Every plant that exists including Stubborn Grass (Sida Acuta) has it’s own advantages and disadvantages. Although we see most of them as weeds and grasses, some of them also possess amazing health benefits that some of us may not even be aware of.
Today, we are going to be looking at the health benefits of a popular grass known as The stubborn grass.
Botanical name: Sida Acuta
Sida acuta (Stubborn Grass), is regarded as astringent, tonic and useful in treating urinary diseases and blood disorders, bile, liver and as treatment for nervous diseases.
Sida acuta, the common wireweed, is a species of flowering plant in the mallow family, Malvaceae. It is believed to have originated in Central America, but today has a pantropical distribution and is considered a weed in some areas
Description of Stubborn Grass (Sida Acuta)
Plant– Undershrub, with mucilaginous juice, aerial, erect, cylindrical, branched, solid, green.
Leaves– Alternate, simple, lanceolate to linear, rarely ovate to oblong, obtuse at the base, acute at the apex, coarsely and remotely serrate; petiole much shorter than the blade; stipulate, stipules free-lateral, unequally paired at the node, reticulate venation.
Inflorescence– Cymose
Flower– Small, axillary, 2-3 in a cluster; pedicels jointed at the middle, epicalyx absent, complete,
bisexual, regular, actinomorphic, hypogynus, pentamerous, yellow.
Calyx- Sepals 5, gamosepalous, campanulate, slightly accrescent, persistent, valvate.
Corolla– Petals 5, polypetalous but slightly connate below and jointed with the staminal column,twisted.
Androecium– Stamens many,monadelphous, arranged on the staminal column; staminal column is shorter than the petals,divided above into numerous filaments, anthers monothecus, reniform, basifixed, filament short, extrorse.
Gynoecium– Carples 5, syncarpous, ovary superior,penta or multilocular with axile placentation, one ovule in each locule; style 1, passing through the staminal tube; stigma globular,correspond to the number of carples.
Fruit– A schizocarpic mericarp, seed 1 in each mericarp.
Classification and Identification
Class– Dicotyledonae
I) Reticulate venation.
II) Flower pentamerous.
Sub Class– Polypetalae
I) Petals free.
Series– Thalamiflorae.
I) Flower hypogynus; ovary superior.
Order– Malvales
I) Stamens indefinite, monadelphous.
II) Ovary 5 carpellary, placentation axile.
Family– Malvaceae
I) Plant- mucilaginous.
II) Leaves- Simple with free lateral stipule.
III) Flower- Bisexual,; petals 5, twisted; monadelphous stamen, anther one celled, reniformed.
Genus– Sida
I) Staminal column without teeth at apex.
II) Flowers without epicalyx.
III) Ovule 1 in each locule; seed 1 in each mericarp.
Species– S.acuta
I) Leaf base obtuse, apex acute.
Vernacular name in different native languages include the following;
Sanskrit– Bala; Bengali– Kureta/ Berela (in Tripura) ; Hindi– Kareta/ Kharenti ; Oriya– Siobala ; Gujrati– Bala/ Jangli menthi ; Marathi– Chikana ; Malayalam– Malatanni ; Tamil– Malaidangi ; Telegu– Nelabenda ; Kannada– Vishakaddi ; Sinhala– Gasbevila ; Burmese– Katsayna ; Yoruba-Ìsékètu. Floral formul of Sida acota- Br,+,K⁵,C⁵^,A_,G(⁵)
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Origin of Sida Acuta
This species of sida acuta (stubborn grass) may have originated in Central America, but it is now widespread throughout the tropical and sub-tropical regions of the world (i.e. pan-tropical).
Naturalized Distribution
This plant is widely naturalised throughout the northern parts of Australia. It is most common in the coastal regions of central and northern Queensland and in the northern parts of the Northern Territory. Relatively common throughout the northern regions of Western Australia and other parts of northern Queensland.
Also recorded in other parts of the Northern Territory, in south-eastern Queensland, in the coastal central districts of New South Wales and on several offshore islands (i.e. Norfolk Island, Christmas Island and the Cocos Islands).
