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Amazing Health Benefits of Pineapple Peels

Pineapple peels has more to offer? Just like other fruits, there’s awesomeness in the skin. We don’t mean for you to eat it like candy, but there are a host of benefits that the spiky exterior has to offer. Don’t throw it away, because below we’ll show you why it’s good for you and what you can do with it. Pineapple peels also contain beneficial effects to the body’s health.

Pineapple doesn’t contain any cholesterol, as well as fat and it is very low in sodium too, which makes it a perfect food for those people who are undergoing diet.

Ananas Comosus also popularly known as pineapple is an edible fruit from Bromeliaceae family. It can be usually found in tropical climate countries and it is also cultivated worldwide due to its sour, sweet, and delicious taste.

Its fruit is usually eaten raw when ripe and mostly used for culinary purposes in global cuisines. It can be consumed fresh, cooked, juiced, or preserved.

Ancient people were traditionally using pineapple in treating and preventing numerous types of diseases, because of its nutritional value. It is also packed with nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, which has beneficial effects on the body.

Pineapple peels also contain medicinal properties, which has numerous beneficial effect to our entire body. Most people usually throws the peels, without knowing the health benefits that give to the body. After reading this research you will never throw pineapple peels.

Nutritional Value of Pineapple Peels

1. It contains vitamin B, C, folate, thiamin, pantothenic acid, bromelain, niacin, and fiber. It is also packed with mineral including magnesium, potassium, copper, manganese, calcium, iron, and other nutrients.

2. It also contains antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, and anticancer properties

3. It is also an excellent source of antioxidants that can help the body to fight free radicals, which can cause numerous diseases. Here are some of the amazing health benefits pineapple peels:

Here are some steps on how to obtain health benefits from pineapple peels:


1 whole pineapple, unpeeled
1 liter of filtered water
A natural sweetener to taste


Wash the pineapple and separate the peel from the flesh. Put the peel in a pan filled with water and add some pineapple pulp, then boil them together. Dilute the mixture in a liter of water and add natural sweeteners to improve its taste.

Read Also: Methods of Weed Control in a Pineapple Farm

The Amazing Benefits of Pineapple Peels

Amazing Health Benefits of Pineapple Peels

(1) Blood clot reduction

Flores noted that because of their bromelain levels, pineapples can help reduce excessive coagulation of the blood. This makes pineapple a good snack for frequent fliers and others at risk for blood clots.

Bromelain helps with preventing blood clots from forming, and the copper content in pineapple juice increase the formation of healthy red blood cells. Bits of potassium helps the blood vessels stay healthy and can counteract large amounts of sodium, enabling the blood pressure to be stable.

(2) Common cold and sinus inflammation

In addition to having lots of vitamin C, pineapple’s bromelain may help reduce mucus in the throat and nose, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center, so if your cold has you coughing, try some pineapple chunks.

Those with allergies may want to consider incorporating pineapple into their diets more regularly to reduce sinus mucus long term.

(3) Fertility

There are many women out there who are dying to become a mom, but the chances are not in their favor. If you are one of those unlucky ladies then you better introduce some pineapple tea into your diet, it is crucial that your husband drinks it too

Women who are looking to conceive usually pay close attention to their diet. Pineapple gets a lot of love because of its beta carotene and bromelain. Reducing inflammation in the womb helps create an ideal environment for implantation. Having warm liquids like the tea or broth listed below also support healthy fertility, and a pineapple dessert certainly wouldn’t hurt either.

(4) Pineapple skin tea to boost fertility

To prepare an infusion of pineapple skin is quite simple, just follow the steps detailed below.


Pineapple skin peels and one liter of water.


Fill a pot with one liter of water and add the previously washed pineapple skin. Boil for about 10 minutes, then let it rest for 3 minutes. Then strain the liquid and enjoy this rich infusion.

Read Also: How and When to Fertilize a Pineapple Farm

(5) Anti-inflammatory

Amazing Health Benefits of Pineapple Peels

Bromelain, a powerful enzyme found in high concentrations in pineapple skin and stems, helps to cut down inflammation in the body. It’s been touted for reducing swelling after surgery or injury, and works as an anti-inflammatory in the sinuses and throughout the body.

