Yes pawpaw farming business is very profitable if properly taken care of and well maintained. Pawpaw farming business requires little capital to start, this is considering if you can handle the labour by yourself and own a land. It is very lucrative in the sense that the consumption rate is high invariably the supply rate that generates money.
Pawpaw can be grown anywhere in Nigeria and it is eaten by all tribes. The traditional varieties of papaya starts producing after 9 months while the dwarf hybrid starts producing after 3 months with proper care. Although the length of time they need to ripen varies depending on your local climate. In general it takes 150 to 164 days to ripen although in subtropical areas it can vary from 190 to 270 days to ripen.
Paw paw grows best in light, well-drained soils that are rich in organic matter with a soil pH of between 6.0 to 6.5. It can tolerate any kind of soil provided it is well-drained and not too dry. The roots are very sensitive to water logging areas and even short periods of flooding can kill the plants as they are very delicate.
One papaya fruit cost not less than ₦100 naira in the Nigerian markets, and they can go as high as ₦400 naira depending on the size of the papaya fruit, the taste of the fruit and season.
Now assuming you were able to plant 300 stands of paw paw trees and it yields 60 fruits per tree; that means 60 × 100 × 300 = ₦1,800,000 which I think is profitable enough to make you want to give paw-paw farming business a try.
Wondering why is pawpaw good for you? Like many fruits, papaya fruits are rich in nutrients like vitamins and minerals. Paw-paw fruits also known as Carica papaya fruits or pawpaw fruits are especially high in vitamin C, magnesium, manganese, and iron and maintaining optimal vitamin C levels in the body is essential for immune function, protection against illness and infection, skin health, and more.