Snail farming otherwise known as snail rearing as some people already know is a very lucrative business but now the big question is: What exactly makes snail farming to be that highly lucrative?
Today we are going to be discussing about those factors that makes snail farming as a business very lucrative especially with regards to commercial snail farming business as well as snail farming for beginners trying to start on a small scale level.
Some of such factors that made snail farming a highly lucrative business includes and not limited to the following:
A high rate of malnutrition in the country
Malnutrition has been and currently one of Nigeria big problem to be solved. It is in fact, a marketing opportunity for any aspiring entrepreneur or an existing entrepreneur to grab this. As farmer are involved in farming and in livestock farming, malnutrition rate reduces and in fact wiped away because of high rate in production and excess supply to beat demand.
Currently in Nigeria, snail farming had been ignored for decades mainly because Nigerians don’t see the business to be realistic like other livestock or agric. business. Europeans who know the value of snail farming are into it big time, and some of Nigerians.
Snail farming is less competitive compared to other agricultural businesses like fish farming, poultry, oil farming etc. Snail farming is the answer to Nigeria malnutrition rate and an increased insatiable demand for protein produce. Due to snail been prolific in nature with an increased reproduction rate can solve this problem of malnutrition.
Research has proven snail meat to be a complete balance diet and contains all necessary and important nutrients that the human body needs for good development and performance.
2. Prolific in Nature
Snails are prolific indeed, and are serious pests to crop farming. Due to high rate of reproduction it causes serious problems in crop farming.
If snails are been nurtured mainly for commercial purposes with the high rate of prolificacy it has, any individual who ventures into this has a lot of money to be made. Snails meat are sourced for all year round and 60% of snails produced are consumed by Europeans.
There is a high rate of production in snails, a snail lays up to 200 eggs in a year, and can go 3 clusters in a year, there is an increased rate in reproduction equaling the insatiable demand for snails.
3. Snails meat are exportable
For a snail farmer who ventures into this highly lucrative farming has two markets to tap into. Local and international market. The foreign market indeed is top notch to get involved in, exporting of snails abroad to an insatiable market is on the demand.
Europeans play a major role in the growth of snail farming world-wide, 60% of snails produced are consumed by them making this niche of agrobusiness to be a golden opportunity for individuals and aspiring entrepreneurs to venture into.
4. Snail slime as a by-product
In agriculture all farming has by products. It is only the smart and wise entrepreneurs and farmers will get a plan to transform the agro-economy with these by-products. In agriculture half of what is eaten and thrown away can solve a problem in other areas of economic production. For snail farming, by-products, snail slime is gotten from snails.
Research has proven snail slime’s to be a useful by-product in cosmetic production mainly because of its anti-microbial and anti-bacterial properties it possesses. Europeans source for snails mainly for snail slime and also snail meat.
5. Snail shells as a major material in feeds production
A farmer can incorporate this business idea to his normal business. Snail shells are high in calcium, and calcium plays a major role in feed production and a useful feed material in terms of feed input. Snails, poultry birds etc. needs calcium for proper growth and development.
6. Snail droppings as green manure
Manure is important in crop production. And are sourced round yearly by crop farmers.
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