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Pampas Grass (Cortaderia Selloana) Complete Guide

Pampas grass (Cortaderia Selloana) is native to southern South America belonging to the species of flowery plants in the Poaceae family. It is a perennial plant with a height reaching up to 13ft and is cultivated as an ornamental in most parts of the world. The pampas grass is a class “C” noxious weed and can sometimes outgrow, which is why it is banned in several countries today.

Pampas grass leaves pose a significant fire risk if placed near inflammable substances sometimes due to their large surface area. Pampas grass is an ornamental plant, therefore we’ll be sharing with you tips on how to decorate with pampas grass.

The most frequently cultivated pampas grass species is Cortaderia Selloana that hails from a variety of places, including South America, New Zealand, and New Guinea. 

C. selloana (pampas grass) is an erect perennial, tussock grass, up to 2-4 m tall and 1-2 m wide. It has large (1-3 m), glaucous-green leaves with serrulate margins. Inflorescences consist of several large plumose light-violet to silver-white panicles producing thousands of tiny wind-dispersed seeds.

This South American grass has been introduced in temperate and subtropical areas mainly as an ornamental. It has also been introduced for erosion control and as a barrier or windbreak. It is listed as one of the worst invader taxa in Europe and as a noxious species in Western Australia.

It forms dense, often impenetrable, stands that can damage grazing lands and affect visibility on roads. Pampas grass increases its density and colonizes semi-natural areas in a short period of time, being a threat to native plant diversity.

Due to low decomposition rates of standing dead leaves and senescing panicles, it increases fire risk. The sharp leaves can produce superficial cuts and flowers may provoke allergies in summer.

How to Identify a Pampas Grass

Pampas Grass (Cortaderia Selloana) Complete Guide

As mentioned earlier, the pampas grass is a large perennial grass, it normally grows among a bunch of bushes called tussocks. The tussocks are just basically clumps of green grasses. The fruit of this plant is a dry one-seeded fruit, the narrow leaves have sharp edges and grow to around 4ft tall.

However, the stem of this noxious weed called culms normally grow to about 6.6 to 13.1ft and are stiff while the stem of this plant is said to be 2 to 4 times longer than the tussock.

According to research, the estimated number of seeds produced per plant ranges from 54,567 to 840,905. The pampas plant normally grows in a variety of habits including shrubs, bluffs, and wetlands. The seeds are very light therefore they can easily be dispersed by winds and most human activities.

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Note: The leaves are notably sharp and up to 6.6ft long, they can cut the skin of a human being because the leaf margins have sharp teeth/edges.

The leaves appear to have a bluish-green color with the base of the leaves being covered in a dense ring of hairs.  Pampas grass is not all hermaphroditic flowers, that is to say, the plant is divided into both male and female. The male or hermaphroditic however tends to be the source of pollen needed by the female plant or flower to produce seeds.

There are a group or cluster of flowers arranged on a stem that is composed of the main branch or a complicated arrangement of branches, they are known as plumes. Plumes are an intermediate flower cluster in which flowers are arranged along a single central axis and it has a length that ranges from 1 to 3ft.

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Dwarf Pampas Grass (Cortaderia Pumila)

Botanically known as Cortaderia Pumila, dwarf pampas grass is an Argentinian trouble-free native grass. Dwarf pampas grass belongs to the perennial plants family.

This plant is as beautiful as the pampas grass, the only difference between the two is that the pampas grass is seed-producing while the dwarf pampas grass is a non-seed-producing plant.

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Other Facts About Pampas Grass

1. They can leave up to a decade, due to this fact the pampas have gotten more recognition and have now become a favorite plant that most individuals grow in their gardens.

2. They are invasive in the sense that they produce reproductive offspring in very large numbers.

Although invasive plants are the leading cause of habitat loss and diversify the same species of plant in certain regions, the pampas grass species however can create monoculture and they spread quickly.

One notable problem caused by the pampas grass is the fact that they contribute to biological pollution by reducing other species of plant diversity, due to it spreading quickly.

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Dried Pampas Grass

The dried pampas grass is said to have a bohemian-styled beauty and often lasts for up to 3yrs.

This kind of pampas grass isn’t dried in nature as they are being dried using the process detailed below.

Below are easy steps in drying a pampas grass:

1. Cut the stems of the pampas grass, you can use a hand garden pruner to do this, you should make sure you cut at least 6-10 stems of each pampas grass in your garden.

2. After cutting the stems trim the small leaves at the stems.

3. In this case, you can use a hairspray to spray the plumes of pampas grass, doing so will help in preventing shading.

4. Dry for some minutes, then you can now use it in decorating your living room, dining, and e.t.c.

If you are planning on growing pampas grass in your garden, then it is necessary you know how to take care of it properly. Once you now establish a pampas plant garden, then taking good care won’t be a problem.

Due to its sharp leaves, you should use hand gloves and a long-sleeved shirt, you can apply a balanced amount of fertilizer following pruning to aid the re-growth of the plant. Maintaining the pampas plant is not that difficult just make sure the plant is pruned, watered, and given a balanced fertilizer.

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How Do I Grow a Pampas Plant

When you’re thinking about planting a pampas grass, you should consider two things which are: (1) getting a large land area and (2) getting the required soil in growing this plant.

You need a large space because the pampas plant is invasive and spreads quickly in growth, you need about 2m of land space and make sure the space you intend on using is exposed to sunlight.

Pampas grass is not suitable in cold regions unless you want to grow them in a pot, due to some crucial reasons it is advisable not to practically do that.

After getting the required space and soil ready for planting then is time to search for where to buy pampas grass. You can search for pampas grass for sale to locate a pampas grass near me/you.

Pampas grass comes in different colors like pink pampas grass (pampas grass pink), white pampas grass, purple pampas grass, and others

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The grass also provides a great filler for sparse-looking garden areas such as around the poolside or your backyard corners. If you are a fan of this species and were wondering how to make it a part of your home, let’s get you started on how you can plant and care for your Cortaderia Selloana:

Begin With The Seed

In comparison to other plants, growing pampas with seeds is easy. 

You should plant your pampas grass early in the spring, since planting in the autumn or winter may hinder its development the following summer season. 

Remember, do not cover seeds with soil, since sunlight heat, and moderate watering are all pampas seeds require to germinate.

Choose The Right Spot

When choosing the perfect location for your pampas grass in your yard, you need to consider the ultimate height and spread of the grass.

Select a yard spot that gets full daytime sunshine and avoid shady regions.  Also, avoid growing near the driveway or road. 

Take Good Care

Your grass needs constant attention.  Fertilize your grass in early spring, early summer, and early autumn in the first year following planting.  Reduce your fertilizer routine after the first year of growth, and only fertilize the grass in early spring.

Your grass may take up to three years to develop and blossom.  Every year, you’ll need to remove old grass and clip the roots of grasses that have become overgrown and wild.

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