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The Different Breeds and Classification of Rabbits

Rabbits are classified into small, medium large or giant breeds based on their body weight. There are also different breeds that fall within these broad classifications.

Some of these breeds are described in this article so that you can identify them and be able to choose the one that best meet your production objectives.

The Classification of Rabbits

Based on body size, rabbits have been classified as follows:

Small – 0.9-2.7 kg.

Medium – 2.7-4.1 kg.

Large – 4.1-5 kg Giant – 5 kg.

Major Breeds of Rabbits

1. California Breed

The Different Breeds and Classification of Rabbits

This is the second most popular breed for meat production. The colour is all white but with black tipping on the nose, ears, feet and tail. The weight range for the mature Californian is 3-4.5 kg.

2. New Zealand White

The Different Breeds and Classification of Rabbits

This breed is the one used most widely throughout the world for meat production. It is all white in colour and usually weighs three to five kilograms when mature.

3. American Chinchilla

The Different Breeds and Classification of Rabbits

This breed is blue-grey in colour with a white belly. It has a characteristic ruff or dewlap. This is a thick fold of skin around the front of the chest which is very obvious when the rabbit is in good condition and sitting in a resting position. The weight range for the mature Chinchilla is 3-4.5 kg.

Read Also : How to Care for Newly Weaned Rabbits Properly

4. Dutch

The Different Breeds and Classification of Rabbits

The Dutch is a small breed with a mature live weight of 2.5-3.5 kg. It has a wide white band of fur around its body at the shoulders as well as a white stripe down the middle of its face. Its front feet fall within the white and the tips of its back feet are also white.

5. Flemish Giant

The Different Breeds and Classification of Rabbits

This is a giant breed which at maturity can weigh well over 6 kg. It is usually light grey in colour but may also be sandy blue or white. This is not a suitable breed for the beginner.

6. New Zealand Red

The Different Breeds and Classification of Rabbits

This breed is essentially a red New Zealand white type which has not been as intensively selected for growth rate. Mature live weight is lower than the white type, at 3-4.5 kg.

7. English Spot

The Different Breeds and Classification of Rabbits

Mature weight 2.3 – 3.6kg. colour shades; Black, Blue, Chocolate, Gold, Gray, Lilac, Tortoise.

This breed is mostly white, with a buttefly mark on the nose, colored ears, and eye circles that usually have a little “fling” on the side but rarely have a perfect circle, and chains of colored spots along its sides including a herringbone stripe down its back.

8. Lops

The Different Breeds and Classification of Rabbits

Lops are known for their distinctive ear length, width and shape. Ears are floppy. Five types generally accepted in USA are: French Lop, English Lop, Mini Lop, American Fuzzy Lop and the Holland Lop. French ears shorter than English. Weighs about 5-5.5kg at maturity.

9. Dwarf

These are very small breeds. The average litter size is two to four, as opposed to the larger breeds which have 6 – 12 bunnies.

The Different Breeds and Classification of Rabbits

Dwarf rabbits are more susceptible to coccidiosis, an intestinal parasite that many times proves lethal to the young rabbits between three and ten weeks of age.

In summary, there are four main classes of rabbits. All the breeds described above fall under these classes. The breeds are distinct and have evolve over years of selection and adaptation to their environment.

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