feed Size to Give Your Catfishes

Sizes of Feeds to Give Catfish at a Particular Age
Different Sizes of Catfish Feeds

Like I said earlier, there are various fish feed sizes, whether you go for floating or sinking feed; sinking feed is usually bigger, and longer, than floating feed.

From my experience, here are the different sizes I’m currently aware of: 1.5mm, 1.8mm, 2mm, 3mm, 4mm, 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, etc. The bigger you fishes, the bigger the feed size they can pick.

Here’s what I recommend if you just stocked your ponds, if your fishes fall into the following categories:

  • Fingerlings (3 to 4 grams): 1.5mm feed size
  • Post-fingerlings (4 – 6 grams): 1.8mm feed size
  • Juvenile (6 – 10 grams): 2mm feed size
  • Post-juvenile (10 – 50 grams): 2mm feed size

As your catfishes grow, the size of feefeedd they can pick will increase. Here’s the feed size I recommend for bigger fishes, based on their size/weight, if you’re to give them floating feed:

  • 10 – 50 grams: 2mm feed size
  • 50 – 150 grams: 3mm feed size
  • 150 – 400 grams: 4mm feed size

Read Also: Earthen Pond Management: Steps to take before putting the Fish in the Water

All things being equal, your fishes should be around 200 – 300 grams in 2 months with floating feed alone, if they are being fed properly; after then, you can switch to sinking feed and give them the following feed sizes:

200 – 300 grams: 2mm feed size

300 to 600 grams: 4mm feed size

600 grams to 1kg+: 6mm feed size

If your fishes exceed 1kg in weight, and you’re able to get bigger feed sizes, then you can consider giving them 8mm, or even later 10mm, feed sizes. 3 to 4kg fishes eat 6mm sinking feed just fine, though, so don’t worry too much if you can’t find bigger feed sizes.

How Often Should You Feed Your Catfishes?

Sizes of Feeds to Give Catfish at a Particular Age

How often you feed your fishes will differ depending on a lot of factors, but for the results I get – an average of 1.5kg to 2kg fish size in 6 months – here’s what I recommend:

  • Fingerlings (3 to 4 grams): twice daily
  • Post-fingerlings (4 – 6 grams): once or twice daily
  • Juvenile (6 – 10 grams): once or twice daily
  • Post-juvenile (10 grams and above): once daily
  • Anything above post-juvenile: once daily

All things being equal, I feed my fishes daily until they reach the 6 months mark when I sell them; this is absolutely essential if you want optimal results.

Types of Catfish Feeding

Sizes of Feeds to Give Catfish at a Particular Age

There are two feeding types I use for my fishes:

Broadcast Feeding: This basically involves me going round my ponds and spreading floating feed all over the pond to ensure all the fishes in the pond can eat.

I use this for my fishes if they are in the fingerlings to post-juvenile stage, and I do this because they just got introduced into a large body of water, often from somewhere significantly smaller, and not all the fishes can come to the same spot to eat.

By spreading the floating (or extruding) fish across the pond, I’m ensuring they all get to eat.

Once my fishes become more mature, often this is in the post-juvenile stage or around 30 – 50 grams, I instantly switch to spot feeding.

Spot Feeding: Spot feeding is less time-consuming and more effective, since it is less stressful and I can carefully monitor how my fishes are eating.

Spot feeding is basically me feeding my fishes in one spot. I try getting my fishes to eat in one spot once they reach 30 – 50 grams, or after 2 – 3 weeks of stocking them from juvenile stage.

At first, if they are used to eating using the broadcast style, most of the fishes won’t come to a particular spot to eat; however, by ONLY feeding them on that spot for a few days, they’ll be conditioned to come to that spot and eat.

Read Also: How to Raise Catfish and Tilapia in the Same Fish Pond at the Same Time

Feeding at the right time(s) each day (Catfish Feeding Frequency)

Catfish feeding Frequency has a role to play in the utilization of the feeds by the fish. Feeding frequency is the number of times fish in a pond are fed daily. The frequency is important in order to reduce starvation and have a uniform growth rate.

Smaller sized fish should be fed more frequently as their stomach is too small to hold food they would require for the whole day, whilst fish from 400 g and above could be fed once a day.

For example, the 1,000 fish above requiring 4.5 kg daily ration should be fed twice daily. This means that the 4.5kg of feed should be divided into 2.25 kg to be fed in the Morning and Evening.

How to easily calculate Feed ration, frequency and size

In order to easily calculate Feed ration, size and the feeding frequency, we have been able to create a spreadsheet taking into consideration all the necessary information simplifying the process for other fish farmers to determine how much feed I should give my fish.