The plant is also widely naturalised overseas, including in eastern Asia (i.e. China and Taiwan) and on several Pacific islands (e.g. the Galápagos Islands, the Chuuk Islands, Fiji, French Polynesia, Guam, Hawaii, Kiribati, the Marshall Islands, Nauru, New Caledonia, Niue, Palau and the Solomon Islands).
A weed of tropical, semi-arid and occasionally also sub-tropical and warmer temperate regions. It invades open woodlands, pastures, waterways (i.e. riparian vegetation), plantations, crops, gardens, disturbed sites, roadsides and waste areas.
A long-lived (i.e. perennial) herbaceous plant or small shrub (i.e. sub-shrub) usually growing 30-100 cm tall, but occasionally reaching up to 1.5 m in height. However, it often behaves as a short-lived (i.e. annual) plant in the wet-dry savannas of northern Australia.
Distinguishing Features
The distinguishing features of this plant include the following;
- A long-lived herbaceous plant or small shrub growing 30-150 cm tall with slender, but tough, stems.
- Its yellowish-green leaves are usually elongated in shape with toothed margins and sharply pointed tips.
- Its flowers (1-2 cm across) are borne singly or in small clusters in the leaf forks on short stalks.
- These flowers have five yellow petals (6-9 mm long) and five sepals.
- Its fruit (2-6 mm across) break up into 5-8 wedge-shaped segments when mature.
- These one-seeded segments are topped with two sharp spines (0.5-1.5 mm long).
Stems and Leaves
The slender, yet wiry or slightly woody, stems are branched and either upright (i.e. erect) or spreading (i.e. ascending) in nature. They are sparsely covered with fine, star-shaped (i.e. stellate), hairs.
The leaves are alternately arranged along the stems and borne on short, hairy (i.e. pubescent) stalks (i.e. petioles) 3-7 mm long. These yellowish-green coloured leaves (12-95 mm long and 3-40 mm wide) are usually elongated in shape (i.e. lanceolate) with toothed (i.e. crenate or serrate) margins and pointed tips (i.e. acute or acuminate apices). They are hairless (i.e. glabrous) or sparsely covered in simple or star-shaped (i.e. stellate) hairs.
Flowers and Fruit
The yellow (rarely whitish) flowers (1-2 cm across) are borne singly or in small clusters in the upper leaf forks (i.e. axils). They are borne on short and slender stalks (i.e. peduncles) 2-8 mm long, that elongate up to 15 mm in fruit. Each flower has five pale yellow, yellow, or pale orange petals (6-9 mm long) and five mostly hairless sepals (5-8 mm long).
These pale green sepals are fused together at the base (i.e. into a calyx tube) and have pointed tips (i.e. acute calyx lobes). The flowers also have numerous (about 100) tiny stamens, with their bases fused to each other, and an ovary topped with a style that is divided into 6-10 branches near its tip.
Flowering occurs mostly during late summer, although it may occur throughout the year if conditions are favourable.
The fruit is a hard structure (i.e. schizocarp) that turns from green to dark brown as it matures. These small fruit (2-6 mm across and 3-5 mm high) break up into 5-8 one-seeded segments (i.e. mericarps) when fully mature.
These ‘seeds’ (i.e. mericarps) are wedge-shaped (1.5-2 mm long) and topped with two sharp awns (0.5-1.5 mm long). The true seeds are inside these mericarps, they are smaller (about 1.5 mm long) and reddish-brown to black in colour.
Reproduction and Dispersal
This species reproduces by seed, which readily attach to animals, clothing and other materials. Seeds may also be dispersed in mud and contaminated agricultural produce.
Environmental Impact
Spiny-head sida (Sida acuta) is regarded as an environmental weed in northern Australia (i.e. northern Queensland, the northern parts of the Northern Territory and northern Western Australia).
5 Health Benefits of Stubborn Grass (Sida Acuta)
1. For Rheumatism / Arthritis
For bacteria in the body system,severe waist pain, ankle pain,lower abdominal pain during menses, hormonal imbalance,irregular menses,watery sperm and quick ejaculation.
This dreaded disease refer as rheumatoid arthritis which normally develop symptoms like; deformation, joint pain, swollen ankle, and general inflammation of body.
