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Types of Rabbit Housing

Basically, there are two types of rabbit housing these are outdoor hutches – this are kept outside all the time and the indoor hutches – these are kept inside a house or open shed. Outdoor hutches and indoor hutches

The requirements of space, protection and ease of management can be achieved through appropriate design, construction, and siting

Typical hutch dimensions for a general purpose hutch are as follows: 1 m above the ground approximately;

Height of hutch: 60 cm at the front, 50 cm at the back; width: 50-60 cm;

Length: 90-120 cm.

1. Indoor Rabbit Hutches

The hutches within the house can be much simpler than outdoor hutches and simple boxes made from wired frames can be used. These can be hung in a number of ways.

Indoor hutches are appropriate for the established keeper with good markets to justify the expenses in setting them up.

Types of Rabbit Housing
A typical rabbit hutch

Indoor hutches and their inside arrangements are shown below:

Types of Rabbit Housing
Possible arrangements for indoor hutches

2. Outdoor Rabbit Hutches

Types of Rabbit Housing
Outside rabbit hutch

Read Also: Advantages and Disadvantages of Rabbit Production

Table 4.1 The advantages and disadvantages of outdoor and indoor hutches.

Type of hutchesAdvantagesDisadvantages
OutdoorRelatively cheap. Appropriate when  starting productionImpossible to meet all the protection requirements all the time e.g. in storms. Hutches are difficult to clean and keep dry. Not easy to increase the number of hutches quickly.
IndoorGood conditions forRequires    a    major
 the rabbits     and     the initial investment, too
 rabbit keeper.costly for the beginner
 Rabbits are    more 
 easily observed. 
 Individual hutches are 
 easier to keep clean 
 and use particularly 
 useful where many 
 rabbits are kept. 
 It is easier to protect 
 rabbits from predators. 

Read Also: Rabbit Housing Requirements

3. Floor Methods of Rabbit Housing

This method involves keeping the rabbits on the ground, in a fenced area provided with simple boxes for shelter.

In this system several does are kept in the same area. This method is particularly suited to very dry areas and or where producers cannot obtain or afford the materials to build proper hutches.

In this method, one of the most important requirements is to keep the floor dry. An alternative method is to make a deep layer of dried straw, rice husks, or wood shavings.

Mud or wooden shelters that can be secured at night can be constructed to provide protection from predators.

Rabbits may be allowed to burrow in-floor system and may rear their young in these burrows, but kindling boxes are preferable. Bucks should be kept separate from the does and young rabbits unless there is plenty of space.

To avoid fighting does provide enough space at least 1 m2 per dose. For floor methods to be successful, observe strict hygiene and avoid overcrowding.

These methods of rabbit keeping are not widely practiced and need a lot of management attention to be successful.

In conclusion, skills needed for a successful rabbit operation, therefore, include Observation, examination, record keeping, hutch design, building and siting, food identification, selection, production and storage, and good management.

Observation is a skill that comes with practice but can be developed with the help of questions to be used each time you visit the rabbit unit.

Rabbit examination is required after a new rabbit is being bought or rabbits are being checked prior to selection for breeding.

Weighing is done to check on their growth and their general condition. Nail trimming, rabbits’ nails need to be trimmed from time to time.

Identification: This is a way and means of recognizing one’s animals (rabbits) and differentiating between one’s animals (rabbits) from another farmer’s own and differentiating between individual animals (rabbits).

There are several methods employed to achieve this. Writing in the ear, Labels, Ear-notching Record keeping, and analysis: It is necessary to keep records as the number increases. Two types of records are required. Financial records and Animal records.

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