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Broiler Starter Mash Feed Formula (For Male Broilers)

Broiler Starter Mash Feed Formula (For Male Broilers)

Practically everything created by God is made up of two genders (Male and Female), including poultry birds. In poultry farming, when we talk about Layers as the female, we also talk about the Cockerels as their males.

Meanwhile in broilers, there are male and female broilers and they posses some unique characteristics which slightly differentiate them from others (as discussed in our previous topics, you can search the website for more information on this).

Animal feed such as Dicalcium Phosphate (DCP) is mixed with other ingredients in animal feeds. DCP is mainly designed for breeding purposes (cattle and poultry). It strengthens the skeleton and accelerates the animal’s growth. The following are the DCP values for each of the common ingredients used in feed making: Whole maize — 8.23%, Soya — 45%, Fishmeal — 55%, Maize bran — 7%and Sunflower — 35%.

Each class of chicken has its nutritional requirement. For example, if we want to make feed for layers, the feed should have at least 18% crude protein. Feed ingredients for poultry diets are selected based on a couple of factors such as nutrient content, anti-nutritional factors or toxins, palatability and cost.

Success in the poultry farming business mostly depends on feeding quality feed and feed formulation system. For proper growth, egg production and good health, poultry birds require energy. In order to obtain the desired growth rate, you must have to purchase and provide highly nutritious poultry feed. Except for adequate and quality feeding, you can’t run your business properly.

Today we are going to discuss about the broiler starter mash feed formula for the male broilers:

Here is a video of the audio version of broiler starter mash feed formula for the male broilers below:

Using a total compounding quantity of one ton (1,000kg) below is the formula for your male broilers:

Broiler Starter Mash Feed Formula for Male Broilers

Maize = 554kg

Soya Bean Meal = 103kg

Wheat Offals = 274kg

Soya Oil = 20kg

DCP = 16kg

Limestone = 15kg

Agrar = 4kg

Broiler Premix = 3kg

Toxin Binder = 3kg

Salt = 3kg

Lysine = 2kg

Methionine = 2kg

Chlorine Chloride = 1kg

Total = 1,000kg (one ton)

Note: There are certain factors that can alter this formula provided above which include but not limited to the following: Weather, Availability

Also, always ensure to purchase your raw materials from reputable sources to ensure that the raw-materials procured are at their best nutritional state to avoid serving your birds unhealthy or contaminated feeds that will greatly affect your poultry birds.

You can divide or multiply the formula to the quantity of feed you wish to compound for your birds, For instance: if you want to produce 100kg total feed then all you need to do is divide all the raw materials provided above using 10 with your calculator and if you want to compound 10,000kg of feed instead, all you also need to do is to multiply all the raw materials provided above by 10 using your calculator.

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2 thoughts on “Broiler Starter Mash Feed Formula (For Male Broilers)”

  1. Amazing work here.
    I am interested in local sources for Wheat offals and Oyster shells in bulk.
    Any information will be appreciated.

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