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Different Breeds of Poultry

Different Breeds of Poultry

When we think of animals in our lives, one of the last ones that I think about is the chicken even though we eat eggs and chicken weekly. So today, I‘m going to enlighten you all on the breeds and differences in chickens.

I will describe you, what chickens are best for laying eggs, which ones are best for meat purposes, the chickens that are best for eggs and meat, show poultry, and Bantam.

The A-Z of Chicken Breeds

1. Ameraucana

Egg Laying: Excellent (5/wk)

Egg Color: Light Blue

Primary use: Eggs

Cold Hardy: Yes

Temperament: Broody

2. American Game

Egg Laying: Fair (2/wk)

Egg Color: Whitish/Cream

Primary use: Ornamental

Egg Laying: Fair (2/wk)

Cold Hardy: Yes

Temperament: Hardy

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3. Ancona

Different Breeds of Poultry

Egg Laying: Excellent (5/wk)

Egg Color: White

Primary use: Eggs

Cold Hardy: Yes

Temperament: Active

4. Andalusian

Egg Laying: Good (3/wk)

Egg Color: White

Primary use: Eggs

Cold Hardy: No

Temperament: Active, Gentle

5. Appenzeller Spitzhauben

Egg Laying: Good (3/wk)

Egg Color: White

Primary use: Eggs

Cold Hardy: Yes (in winter)

Temperament: Forager

6. Araucana

Different Breeds of Poultry

Egg Laying: Good (3/wk)

Egg Color: Blue

Primary use: Meat/Eggs

Egg Laying: Good (3/wk)

Cold Hardy: Yes

Temperament: Flighty

7. Asil (Aseel)

Egg Laying: Poor (1/wk)

Egg Color: Cream or Tinted

Primary use: Ornamental

Cold Hardy: Yes (in winter)

Temperament: Aggressive

8. Australorp

Egg Laying: Excellent (5/wk)

Egg Color: Brown

Primary use: Meat/Eggs

Cold Hardy: Yes

Temperament: Hardy, Docile

9. Ayam Cemani

Egg Laying: Fair (2/wk)

Egg Color: White

Egg Laying: Fair (2/wk)

Primary use: Ornamental

Cold Hardy: Yes

Temperament: Flighty

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10. Barnevelder

Different Breeds of Poultry

Egg Laying: Good (3/wk)

Egg Laying: Good (3/wk)

Egg Color: Light brown

Primary use: Meat/Eggs

Cold Hardy: Yes

Temperament: Friendly, Active, Quiet, Lively

11. Braekel:
Egg Laying: Very Good (4/wk)
Egg Color: White
Primary Use: Eggs
Cold Hardy: Yes
Temperament: Active

12. Brahma
Egg Laying: Good (3/wk)
Egg Color: Brown
Primary Use: Eggs
Cold Hardy: Yes
Temperament: Friendly

13. Buckeye:
Egg Laying: Good (3/wk)
Egg Color: Brown
Primary Use: Eggs
Cold Hardy: Yes
Temperament: Peaceful

14. California Gray:
Egg Laying: Excellent (5/wk)
Egg Color: White
Primary Use: Meat/Eggs
Cold Hardy: Yes
Temperament: Quiet

15. California White:
Egg Laying: Excellent (5/wk)
Egg Color: White
Primary Use: Eggs
Cold Hardy: Yes
Temperament: Quiet

16. Campine:
Egg Laying: Good (3/wk)
Egg Color: White
Primary Use: Eggs
Cold Hardy: Yes
Temperament: Active

17. Catalana:
Egg Laying: Very Good (4/wk)
Egg Color: Pinkish Cream
Primary Use: Meat/Eggs
Cold Hardy: Yes
Temperament: Active

18. Chantecler:
Egg Laying: Very Good (4/wk)
Egg Color: Brown
Primary Use: Meat/Eggs
Cold Hardy: Yes
Temperament: Gentle

19. Cochin:
Egg Laying: Good (3/wk)
Egg Color: Brown
Primary Use: Ornamental
Cold Hardy: Yes
Temperament: Friendly, Calm, Quiet

20. Cornish:
Egg Laying: Good (3/wk)
Egg Color: Brown
Primary Use: Meat
Cold Hardy: Yes
Temperament: Aggressive

21. Cubalaya:
Egg Laying: Very Good (4/wk)
Egg Color: Light Brown
Primary Use: Meat/Eggs
Cold Hardy: Yes (in winter)
Temperament: Forager

22. Derbyshire Redcap:
Egg Laying: Very Good (4/wk)
Egg Color: White
Primary Use: Meat/Eggs
Cold Hardy: Yes
Temperament: Hardy

23. Dominique:
Egg Laying: Very Good (4/wk)
Egg Color: Brown
Primary Use: Meat/Eggs
Cold Hardy: Yes
Temperament: Forager, Calm, Personable, Hardy