Read Also: Adaptive Means of Animals Coping with the Environment


Benadine Nonye is an agricultural consultant and a writer with over 12 years of professional experience in the agriculture industry. - National Diploma in Agricultural Technology - Bachelor's Degree in Agricultural Science - Master's Degree in Science Education - PhD Student in Agricultural Economics and Environmental Policy... Visit My Websites On: 1. - Your Comprehensive Practical Agricultural Knowledge and Farmer’s Guide Website! 2. - For Effective Environmental Management through Proper Waste Management and Recycling Practices! Join Me On: Twitter: @benadinenonye - Instagram: benadinenonye - LinkedIn: benadinenonye - YouTube: Agric4Profits TV and WealthInWastes TV - Pinterest: BenadineNonye4u - Facebook: BenadineNonye

19 thoughts on “Sizes of Feeds to Give Catfish at a Particular Age

  • Dokun Mathew

    I want to know how much to spend on 3000 fish in 6months


    Dear Benadine Nonye,

    Greetings! I hope this email finds you well. My name is Emmanuel Owusu Manu, and I am reaching out to you as a fellow enthusiast and experienced professional in the field of catfish farming. I have been following your work closely and greatly admire your expertise and accomplishments in the industry.

    I am in the process of starting a catfish farming business and would greatly appreciate the opportunity to meet with you for a brief 30-minute discussion. I believe your insights and feedback can provide valuable guidance to help me enhance my business venture. I am hoping to schedule the meeting within the next two weeks, at a time and location convenient for you.

    I am particularly interested in understanding the needs of catfish farmers in the current market and how my business can effectively address those needs. Your expertise and experience can greatly contribute to my understanding of the industry, and I am eager to learn from your valuable insights.

    Thank you in advance for considering my request. I truly appreciate your time and expertise. I have attached my professional signature below for your reference, which includes my contact information and links to my digital presence. Please feel free to reach out to me directly or suggest an alternate mode of communication.

    I look forward to the opportunity to connect with you and gain your valuable feedback. Thank you for your consideration.


    Emmanuel Owusu Manu
    CEO of Stalwartman Farms]
    Phone: +233554571520
    [email protected]

  • Ojo Eunice

    Is it advisable to feed fish less mm? (e.g giving fish of 5 month 2mm or 3mm). Also, Can I use vitamin c for my fish? Or is there any surppliment that can give my fish weight apart from feeding? Thanks

    • Benadine Nonye

      Hello, glad to have you here.
      It is better to feed your fishes properly according to their sizes to avoid issues that may likely arise from doing otherwise.

      For instance, feeding a grown fish of about 5months old with 2mm or 3mm feed will make them require to “swallow more feeds” before getting satisfied thereby making you the farmer to spend more on buying feeds.

      Also, feeding the same 5months old fish with the feed sizes that are larger than they can swallow will also make them not be able to feed which also has its own implications.

      The only way to get it right in fish farming business with regards to fish feeding is “to do it right by feeding the perfect size of feed to the recommended size of fish” to avoid issues or losses.

      This article will help you understand further:

      Regarding your second question about how you can improve your fishes growth and overall performance, this article explains all you need to do to make your fishes grow faster within a short period of time:

  • Stephen ifeanyi

    Pls ma! .what size of feed should i give to my newly introduced fingerlings and how often should i feed them?. Thanks.

    • Benadine Nonye

      Glad to have you here,
      Their feeding size largely depends on the size of the fingerlings, but on average, they should be able to feed on between 0.8mm to 2mm.

  • Samuel

    Would like to know the feeding ratio from fingerlings till they mature.
    Also how can I get fingerlings from you and the cost

    • Kelechi William

      Yes, I will like to know catfish feeding rashio from fingerling till they mature.

    • D-Kay farms

      I am also interested to know this answer.

  • marvellous hussaini

    How many bags of feeds will you use to feed 3000 catfish in 3 months

    • Hello sir/ma,

      I Would like to know the feeding ratio from fingerlings till they mature for 1000 fish.

      From week one to week sixteen, how many kilo per week with size (MM) In order not to overfeed or underfeed the fish..


  • Ukuedojor Emmanuel

    How do I book for fingerlings


    How many bags of feed for my 3500 catfish for 5 month and how many gram per week

    • okpara morgan

      what sizes of feed will post jumbo take for a start

    • Caleb Gidado

      Which type of fertilizer is the best for catfish in a earthen pond.
      2. Where can one get it in Nigeria, Abuja or Jos.
      3. What is the Cost implication.
      4. What advice can one get to increase the rapid growth and wieght of catfish in earthen pond.
      Thank you

  • Everest favour

    Thanks for this information.. Pls.. I want to ask… In order not to overfeed or underfeed my fish..
    If I stock 1500 to 3000 fishes of Juvenile..
    How many grams of 2mm am I suppose to feed dem with per feeding… ?


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