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Benefits of Constructing a Fish Pond with Tarpaulin and Woods

Constructing a fish pond with tarpaulin and wood is cheaper than the others of the same size although it is not as strong as others. It is also a very good one to use on land that is not a permanent site.

The disadvantage however is that thieves can easily pull down the pond in an attempt to poach into the fish farm. Also, if adequate care is not taken in making sure that the supporting wood is well solidified, flood and wind can easily pull down the wooden structure.

Tarpaulin ponds for catfish farming can be made using wood, soil, or brick. For ponds with soil can by digging a hole in the ground then covered with a tarpaulin. While ponds with wooden framework or brickwork can be made above ground level.

Some things to consider before spreading the seeds into the pond should be the tarpaulin pond of catfish seedlings in content with water that is rich in algae/plankton (green water biota) as the main food source of catfish seedlings.

For catfish to grow more quickly should catfish seedlings are also given a special pallet catfish as much as 4 times a day. In addition to pellets, can also be given natural foods such as snails, snails mas, shellfish, termites, and others.

The pool water is also obliged to be replaced, so as not to make the water quality becomes bad and smelly. Poor water quality will affect the emergence of various diseases.

Alternative water change is done by removing 10-30% of the pond water, and adding the same amount of water to the discharged once every week or every 2 weeks.

When the age of catfish reaches 1 month, then the selection and separation of catfish based on quality and size should be done. It aims to grow catfish to be equally good in terms of size and quality of catfish.

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First, I want you to understand what a tarpaulin is which is what brings us to the next headline… What is Tarpaulin!

What is Tarpaulin?

Benefits of Constructing a Fish Pond with Tarpaulin and Woods

Tarpaulin is a strong and thick sheet of polyethylene. It can also be made from other substances. It is very resistant, waterproof and adjustable, and used to cover agriculture products and other things.

The quality of tarpaulin depends on different manufacturers, and its quality is measured by GSM (Gram Per Square Metre). A tarpaulin tank of high volume is very necessary for commercial fish farming.

However, 200 – 520 GSM tarpaulin sheets can be used for one to two-season crops for making small tarpaulin tanks if maintained and managed properly.

Now considering the following:

A commercial tarpaulin fish tank (fish pond) should be made of a minimum of 500 GSM tarpaulin sheets.

The frame of the tank should be made of iron mesh. There is always a possibility of a blast of cement tanks.

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Benefits Tarpaulin Fish Pond

The benefits of the fish tank made by tarpaulin are:

1. It is flexible, water can adjust itself inside the tank.

2. Management of ammonia is easy to compare to cement tanks.

3. Very less amount of water needs to be rotated/replaced as compared to RAS.

4. Easy to develop bioflock.

5. Easy to harvest fish.

6. It is transferable.

Ideal Structure of Tarpaulin Fish Pond

The size and the shape of a tank can affect the overall growth and production of fish in a tank.

Round-shaped Tanks are more efficient than square or other shaped Tanks.

A tank with a radius of 2 metres provides the required space for… fish. Other benefits are as follows:

Bit of fish accumulates near the centre of the tank at bottom place where outlet has been created.

Read Also: Reasons why Catfish becomes Restless inside the pond: Signs, Causes and Control

Want to know what should be the average weight of catfish reared in a pond for six months?

Well, if they are well fed, they should reach an average of 1kg within the 6months.

The time it will take fish fingerlings to reach table size (market size) depends on your feeding, housing, and every other management procedure put in place.

If properly managed, your fish should be ready for the table after six months. Meanwhile, this also depends on the weight you are targeting for your fish. If they are well fed, they should reach an average of 1kg within the 6months.

Though the growth of fish depends on the quality and quantity of the available food, environmental factors, etc., there is a definite rate of growth for different fish species.

Some fishes grow to very big size over the years while there are fishes as small as a few millimeters in size and reach their maximum size within a few days or weeks.

Thus growth is a genetic and hereditary factor. In the profession of aquaculture or fish farming, this factor is profitably used to produce fast-growing fish progeny through hybridization and selective breeding.

Most fish species continue to grow until they die. Their growth rate slows as they age, and is influenced by many factors (food, water temp, etc), so not all fish of the same species and age are the same size.

Some fish reach adult size within a year, and some take much longer.

Fish should be fed feed five times daily. In fact, in the principle of not wasting feed, farmers feed in as much as tilapia need, this can make tilapia grow faster. It can be developed to more than 1 kg/tail in seven to eight months.

Read Also: Things to do to make your catfish grow faster within a short period of time

Procedure of Establishing a Fish Tank (Fish Pond)

Benefits of Constructing a Fish Pond with Tarpaulin and Woods

1. Required Materials/Resources

  • Testing kits for- Ammonia metre, PH metre, thermametre.
  • Tarpaulin sheet of minimum 500 GSM.
  • Aerator.

2. Selection of Site

Plain land should be preferred over uneven land. Availability of fresh water is the first criteria.

3. Establishing Fish Tank (Fish pond)

3.1 Marking for Circle

  • After collecting all required things take a measuring tape.
  • Mark a point at any where in land as Tank’s centre.
  • Place the starting point of the tape and make a circle around it with 2 metre’s radius.
  • Mark all the measuring with any substance like lime.

3.2 Establishing Iron Frame

  • Completely fill the circle with single layer of bricks using sand and cement.
  • Make circular fence around the periphery of the circle using iron mesh.

3.3 Placing Tarpaulin Sheet

  • Tarpaulin sheet is fixed according to established iron mesh.
  • Make an out let at the centre of tank connecting it with aerator.
  • Firmly fix the sheet with mesh.

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