24. Dorking:
Egg Laying: Good (3/wk)
Egg Color: White
Primary Use: Meat/Eggs
Cold Hardy: Yes
Temperament: Calm, Docile

25. Dutch Bantam:
Egg Laying: Good (3/wk)
Egg Color: Light Brown
Primary Use: Eggs
Cold Hardy: No
Temperament: Friendly, Flighty

26. Easter Egger:
Egg Laying: Very Good (4/wk)
Egg Color: Green/Blue/Pink/Multi
Primary Use: Eggs
Cold Hardy: Yes
Temperament: Peaceful

27. Faverolles:
Egg Laying: Very Good (4/wk)
Egg Color: Light Brown, Pinkish
Primary Use: Ornamental
Cold Hardy: Yes
Temperament: Gentle, Docile

28. Fayoumi:
Egg Laying: Good (3/wk)
Egg Color: Off-White, Tinted
Primary Use: Eggs
Cold Hardy: No
Temperament: Flighty

29. Hamburg:
Egg Laying: Very Good (4/wk)
Egg Color: White
Primary Use: Eggs
Cold Hardy: Yes
Temperament: Docile

30. Holland:
Egg Laying: Good (3/wk)
Egg Color: White
Primary Use: Meat/Eggs
Cold Hardy: Yes
Temperament: Calm

31. Houdan:
Egg Laying: Good (3/wk)
Egg Color: White
Primary Use: Meat/Eggs
Cold Hardy: No
Temperament: Sweet, Easily Handled

32. Iowa Blue:
Egg Laying: Good (3/wk)
Egg Color: Brown
Primary Use: Meat/Eggs
Cold Hardy: –
Temperament: Skittish

33. Ixworth:
Egg Laying: Very Good (4/wk)
Egg Color: Tinted
Primary Use: Meat/Eggs
Cold Hardy: –
Temperament: Alert, Active

34. Jangmigye:
Egg Laying: Very Good (4/wk)
Egg Color: Light Brown
Primary Use: Ornamental
Cold Hardy: –
Temperament: Friendly, Calm

35. Japanese Bantam:
Egg Laying: Fair (2/wk)
Egg Color: Cream or Tinted
Primary Use: Exhibition/Ornamental
Cold Hardy: No
Temperament: Hardy, Bit Flighty

36. Java Chicken:
Egg Laying: Good (3/wk)
Egg Color: Cream or Tinted
Primary Use: Meat/Eggs
Cold Hardy: Yes
Temperament: Hardy, Docile

37. Jersey Giant:
Egg Laying: Very Good (4/wk)
Egg Color: Brown
Primary Use: Meat
Cold Hardy: Yes
Temperament: Calm, Docile

38. Kuroiler:
Egg Laying: Good (3/wk)
Egg Color: Brown
Primary Use: Meat/Eggs
Cold Hardy: –
Temperament: Friendly, Feed Continuously, Good Foragers

39. Lakenvelder:
Egg Laying: Good (3/wk)
Egg Color: Tinted, White
Primary Use: Eggs
Cold Hardy: No
Temperament: Active, Quick

40. Lamona:
Egg Laying: Very Good (4/wk)
Egg Color: White
Primary Use: Meat
Cold Hardy: –
Temperament: Friendly, Docile

41. Legbar:
Egg Laying: Very Good (4/wk)
Egg Color: Light Blue
Primary Use: Eggs
Cold Hardy: Yes
Temperament: Forager

42. Leghorn:
Egg Laying: Very Good (4/wk)
Egg Color: White
Primary Use: Eggs
Cold Hardy: No
Temperament: Nervous, Flighty

43. Malay:
Egg Laying: Fair (2/wk)
Egg Color: Light Brown
Primary Use: Meat
Cold Hardy: –
Temperament: Aggressive

44. Marans:
Egg Laying: Good (3/wk)
Egg Color: Dark Brown
Primary Use: Meat/Eggs
Cold Hardy: Yes
Temperament: Quiet, Docile

45. Marsh Daisy:
Egg Laying: Good (3/wk)
Egg Color: Tinted
Primary Use: Eggs
Cold Hardy: Yes
Temperament: Calm, Active

46. Minorca:
Egg Laying: Very Good (4/wk)
Egg Color: White
Primary Use: Ornamental
Cold Hardy: No
Temperament: Noisy, Flighty

47. Modern Game:
Egg Laying: Poor (1/wk)
Egg Color: White
Primary Use: Ornamental
Cold Hardy: No
Temperament: Curious, Friendly

48. Naked Neck:
Egg Laying: Fair (2/wk)
Egg Color: Light Brown
Primary Use: Meat/Eggs
Cold Hardy: Yes
Temperament: Cold Hardy

49. Nankin:
Egg Laying: –
Egg Color: Tinted
Primary Use: Ornamental
Cold Hardy: Yes
Temperament: Friendly, Calm

50. New Hampshire:
Egg Laying: Very Good (4/wk)
Egg Color: Brown
Primary Use: Meat/Eggs
Cold Hardy: Yes
Temperament: Competitive, Aggressive

