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Importance and Classification Of Cattle

Importance and Classification Of Cattle

Cattle play a critical role in the economy, culture, and daily livelihood of many people, especially the indigenous cattle owners who rely heavily on these animals for a wide range of benefits.

As one of the most versatile domesticated animals, cattle contribute significantly to food production, agriculture, and social security.

Cattle farming has been part of human civilization for thousands of years, and today, it continues to provide vital resources.

Whether for their meat, milk, or as work animals, cattle are invaluable to both rural and urban areas. In Nigeria, cattle are not just animals; they are integral to the cultural and economic fabric of the country. Their importance cannot be overstated.

In this article, we will discuss the importance and classification of cattle, particularly focusing on their significance to communities in tropical regions like Nigeria.

Origin and History of Domestication of Cattle

The history of cattle domestication is a fascinating journey that spans thousands of years and is rooted in the evolution of human societies and agriculture.

Cattle, being one of the most important livestock species, have played a crucial role in providing milk, meat, leather, and even labor for agricultural purposes.

All domestic cattle belong to the family Bovidae, which encompasses a wide range of herbivorous mammals, including goats, sheep, and bison.

Within this broad family, domestic cattle are divided into two primary subspecies: Bos taurus (humpless cattle) and Bos indicus (humped cattle), each with a distinct evolutionary path and historical significance.

The two subspecies of domestic cattle, Bos taurus and Bos indicus, are believed to have been domesticated independently in different regions of the world.

Bos taurus, commonly known as humpless cattle, is the more widespread variety, particularly found in Europe and parts of Asia.

This subspecies is believed to have evolved from the now-extinct wild aurochs (Bos primigenius), a large and robust type of wild cattle that roamed Eurasia.

The domestication of Bos taurus likely occurred around 10,000 years ago in the Near East, during the early phases of human agriculture, when people began to tame and breed animals for food production and other purposes.

Bos indicus, or humped cattle, often referred to as zebu, is primarily found in South Asia, parts of Africa, and other tropical regions.

The characteristic hump on their shoulders, along with their loose skin and large, drooping ears, make them well adapted to hot and arid environments.

The origins of Bos indicus can be traced to Western Asia, where they were first domesticated. Over time, these humped cattle spread across Asia and Africa, evolving to thrive in regions with harsher climates, where Bos taurus cattle might not have fared as well.

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The Ancestry of Bos taurus

Importance and Classification Of Cattle

The domestication of Bos taurus cattle in Africa can be traced back to two ancestral types: the Hamitic longhorn and the Hamitic shorthorn cattle.

These ancient cattle types were integral to early African societies and were associated with the pastoralist cultures of North and East Africa.

The longhorn cattle were particularly notable for their impressive horns, which not only served as a defense mechanism but also symbolized status and wealth in many early societies.

The shorthorn cattle, on the other hand, had shorter horns and were typically more compact and efficient in milk and meat production.

These Hamitic cattle are believed to have descended from the wild aurochs and were among the earliest breeds to be domesticated by humans.

As pastoralists migrated across the African continent, they brought their cattle with them, and these animals played a key role in shaping the agricultural landscape of ancient African civilizations.

The Origin of Zebu (Bos indicus)

Importance and Classification Of Cattle

The humped cattle, or zebu, are thought to have originated in Western Asia, where they were domesticated from wild cattle similar to the aurochs.

Unlike the humpless Bos taurus, zebu cattle possess several unique adaptations that have enabled them to survive and thrive in hot, dry climates.

Their distinctive hump, which consists of a fatty tissue, serves as an energy reserve during periods of drought or food scarcity. Their thick skin and large ears help regulate body temperature and protect them from insects.

After their domestication in Western Asia, zebu cattle were introduced into various regions, including Africa, by ancient human populations.

The spread of zebu into Africa was a significant development in the history of African livestock farming. As these humped cattle were more resilient to the heat and less susceptible to diseases like rinderpest and trypanosomiasis, they gradually became the dominant cattle breed in many parts of the continent.

