Poultry are kept essentially for egg or meat production. The duration and management practices required for egg and meat type of production differ, though the two may be integrated naturally as in backyard poultry production or by sharing the same poultry equipment and appliances or facilities.
In either of the two enterprises (broilers or pullet production), production operations are undertaken in phases – brooding and rearing, starter and finisher phases (for broiler management), pullet and layer phases (for pullet management).
Productivity and/or profitability is dependent on the appropriateness in time and effectiveness with which routine management practices are applied. Understanding of the principles of poultry presupposes their application which this study unit endeavours to provide to students in this course.
Read Also: Proper Layers Management Practices for Better Performance
Breeders are essentially managed like layers except that management procedures must be more strictly adhered to. The following management practices must be given special attention.
• Selection and Culling: Must be routinely and vigorously practiced.
• Vaccinations: There may be need for some vaccinations at point of lay which can serve to transfer immunity from hen to chicks e.g. IBD vaccine.
• Feeding: Feeding breeder mash, which usually contains a higher level of vitamins and some minerals than the regular layers mash.
Feed restriction is often necessary for broiler breeder. A common practice is to limit feeding to only about 80 per cent of daily feed intake. Such diets must, however, be optimally fortified with minor nutrients.
• Egg Collection: Collection is at least five times a day.
Read Also: Management Guide for Layers for Better Egg Production