Below is your chicks mash feed formula along with the step by step comprehensive guide on how to formulate your chicks mash feed for your poultry birds.
Chicks Mash Feeds are given to poultry birds or chickens between the ages of 0 – 6weeks and sometimes upto 8 weeks depending on the pocket of the farmer and the growth rate of the poultry chicks.
It is very important to also understand that whether you are formulating chicks mash, growers mash, broiler starter mash, broiler finisher mash or layers mash, you have to know and remember that feed formulas are usually given based on the needs of your birds so before a feed formula is recommended, it must meet the needs of your birds.
It is also very important that you consult an expert for proper guidance incase you get confuse with the process along the line.
Meanwhile, poultry feed or chicken feed often accounts for more than 80% of the cost of poultry production.
Right now, the increasing cost of feeds is driving many poultry farmers out of business. Making your own feeds would cut down costs while increasing the profit margin of your poultry farming.
Today, I’m going to show you how to make your own chicken feed.
Success in the poultry farming business mostly depends on feeding quality feed and feed formulation system. For proper growth, egg production and good health, poultry birds require energy.
In order to obtain the desired growth rate, you must have to purchase and provide highly nutritious poultry feed. Except for adequate and quality feeding, you can’t run your poultry farming business properly.
As a poultry farmer, you should always produce and sell fresh and healthy birds and quality eggs. For producing quality eggs and meat you have to feed your birds quality feed.
This will also help to get maximum returns from your poultry farming business.
If you are planning or you are already into poultry farming and you wish to hit it big, then your poultry birds feeding is something you should take very seriously.
Some farmers are now reducing feed rations served to their birds due to the high cost of feeds. Some of the feeds out there are adulterated.
As a result, many poultry farmers in different parts of the country want to know how they can make their own feeds in order to cut down costs of production.
Feeds account for more than 80% of production costs. A farmer who manages to bring down this cost to about 60 to 50% will make good returns in the poultry business.
In the past, conventional thinking has been that farmers cannot make their own feeds, and especially to feed foreign breeds of chickens.
But I came to understand that this mindset has constrained efforts of the more enterprising farmers who have the needed skills to make their own feeds.
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In fact, some farmers are already formulating their own high quality feeds on the farm and do not rely on commercial feeds whose cost keep rising every day.
Besides, the quality of some feeds is so poor that poultry farmers using such feeds incur unnecessarily huge losses.
Farmers who formulate and make their own feeds at home or farm save an average of ₦1000 for every 50kg bag of chicken feed, which is a great save for those doing commercial production.
Chicks Mash Feed Formula
Now I’m going to show you how to make your own feeds and cut down production costs.
An example of a chicks mash feed formula is given below:
Raw Materials | Quantity Required |
Maize | 500kg |
Soya | 100kg |
GNC | 100kg |
Wheat Offals | 245kg |
Bone Meal | 10kg |
Oyster Shell | 10kg |
Methionine | 1kg |
Lysine | 1kg |
Salt | 2.5kg |
Vitamin | 3kg |
Note: Seasons can also affect/alter the formulation therefore always carry an expert along.
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