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Cocoyam (Colocasia esculenta): Health Benefits, Healing Powers and Uses

Taro (Cocoyam) which is also referred to as Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott is a tropical root crop grown primarily for its starchy corms or underground stem.

It is a 1–2 m tall herbaceous monocotyledonous plant that is made up of a central corm (below the soil surface) that causes the leaves to grow upwards, roots that grow downwards, and cormels, daughter corms, and runners (stolons) that grow laterally.

The root system is fibrous and extends up to one meter into the soil. It is a staple crop in the Pacific Islands, Asia, and Africa. However, despite accounting for the largest share of global taro production over the last two decades, Africa has been unpopular in the international taro market.

Cocoyam (Colocasia esculenta) Description

Cocoyam (Colocasia esculenta): Health Benefits, Healing Powers and Uses

The leaves can grow up to 40 cm × 24.8 cm (15+3⁄4 in × 9+3⁄4 in) in length and they sprout from the rhizome. Their colors appear to be dark green on top and light green on the bottom. At the apex, they are triangular-ovate, sub-rounded, and mucronate, with rounded or sub-rounded basal lobe tips.

The petiole grows to a height of 0.8–1.2 m (2 ft 7 in–3 ft 11 in). The path can be as long as 25 cm (10 in) long while the spadix is roughly one-third the length of the spathe, with flowering parts up to 8 mm (5⁄16 in) in diameter. The female portion consists of fertile ovaries mixed in with sterile white ovaries while the male portion is longer than the appendage.

Taro (Colocasia esculenta), also known as eddo, dasheen, ede, and many other native names, is an arum family herbaceous plant (Araceae). The first thing to know about cocoyam (Colocasia esculenta) is that the plant has very high nutritional values. The cocoyam fruit is edible and can be used as a vegetable in cooking.

It is one of the most widely grown staple crops in developing countries and the plant can be used as a staple food for infants as well as for adults. The root of the cocoyam is highly nutritious and can be used as a weaning food in infants while the cocoyam leaves are a great source of calcium and can help to build strong bones.

The plant contains folate, which is important for the development of the fetal nervous system and brain. The best way to enjoy cocoyam is to roast it or fry it first, before eating it. The Cocoyam plant is a staple crop that is grown in many areas of Africa.

It is commonly found in Nigeria, the Pacific Islands, Ghana, Japan, and other areas. It contains high levels of Vitamin A and C while the leaves are higher in protein than the corms, and the fruit can be processed into various food products. If you’re interested in growing cocoyam yourself, consider learning about this staple crop!

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The plant is versatile and can be cultivated for its tubers and roots. The roots and stems are edible and can be used in a variety of ways. The leaves and stems are cooked and eaten as food.

In addition to cooking, the leaves are made into balls, which are used in soups and stews. You can even fry the taro in oil, which is very beneficial for your health.

The plant has been used for countless medicinal and culinary purposes, for instance, It is a great source of dietary fiber and magnesium and is an excellent addition to any diet.

The cocoyam leaf is also a delicious snack, they are a source of energy and are a popular staple food in the Philippines, and according to a recent study published in the Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, it has been revealed that cocoyam can either be consumed raw or cooked.

Other Health Benefits of Cocoyam (Colocasia esculenta)

Cocoyam (Colocasia esculenta): Health Benefits, Healing Powers and Uses

Among several benefits of cocoyam, below are some of the notable benefits of cocoyam (Colocasia esculenta):

1. The cocoyam is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which aid the body’s ability to produce healthy blood pressure.

2. It also provides Vitamin A and Vitamin B6, which are essential for a healthy immune system.

3. In addition to being a great source of energy, the cocoyam also contains folate which helps the brain and nervous system of a fetus develop properly.

As a staple food in Africa, with its edible corms and leaves, it is also available year-round in the Caribbean. Cocoyam is similar to other crops like; potatoes, yam, and cassava, and the likes which are also grown for their edible tubers and stems.

However, despite its similarity to other crops, it has several unique characteristics and healing powers. While cocoyam is edible and nutritious, it can also be used as a vegetable and can be cooked into porridge or eaten raw.

Meanwhile, harvested cocoyam tubers should be firm to ensure the quality of your harvest. The corns should not be soft or cracked, and you should ensure that the cocoyam is clean and free of physical wounds and cracks.

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Cocoyam (Colocasia esculenta): Health Benefits, Healing Powers and Uses

In conclusion, cocoyam is high in omega-3 fatty acids and aids in the production of hormones that helps to keep blood pressure normal. It contains calcium, which helps in the formation of healthy bones and helps in the formation of strong bones. It also contains folate, which is necessary for brain and nervous system development. Cocoyam is used in baking as well as eating the edible parts of the plant.

The fruit is high in beta-carotene, iron, and magnesium, and it is also a source of dietary fibre with many other medicinal properties. This cocoyam plant is regarded as one of the healthiest crops on the planet, with over 20 million tonnes grown in the United States alone.

The best part is that cocoyam leaves are edible as well, while the leaves and corms can be eaten as a whole. This is where I will be summarizing our today’s topic on the amazing health benefits of cocoyam (Colocasia esculenta).

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