51. Norfolk Grey:
Egg Laying: Very Good (4/wk)
Egg Color: Tinted
Primary Use: Meat/Eggs
Cold Hardy: –
Temperament: Active Forager

52. Old English Game:
Egg Laying: Good (3/wk)
Egg Color: Tinted, Cream
Primary Use: Meat
Cold Hardy: Yes
Temperament: Self-Sufficient, Noisy, Aggressive

53. Orloff:
Egg Laying: Fair (2/wk)
Egg Color: Light Brown
Primary Use: Meat
Cold Hardy: Yes
Temperament: Calm

54. Orpington:
Egg Laying: Good (3/wk)
Egg Color: Light Brown
Primary Use: Meat/Eggs
Cold Hardy: Yes
Temperament: Calm

55. Pekin:
Egg Laying: Good (3/wk)
Egg Color: Brown
Primary Use: Ornamental
Cold Hardy: Yes
Temperament: Docile

56. Penedesenca:
Egg Laying: Good (3/wk)
Egg Color: Dark Brown
Primary Use: Eggs
Cold Hardy: No
Temperament: Active

57. Phoenix:
Egg Laying: Poor (1/wk)
Egg Color: Golden, Silver
Primary Use: Ornamental
Cold Hardy: No
Temperament: Unfriendly, Docile

58. Plymouth Rock:
Egg Laying: Very Good (4/wk)
Egg Color: Brown, Light Brown
Primary Use: Meat/Eggs
Cold Hardy: Yes
Temperament: Calm

59. Polish:
Egg Laying: Good (3/wk)
Egg Color: White
Primary Use: Ornamental
Cold Hardy: Yes
Temperament: Friendly

60. Red Shaver:
Egg Laying: –
Egg Color: Brown
Primary Use: Meat/Eggs
Cold Hardy: Yes
Temperament: Calm, Friendly, Quiet, Hardy

61. Rhode Island Red:
Egg Laying: Excellent (5/wk)
Egg Color: Brown
Primary Use: Meat/Eggs
Cold Hardy: Yes
Temperament: Hardy

62. Rhode Island White:
Egg Laying: Excellent (5/wk)
Egg Color: Brown
Primary Use: Meat/Eggs
Cold Hardy: Yes
Temperament: Calm, Easygoing

63. Scots Dumpy:
Egg Laying: Good (3/wk)
Egg Color: Off-White, Tinted
Primary Use: Meat/Eggs
Cold Hardy: Yes
Temperament: Quiet

64. Scots Grey:
Egg Laying: –
Egg Color: Cream
Primary Use: Meat/Eggs
Cold Hardy: Yes
Temperament: Forager, Active

65. Sebright:
Egg Laying: Poor (1/wk)
Egg Color: White
Primary Use: Ornamental
Cold Hardy: No
Temperament: Friendly, Active

66. Frizzle:
Egg Laying: Good (3/wk)
Egg Color: Tinted, White
Primary Use: Eggs
Cold Hardy: No
Temperament: Good Forager, Hardy

67. Serama:
Egg Laying: Very Good (4/wk)
Egg Color: Cream or Tinted
Primary Use: Ornamental
Cold Hardy: No
Temperament: Calm, Manageable, Assertive, Confident

68. Shamo:
Egg Laying: Fair (2/wk)
Egg Color: Brown
Primary Use: Ornamental
Cold Hardy: No
Temperament: Pleasant, Docile

69. Sicilian Buttercup:
Egg Laying: Very Good (4/wk)
Egg Color: White
Primary Use: Eggs
Cold Hardy: No
Temperament: Active

70. Silkie:
Egg Laying: Good (3/wk)
Egg Color: Tinted, Cream
Primary Use: Eggs
Cold Hardy: Yes
Temperament: Friendly, Calm

71. Speckled Sussex:
Egg Laying: Very Good (4/wk)
Egg Color: Brown, Cream, Tan
Primary Use: Meat/Eggs
Cold Hardy: Yes
Temperament: Alert, Docile

72. Sultan:
Egg Laying: Poor (1/wk)
Egg Color: White
Primary Use: Ornamental
Cold Hardy: No
Temperament: Friendly, Docile

73. Sumatra:
Egg Laying: Fair (2/wk)
Egg Color: White
Primary Use: Ornamental
Cold Hardy: Yes
Temperament: Flighty, Jumpy

74. Vorwerk:
Egg Laying: Good (3/wk)
Egg Color: Cream
Primary Use: Meat/Eggs
Cold Hardy: Yes
Temperament: Alert, Active

75. Welsummer:
Egg Laying: Very Good (4/wk)
Egg Color: Dark Brown
Primary Use: Ornamental
Cold Hardy: Yes
Temperament: Friendly, Intelligent

76. White Faced Black Spanish:
Egg Laying: Good (3/wk)
Egg Color: White
Primary Use: Eggs
Cold Hardy: No
Temperament: Wild, Active

77. Yokohama:
Egg Laying: Poor (1/wk)
Egg Color: Tinted
Primary Use: Ornamental
Cold Hardy: No
Temperament: Calm, Quiet

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