Friday, July 26, 2024

Cages Vs Deep Litters: Which is better in Raising Birds? Find out

Where the birds are raised depends on the space of land at your disposal and the number of birds you want to raise. The major benefit of raising birds in battery cages is that it helps maximize space.

The performance of the birds whether in deep litters or in cages depends largely on how well they are managed.

So in raising your birds, an expert should be carried along so as to guide you on proper management of your birds for better result.

Let us explain a little further to enhance your understanding on this subject below.

In Summary

  • In battery cage, greater number of birds are reared per unit area.
  • Land or free space is becoming a limiting factor and this is why free-range system of poultry rearing is near obsolete.
  • Feeding management in cages has to be carefully considered since many farmers mostly rely on mash or crumbs for production.
  • Battery cage is associated with higher incidences of leg problem, cage fatigue, fatty liver syndrome which is increased deposition of fat in the body.

Now let’s compare the two systems of birds rearing based on the following factors:

Factors that Determine which System of Birds Rearing to Choose

1) Chicken Type

This is to solve the puzzle “which system is best for layers or broilers, cage or deep litter?” Commercially raised layer flock are usually raised in cages, especially from 16 weeks of age. This is mostly to allow for easy management of the large flock size.

Because of the extra cost of cages, most small-scale farmers prefer to use deep litter system for layers. However, some of them upgrade and acquire cages along the line because of the problem of soiled eggs.

For broilers, the reverse is the case. Most commercially raised broilers are reared on deep litter. A large number of small scale broiler farmers also prefer to use deep litter but the adoption of the cage system is increasing rapidly.

Especially with the use of netted floor. The two chicken types can be raised on either deep litter or battery cages, so chicken type is not a limitation.

2) Initial Cost

Things get more serious when we begin to consider the cost of raising chickens in both systems. Just as I stated in the previous point, cages are more expensive. Hence, those who are starting small often do away with cages for a start.

Although, this might amount to more work and more employees needed to manage the farm. But that is in the long run, and how many small-scale farmers really care about the long run. Just a few.

Read Also: Poultry Housing Management: Poultry Pen/House Construction Guide

3) Management Practices

This is the reason why some small scale farmers push beyond their limits right at the get go. Because of the ease of managing birds in cages, those who have the financial strength would make this happen.

Here is why: Most cages are equipped with nipple drinkers that allow water to get to chickens automatically. It is not always the same in deep litter, as a lot of farmers still serve water in drinkers everyday. Only the rich can afford to use automatic drinkers on a deep litter.

3a) Spillage problems

Also, spillage problems are minimal in cages compared to deep litter system for layers or broilers where the birds’ free movement allow them to spill water.

For any experienced farmer, this is a costly action that must be controlled by strict supervision. There will be need to pack and replace any wet spots discovered, which means more work.

3b) Labor requirement

When using deep litter system for layers, it calls for more frequent picking of eggs to avoid soiling. Also, more workers per thousand birds are needed in a deep litter system than in cage system.

Where 3 people can conveniently manage 10,000 chickens in a cage system, the same quantity of chickens will require more labor in a deep litter system.


4) Performance

Do chickens perform better in cage or deep litter?

For broilers, there is no clear-cut difference between feed consumption in cages vs deep litter system. While some studies show that feed consumption and body weight are higher in deep litter, there are other studies that show otherwise.

While cage reared broilers may also appear cleaner than deep litter raised broilers, breast blisters is another condition to be wary of in cage system. Moreover, if there is effective litter management, broilers raised on deep litter can also be clean and without breast blisters.

When using deep litter system for layers, I would say that their performance cannot be as high as in cage. At proper stocking density, cage reared layers produce more and have insignificant cases of paralysis.

On the other hand, when raised on deep litter, egg production may be affected by issues like egg eating and broody hens.

5) Manure Removal

Manure can pile up in no time in deep litter system for layers or broilers, and if not properly managed, there may be need for frequent removal. This often requires a lot of labor compared to the cage system.

Water is used in the evacuation of waste in the battery cage system, which makes it a lot easier. You might want to prepare for this aspect when you want to choose between the two systems.

Read Also: Causes of Egg Production Reduction in Poultry Farms and Ways to prevent them

6) Disease Control

This is another important aspect to consider if you are planning to make profit. You need to know the system that helps you to manage diseases more efficiently. The truth is diseases spread faster in deep litter system than in cage system.

This is because birds’ movement is restricted in battery cages and the chickens do not come in contact with their poop. Under the deep litter system, a sick bird can move from one end to another transferring diseases by contact with other birds.

Another thing to note about disease control is that it is easier to detect a sick bird on a deep litter than in cages. Under the deep litter system for layers or broilers, you can detect sick birds more easily.

You can make a strange noise in the pen and observing the heads of your chickens raised. You can also attract healthy chickens by standing at one end of the pen while shaking a feeder.

But beware of stampede, you must do what is necessary to have them spread back almost immediately. In a cage, observing for sick birds is a more thorough process that involves walking round and peeping into the cells.

In Conclusion

You need to make this important decision yourself, but put in mind that cost is first in everything.

However, if you are not limited by cost, feel free to weigh your options and make that decision.

We can’t wait to see you in the business. Take that giant step and begin to unlock your growth.

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Benadine Nonye is an agricultural consultant and a writer with several years of professional experience in the agriculture industry. - National Diploma in Agricultural Technology - Bachelor's Degree in Agricultural Science - Master's Degree in Science Education - PhD Student in Agricultural Economics and Environmental Policy... Visit My Websites On: 1. - Your Comprehensive Practical Agricultural Knowledge and Farmer’s Guide Website! 2. - For Effective Environmental Management through Proper Waste Management and Recycling Practices! Join Me On: Twitter: @benadinenonye - Instagram: benadinenonye - LinkedIn: benadinenonye - YouTube: Agric4Profits TV and WealthInWastes TV - Pinterest: BenadineNonye4u - Facebook: BenadineNonye

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