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List of Animal Feed Raw-Materials and their Uses

Animal feed otherwise known as Animal Food is food given to domestic animals, especially livestock, in the course of animal husbandry. There are two basic types: fodder and forage. Used alone, the word feed more often refers to fodder. Animal feed is an important input to animal agriculture, and is frequently the main cost of the raising animals.

Farms typically try to reduce cost for this food, by growing their own, grazing animals, or supplementing expensive feeds with substitutes, such as food waste like spent grain from beer brewing

Maize bran: this is an energy feed source. It is low in protein but high in crude fiber and thus can be fed up to 15%, fatteners up to 30% and sows up to 30%. The high-level crude fiber in feed has negative effect on digestion.

Wheat bran: this also provides energy to pigs. It has level of protein, lysine and methionine but very high in crude fiber and the Maximum amount of it allowed in sow feeds is 25%; Fatteners feed should not contain more than 15% because of the negative influence of wheat bran on bacon quality. Piglets feeds should not contain more than 10% because of high crude fiber content, and the low protein value.

Rice bran: the nutritive content of rice bran varies significantly. It is very high in crude fiber content and therefore has great influence of digestibility. A maximum of 10% can be included in feeds for sows, preferably not to be used for piglets and for fatteners the proportion in the feed should not exceed 5% because of negative effects on bacon quality.

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Basic Types of Animal Feeds

List of Animal Feed Raw-Materials and their Uses

According to research, animal feeds are classified as follows: (1) concentrates, high in energy value, including fat, cereal grains and their by-products (barley, corn, oats, rye, wheat), high-protein oil meals or cakes (soybean, canola, cottonseed, peanut [groundnut]), and by-products from processing of sugar beets, sugarcane, animals, and fish, and (2) roughages, including pasture grasses, hays, silage, root crops, straw, and stover (cornstalks).

Concentrate foods

Cereal grains and their by-products

In the agricultural practices of North America and northern Europe for instance, barley, corn, oats, rye, and sorghums are grown almost entirely as animal feed, although small quantities are processed for human consumption as well. These grains are fed whole or ground, either singly or mixed with high-protein oil meals or other by-products, minerals, and vitamins to form a complete feed for pigs and poultry or an adequate dietary supplement for ruminants and horses.

The production of grains is seasonal because of temperature or moisture conditions or a combination of both. It is necessary to produce a full year’s supply during the limited growing season. The grain is dried to 14 percent or less moisture to prevent sprouting or molding; the grain is then stored in containers or buildings where insects and rodents cannot destroy it. It is generally desirable to store more than a year’s supply of the grains to be used as feed, because crop failures sometimes occur.

High-protein meals

Vegetable seeds produced primarily as a source of oil for human food and industrial uses include soybeans, peanuts (groundnuts), flaxseed (linseed), canola, cottonseed, coconuts, oil palm, and sunflower seeds. After these seeds are processed to remove the oil, the residues, which may contain from 5 percent to less than 1 percent of fat and 20 to 50 percent of protein, are marketed as animal feeds.

Cottonseed and peanuts have woody hulls or shells, which are generally removed before processing—if the hulls or shells are left intact, the resulting by-product is higher in fibre and appreciably lower in protein and energy value. The protein quality of these meals for monogastrics varies greatly depending on the levels and availability of the amino acids present. Ruminants in general require only protein or nitrogen sources for the rumen microbes to synthesize amino acids.

These high-protein feeds supplement inexpensive roughages, cereal grains, and other low-protein feeds in order to furnish the protein and amino acids needed for efficient growth or production. The supplement chosen for a particular diet depends largely on the cost and availability of supply.

By-products of sugar beets and sugarcane

From the sugar beet industry come beet tops, which are used on the farm either fresh or ensiled, and dried beet pulp and beet molasses, which are produced in sugar factories. Cane molasses is a residue from cane sugar manufacture. These are all palatable, high-quality sources of carbohydrates. Sugarcane bagasse (stalk residue) is fibrous, hard to digest, and of very low feed value.

In Europe, beets and some other roots are grown as animal feed. Citrus molasses and dried citrus pulp, which are generally available at low cost as by-products of the citrus juice industry, are often used as high-quality feeds for cattle and sheep.

Other by-product animal feeds

List of Animal Feed Raw-Materials and their Uses

Large quantities of animal feed are by-products or residues from commercial processing of cereal grains for human consumption. The largest group of these by-product feeds comes from the milling of wheat, including wheat bran, wheat middlings, wheat germ meal, and wheat mill feed.

In some areas, bakery wastes, such as stale and leftover bread, rolls, and various pastry products, are ground and used as filler or feed for pets and farm animals. Rice bran and rice hulls are obtained in similar fashion from the mills that polish rice for human food. Corn gluten feed, corn gluten meal, and hominy feed are produced as by-products from the manufacture of starch for industrial and food uses.

Brewers’ grains, corn distillers’ grains and solubles, and brewer’s yeast are useful animal feeds and are collected from the dried residues of the fermentation industries that produce beer and distilled spirits. Waste products from pineapple-canning plants include pineapple bran or pulp and the ensiled leaves from the plant.

By-products from the abattoirs and meatpacking plants that process animals into meat include such feeds as meat and bonemeal, tankage (animal residue left after rendering fat in a slaughterhouse), meat scraps, blood meal, poultry waste, and feather meal. Various types and qualities of fish meals are produced by fish-processing plants.

These animal by-products typically contain 50 percent or more high-quality protein and the mineral elements calcium and phosphorus. Steamed bonemeal is particularly high in these important minerals. Dried skim milk, dried whey, and dried buttermilk are feed by-products from the dairy industry.

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2 thoughts on “List of Animal Feed Raw-Materials and their Uses”


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  2. It’s great that you pointed out how animal feed is an important input to animal agriculture and is frequently the main cost of raising animals. I was reading a guide about livestock earlier and I learned about the importance of animal feed. Thankfully, there are plenty of animal feed dealers now.

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