Fish identification is important so that another species with different traits is not mistakenly used for an intended purpose(s) thereby originally creating an error in ignorance which reflects in the outcome of its utilisation.
A particular fish species may be necessary for consumption purpose by man, it could be for the purpose of research and practical training or for production purpose.
The species used for a specified purpose instead of another and that which was not used can both belong to the same family but that does not override the differences between them fish identification to species level is of great importance.
In order to safeguard committing such an error of species placement, one need. Thus, to understand procedure and tools that are involved in correctly identifying fishes up to species level and which must be adhered to strictly.
A rudimentary understanding of basic anatomy is essential for accurately identifying fish in the field. The majority of species are readily identifiable through mouth orientation, finnage and coloration. Where subspecies and hybrids are present, a qualified professional may be needed.
Understanding Fish Identification
In identifying a fish, the tools that are relevant can be classified into external and internal features known as meristic characteristics, and biometric characteristics.
Fish can be easy to identify if you know what to look for. Just like any plant or animal, we need to understand what features some fish have in common, and what the differences are. Some fish are more familiar than others, such as game fish.
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