In fact doctors and scientists have not figured out the real cause of this disease, but it is believe to be caused by polluted environment, smoking, life style, and genetic factors though our body normally form antibodies that fight virus and diseases.
It is a specialist in decreasing life expectancy, which have left many on the wheelchair and cause some people to look older and subjected to early death.
Today in Africa, a lot of people who often experience deformation and have their swollen ankle left with punch-hole, often keep malice with their suspected family members and neighbors as an architect to their problem, due to ignorant and mental slavery.
Here is a wonderful plant that God has deposited to help us in perfect treatment of this dreaded disease, but it required to work only if you reserve the rule and perfect preparation.
This plant is to be harvest early morning hour of 6:00 am dot before before the sunset, if not it won’t perform, and must be kept in cool in cool or wet place if you aren’t ready for immediate preparation.
Get 2 big balls of white onions ready, harvest three handful of this plant and wash it with water and salt.
Then cut in pieces and pour 4 liters of fresh water in a pot, cut the two balls of white onions and spray it on the top.
Boil it for maximum of 15 minute and filter the water for your healing. drink a glass for morning and night to testify of goodness of God!
2. For General Weakness
The feeling of body lethargy or tiredness is characterized as general weakness, also known as asthenia. Due to weakness, certain parts of the body may be unable to move adequately.
A general weakness is characterized by a lack of energy to move certain muscles, or possibly all muscles in the body.
Only boil the leaf and consume one glass of it three times a day.
3. Insomnia
Add almond and bamboo leaves to Stubborn Grass (Sida Acuta) leaf with it. Bring to boil one glass full twice daily.
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Follow the following instructions to get the best out of stubborn leaves:
4. Back Ache
Backache, often known as back pain, is a type of back discomfort. The most common sign of back pain is an ache in the back, which can extend all the way down to the buttocks and legs. Some back problems can cause discomfort in other parts of the body, depending on which nerves are involved.
The back is separated into three sections: Neck discomfort, back pain, and back pain (cervical) Back discomfort in the middle (thoracic) Depending on the afflicted segment, coccus unit (tailbone or sacral discomfort) or lower back pain (lumbar) may be experienced. The lumbar region is the most commonly impacted.
Obtain a handful of tenacious grass and pineapple leaves. In a kettle or pot, bring everything to a boil. Back discomfort might be relieved by drinking one glass three times a day.
4. Infection of the Urinary Tract
Any portion of the urinary system, the kidneys, bladder, or urethra, can get infected. Urinary tract infections normally originate in the bladder or urethra, but more serious infections affect the kidney.
Infection of a urinary tract infection (UTI) is more common in women. Stiff grass can be used to treat urinary tract infections.
Obtain a handful of obstinate grass. In a pot, bring it to a boil. 3 spoons of ash (Eeru) in the Yoruba language, Uyi in the Igbo language. After that, combine everything and filter it. Take one cup every morning and evening for seven days.
5. Problem with the Kidneys
Kidney illness can impair your body’s capacity to maintain blood pressure regulation, clean your blood, and filter excess water from your blood. It can also affect vitamin D metabolism, which is important for bone health and the production of red blood cells.
Fill a medium-sized pot halfway with water and the root, then heat to a boil. 2 half-glasses of water per day.
Read Also: 11 Healing Powers of Siam Weed (Awolowo Leaf) – Updated
very helpful
i need this plants and how it works
Please Sir/Ma, Does stubborn grass has age limite? An age you will get and it will not be for you again? And also how long can someone take it as your body does? And also can someone who is free from all the sickness mentions also take it? Thanks and More Grace.
Thanks alot for this informative articles…. I will try it and tell you the results….God bless you
That’s great and I’m glad you find the article useful!
Please Sir, mine is for waist pain and premature ejaculation
What is the right recipes and method of preparation for both
Please how can I use this sida Acuta to prevent these premature ejaculation
Please how do we get rid of high blood pressure with stubborn grass?
Ma’am, you said for bacteria, severe waist pain, premature ejaculation etc; a handful of sida acuta. My question is, am i to make use of the whole of the plant parts (roots, leaves, stem, flowers)? Or a certain part? Pls make it clearer. Thanks.
For pain on my hip how can i use it.
Also does it have side effects. Thanks for contribution to d advancement of humanity.