In sheep and goat production, housing type depends on the system of production. The housing need for ruminants or any farm animal is established as one, for better management in a good environment, and two, for the safe keeping of the animals and other assets. The same principle of housing applies to sheep and goat production.
However, in the tropics, especially in Nigeria and other Sub-Saharan region, housing for sheep and goats is not given prominence as in the temperate region or as even done for cattle.
The main consideration for housing sheep and goats in this part of the world is to provide sufficient protection from unfavorable weather. The essential consideration is that the environment must be cool, dry, and free from draught with access to pasture or outside all the time.
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Housing Type for Sheep and Goat under Intensive/semi-intensive System
In this type of housing, the entire house is well-roofed with windows to protect the animals during the winter season in the temperate region. In summer they have access to pasture.
This type of production requires a lot of sophistication in housing construction and is very expensive. It is often associated with a high level of production in terms of meat, wool, or fleece. Such housing is not profitable in this part of the world.
Some government farms or rich individuals construct good but simple housing for sheep and goats in Nigeria for semi-intensive production. In this type of housing, a simple building is constructed in which exists a slatted floor for the animals to sleep. Hay racks are provided in some for feeding the animals when they are turned in from the pasture at the end of the day.
The roof of the house should not be too high to prevent being blown off by wind nor too short to prevent proper illumination and draught. It is often made of asbestos material or corrugated iron sheet.
If the latter is used, the wall must not be too high to allow illumination and ventilation. It could also be made of wood, mud, or blocks depending on the availability of funds. The floor must be sloppy for proper drainage and could be made of concrete or rammed.
The slats could be of bamboo or wood. What is used is a function of the availability of funds. The house could be divided into pens with drinkers and feeders for concentrate feeding.
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Housing Type for Extensive/Traditional System of Sheep and Goat Production
In this type of production which is common, a simple open shed made of cheap roofing material (thatched roof) provides the expected protection. In most cases, the floor is rammed and well-drained. In some cases, the animals are tethered behind the house in the open as with subsistent farmers.
For any of these two systems, the floor area required for adult animals ranges from 1.5m2 to 2.2m2.
In summary, the housing need of sheep and goat production depends on the system of production also intensive production of sheep and goats is not very common in the sub-Sahara region, hence there exists no sophisticated housing as found in the temperate region.
What is close to this is less elaborate housing with slatted or concrete floors often found in government farms and rich individuals with slatted floors and that the traditional or extensive method housing is a simple shed covered with thatched roof and rammed floor.
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