Friday, July 26, 2024
General Agriculture

Top 5 Reasons to Study Agriculture Courses

It might be challenging to decide which university course to enroll in or what job route to pursue. Most people avoid agriculture courses and agricultural science in general even while picking a field of study. It has become essential to educate young people about the potential of the agriculture industry.

Agriculture science is the application of farming, animal and plant production, and processing in both practical and theoretical contexts. It comprises techniques for cultivating soil, growing and harvesting crops, raising animals, and processing plant and animal products for use and consumption by humans.

The demand for Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in agricultural related courses has increased dramatically in recent years.

Younger students in particular are becoming more aware of two things: first, the agriculture sector can be highly lucrative and have an impact on the world; second, the way we have been producing our food isn’t sustainable, and a change is required.

The important question, why should you study agriculture? remains unanswered in light of these factors. And is it ultimately worthwhile?

Now let dive in to find out!!!

5 Reasons to Study Any Agriculture Course

1. Endless Job opportunities

Due to high level of unemployment one thing to consider before enrolling in any course is if such course has job oppurtunities to you upon graduation, or does it has future one can privately explore?

The agricultural industry offers countless job and career prospects. After successfully completing your courses, you don’t need to worry about finding employment. The agricultural sector offers a wide range of employment prospects.

Depending on your area of expertise, you may choose to launch your own private business. After graduation, you have the option of continuing your education to qualify for more advanced prospects or working in one of the many agro-allied businesses.

You also have a possibility to find employment as an agricultural science graduate in the banking or biotech industries.

2. Agriculture jobs are well paid

The agricultural sector is crucial to our economy, society, and way of life. Agriculture produces a variety of goods, including clothing, paper, building materials, and food.

As a result, it is not unexpected that those who work in this field have the chance to earn substantial salaries that adequately compensate them for the importance of their work.

According to data from PayScale and Glassdoor, the following are some of the most in-demand agricultural jobs and their average incomes in the US:

  • Agricultural Consultant – 81,335 USD/year
  • Farm Manager – 49,785 USD/year
  • Soil Scientist – 58,650 USD/year
  • Fish Farm Manager – 76,700 USD/year
  • Agricultural Inspector – 42,200 USD/year
  • Horticulturalist – 43,650 USD/year
  • Farmer – 41,900 USD/year

3. You’ll make a difference and make great impact to the world

The United Nations (UN) has recently sent warned to all global governments that action is needed in order to prevent future food crisises. The main factors behind this potential crisis are:

  • The current pandemic
  • Climate change (e.g. drought, poor crops)
  • The production of food that can’t keep up with the increasing consumption
  • Current agricultural methods and strategies which aren’t sustainable

You have a crucial part to play in averting this crisis. Many ways to contribute are possible, and they all begin with an education in agriculture.

You can become an activist and work on agricultural policies, assist in the redistribution of food that is about to spoil, run your own farm, and supply the local communities to prevent needless food imports.

4. Improve people’s health by growing organic crops

It goes without saying that growing food naturally and organically is best for the earth, for us, and for the environment as a whole.

Obtaining an organic farmer certification may take some time, but it is unquestionably worthwhile. You’ll make a lot of money on one hand because premium organic food is more expensive.

On the other side, you’ll provide individuals with wholesome, palatable, and flavorful food, promoting their health and wellbeing.

Organic is the way of the future, and it’s a nice reminder that nature frequently knows best and that we shouldn’t constantly try to reinvent the wheel.

Read Also: Ranching and Domestication as a form of Wildlife Exploitation

5. Work with innovative technologies to make a global impact

Today, the world has change farming isn’t done manually has it used to be in the past, cutting-edge technology, including drones, robotic harvesters, autonomous tractors, and contemporary greenhouses, is significantly influencing how food is produced and distributed around the world.

This proves that innovation and technology aren’t just for the likes of finance and science. Combining technology advances with fresh strategies for addressing social issues in international agriculture is another definition of innovation.

Career Options in Agricultural Courses

Top 5 Reasons to Study Agriculture Courses

The career options in agricultural science goes beyond ranching and farming. If you’re passionate about working with animals, crops, and resources that contribute to the development of the economy, then pursuing a career in agriculture will be the best option for you.

1. Agriculture Mechanics

This field consists of various skilled jobs. You may consider pursuing a career as an agric engineer, manager, scientist, or technician.

2. Agriculture Engineers

This is one of the fields of agriculture that requires advanced degrees in engineering. It often requires the extensive use of water lines, buildings, machinery, waste management, etc.

3. Agribusiness

The opportunities in the agribusiness sector are similar to jobs in other sectors. However, the anchor of these business positions is on food production either through animals or crops

4. Agricultural Economics

5. Animal Science

The production and management of cattle are the topics covered in this. It includes other closely connected disciplines including biology, physical science, and social science. Animal foods offer a variety of opportunities and a career path for animal scientists.

The majority of nations in the world are dependent on agriculture, and there are countless prospects in this industry. We trust that the details in this page have helped you comprehend the benefits of studying agriculture even more thoroughly.

What to do After an Agriculture Course

Speaking of work experience, this is beneficial when it comes to finding work after graduating. There are many opportunities for agriculture graduates including roles such as:

  • Soil scientist
  • Fish farm manager
  • Farm manager
  • Agricultural consultant
  • Animal nutritionist
  • Forest ecosystem manager
  • Farmer
  • Poultry production manager
  • Agricultural engineer
  • Agricultural economist
  • Science teacher
  • Agricultural salesperson
  • Commercial horticulturalist
  • Conservation planner
  • Agricultural journalist
  • Chartered surveyor

As you can see, there are a variety of careers you can pursue with an agriculture course or degree in addition to farming. Also, this degree will give you transferable abilities that are helpful in a variety of industries.

In the UK, 76.2% of graduates in agriculture find work following graduation. Same goes to other countries, you must not have to wait to be employ, rather you can start yours and turn employer of labour.

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Benadine Nonye is an agricultural consultant and a writer with several years of professional experience in the agriculture industry. - National Diploma in Agricultural Technology - Bachelor's Degree in Agricultural Science - Master's Degree in Science Education - PhD Student in Agricultural Economics and Environmental Policy... Visit My Websites On: 1. - Your Comprehensive Practical Agricultural Knowledge and Farmer’s Guide Website! 2. - For Effective Environmental Management through Proper Waste Management and Recycling Practices! Join Me On: Twitter: @benadinenonye - Instagram: benadinenonye - LinkedIn: benadinenonye - YouTube: Agric4Profits TV and WealthInWastes TV - Pinterest: BenadineNonye4u - Facebook: BenadineNonye

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