Not everyone would think of making a pineapple peel tea, but it is extremely helpful against the inflammation. Besides, sports injuries may be treated with it as well.

How to Make pineapple peel anti inflammatory Tea:

You can brew a tea and serve it hot or cold to reap pineapple skin’s benefits. To make a tea, scrub the outer skins thoroughly and place in a medium saucepan.

Add 2 cinnamon sticks, cloves, and 1 peeled knob of ginger. Cover with about 4 quarts of water. Simmer on low heat for 20-25 minutes, turn off heat, and allow to steep for another 25 minutes. Serve hot or refrigerate; sweeten to taste.

(6) Digestive Aid

Not only do the peels serve to make digestion smoother, but they’ve also been found to help fight intestinal parasites, constipation, and possibly IBS symptoms. They also build up healthy gut flora.

(7) Immune Booster

The high levels of vitamin C in the pineapple and its skin prevent and fight infections. The power of bromelain and vitamin C act as a bacteria fighter, mucus cutter, cough suppressant, wound healer, and overall system booster in the body.

(8) Arthritis and Joint Pain Fighter

Here again bromelain works its anti-inflammatory magic in those who have arthritis or joint pain. Mixing up a potion with pineapple peels works directly on the source of the pain.

(9) Vision Protector

Beta carotene and vitamin C present in the entire plant aid in battling degenerative eye diseases like glaucoma and Cataract. In case you suffer from losing sight issue then pineapple peel is what you need. It is rich in vitamin C and can improve your vision significantly.

(11) Dental and Bone Strengthener

In addition to fighting inflammation in gums and tissues, pineapple skins have a high manganese content. Manganese helps to grow, strengthen, and repair bones and teeth. In terms of oral health, its vitamin C and astringent properties keep gums clean and healthy.

(12) Anti-Cancer

Some early studies have shown that skins’ amounts of manganese, vitamin C, bromelain, and antioxidants have the ability to fight tumors and aid in cancer prevention.

This may sound weird, but it has been claimed that those who are taking the cancer medication should include some pineapple peel into the routine. Just ask your doctor about it.

Read Also: How to Control Pests and Diseases in a Pineapple Farm

(13) Pineapple Peel for Skin

Amazing Health Benefits of Pineapple Peels

There are a variety of ways you can prepare pineapple skins for your health. Here are a few suggestions below:

i. Make Tea

You can brew a tea and serve it hot or cold to reap pineapple skin’s benefits. To make a tea, scrub the outer skins thoroughly and place in a medium saucepan.

Add 2 cinnamon sticks, cloves, and 1 peeled knob of ginger. Cover with about 4 quarts of water. Simmer on low heat for 20-25 minutes, turn off heat, and allow to steep for another 25 minutes. Serve hot or refrigerate; sweeten to taste.

ii. Make Juice

Follow the instructions for making tea but add only peels and water no spices or sweetener. Allow the mixture to cool down and then place some in the blender; blend it up! Pour liquid through a strainer and refrigerate.

iii. Make Vinegar

Pineapple vinegar can be used as food or as a topical remedy for arthritis, bruises, or joint pain. Follow this recipe from Fermented Food Lab for a simple DIY version. Be sure to wash the skins first to scrub off any pesticide residue!

Part of the reasoning for this is that the pineapple has a thick skin that is mostly discarded by consumers, so the argument goes that most of any pesticide residue will be thrown away with the skin. So that’s good news for pineapple lovers everywhere.

However, it turns out that those skins have some pretty hearty nutrition in them. The skin is were most of the bromelain, a protein that helps in digestion and healing, is located. That’s why many people who juice for nutritional intake don’t peel or remove the skin before they juice a pineapple.

Take it easy and add clean pineapple skins to your ZOBO juice, Ginger Lemon Juice, veggie, chicken, seafood, or beef stocks. It’ll pack a flavorful and nutritious punch to your dish. Just toss in 1-2 cups of skins and strain them out when done.

iv. Make Stock

Take it easy and add clean pineapple skins to your ZOBO juice, Ginger Lemon Juice, veggie, chicken, seafood, or beef stocks. It will pack a flavorful and nutritious punch to your dish. Just toss in 1-2 cups of skins and strain them out when done.

Read Also: How to Store Fresh Fruit, Vegetables and Herbs

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