Introduction of Cattle into Africa

The movement of domesticated cattle into Africa is closely tied to human migration and the spread of agricultural practices. Hamitic longhorn, shorthorn, and Zebu-type cattle were introduced into the African continent by early immigrants from Western Asia.

These immigrants, likely pastoralists, brought their livestock with them as they traveled in search of fertile lands and water sources.

Over time, cattle became an integral part of African agricultural systems and societies, providing not only a reliable source of food but also economic and cultural value.

The introduction of zebu cattle into Africa, in particular, marked a significant turning point in the continent’s livestock history.

Zebu cattle were better suited to the harsh environmental conditions of sub-Saharan Africa than the indigenous longhorn and shorthorn breeds, which were more common in northern and eastern regions.

As a result, zebu cattle spread rapidly across the continent, often interbreeding with local cattle to create new, more resilient breeds that could withstand the challenges of Africa’s diverse ecosystems.

Importance of Cattle

1. Meat and milk supply: Cattle plays an important role in improving over 70%meat demands of Nigerians while its milk is the most accepted when compare to other ruminants.

2. Draught power: Cattle is a very important source of farm power in Nigeria and in different parts of the world at different times.

This is accessible to peasant farmers who cannot afford mechanized farm power. It has greatly reduced dependence on mechanized farm power which is very costly.

It has enhance the volume of crop production in area of use and reduced drogery in farming operations.

3. Manure: Cattle dung maintain soil fertility, Farm yard manure which consist of cattle feacal materials could be used to fertilized the soil.

Cattle dung is a rich source of N.P.K. and in mixed farms can reduce the cost of fertilizer.

4. Blood Meal, hooves and horns: Hooves and horns of cattle are fibrous protein used in gum industries. Blood meal and bone meal are used in feeding farm animals.

5. Farm diversification: Cattle provide desirable farm diversification. The produce milk and meat, while by-product (residues) of the crops are fed to the animals. Keeping the farmer productive all year round.

6. Social Function: Maintain and uplifts prestige base on the number of cattle. It represent the position of the owner and the family in the society.

Cattle are seen as a measure of status of the owner in he society, as mobile banks by nomads, as insurance against crop failures by mixed farmers and as items of religious worship and marriages by various groups of traditionalists.

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Classification of cattle

Importance and Classification Of Cattle

On the basis of utility, cattle are wither milk type (Dairy), beef type,. Draught type or multipurpose.

1. Dairy cattle: They are narrow in body conformation, with wide hindquarters. The udder or mammary glands are large and well developed, top line should be straight, wedge-shaped.

Dairy cattle are generally more docile due to many generation of selection and handling. There are rarely any African breeds that are uniquely recognized for dairying.

2. Beef cattle: They are blocky, rapid growth rate, more aggressive than the dairy. The best known Africa beef cattle is the Boran found in East Africa.

An important feature of this is a low skeletal proportion relative to the muscle. This ensures a high killing out of percentage.

3. Draught cattle: Are of a hardy nature able to take a lot of stress during work. They are docile. The are found more in sedentary agrarian societies of Asia and Africa.

Most of the breeds in west Africa, East Africa and South East Asia are convertible into fraught breeds.

Such conversion may require the castration of young bulls to increase docility.

4. Multi-purpose cattle: In the less well-developed areas of the world, cattle has not been selected for a single purpose, the owners device roles for this animals as the need arises.

Cattle could be dual purpose producing meat and milk, meat and power, or power and milk.

Cattle (large ruminants) contribute greatly to the nations meat and milk supply. Basically the Bos Taurus (humpless cattle) are regarded as temperate breeds while the Bos indecus (humped cattle) are regarded as tropical breeds.

In conclusion, cattle play a vital role in global agriculture, especially in regions like Nigeria, where they contribute to food production, economic stability, and cultural practices.

From providing meat, milk, and farm power to enhancing social prestige, their significance cannot be overstated. The classification of cattle into dairy, beef, draught, and multi-purpose types reflects their versatility and adaptability.

Beyond their agricultural contributions, cattle are integral to social and economic life, particularly in areas where modern technology is less accessible, underscoring their continued importance in human society.

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