Friday, April 26, 2024

Poultry Terms and their Meanings

There are a lot of specific terms about poultry you might not be familair with especially if you are new to raising chickens, some of the terms used in the poultry industry can seem overwhelming.

If you’re thinking about getting chickens, ducks, geese, or other fowl, it’s good to get used to these common terms.

This is a list of poultry terms commonly used in the poultry industry. It is by no means all inclusive nor are the definitions claimed to be universally used. Minor variations in the way the terms are used may be found from region to region.

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Poultry Terms and their Meanings

Poultry Terms and their Meanings

Below are some of the basic poultry terms and terminologies you need to be aware of:



Chicks Both male and female birds of one day old (D.O) to 6-8weeks old.
Growers Both male and female birds of 8-12weeks old
Pullets Female birds that are less than 20weeks old
Cockerels Male birds that are less than 20weeks old
Hens Female birds that are above 20weeks old
Broilers Young birds raised for table meat
Poultry Domesticated birds kept for eating (meat and eggs)
Flocks Group of birds or animals
Capon A male chicken that has been castrated (had part of its testes removed) and made fat for eating
Breeds Crossing of selected birds together with male and female to get “Day old chicks” (D.O.C)
Ovary Organs in female birds in which ovum are produced
Ovum Female egg that can develop into a fertile or infertile york
Pen Small enclosure for either cattle, poultry or sheep etc.
Cull The removal of undesirable or sick birds
Mortality The death of birds
Litter Litter is a material used as bedding for poultry or to absorb their droppings such as wood shaving, Groundnut husks etc.
Pecking An act by which birds eat the flesh of one another or damaging eggs
Droppings Waste matter I.e: poultry manure dropped from bird’s body
Cannibalism This is an act whereby birds peck each other or eat the flesh of each other. They can peck their heads or feathers which are very dangerous and it can mean some financial loss to poultry farmers.

However, to avoid this embarrassment, you must avoid some careless acts like:

1. Overcrowding of birds

2. Collecting birds of different ages

3. Unbalanced rations

4. Inadequate Equipment

5. High temperature

Candling Candling is an act of detecting fertile or infertile eggs by electric testing bulbs
Incubation Incubation is an act of setting fertile eggs into the incubator under all necessary conditions to hatch out “Day Old Chicks” (D.O.C)
Debeaking This is an act whereby the sharp end of the birds beak is cut off and it is designed to prevent birds from damaging eggs or pecking each other.

Note: The blade of debeakers should be sharpened and kept real hot. The beak should be cut off to prevent birds from damaging eggs with their beak or pecking each other as earlier stated above.

Cutting should not be done harshly i.e. to cut off ½-⅓inch of upper beak slight straight or curved inwardly and cutting should not be done too close to the head or else birds may die of bleeding.

Deworming This is an act of removing worms from birds. Deworm all birds kept in the deep litter by using any deworming drug once every 6months or before starting to lay eggs.

For the fact that birds run away from the taste of this drug for instance (for being bitter), poultry farmers are advised to mix the drugs in water after leaving the birds for sometime preferably a day without water and give them the following day as drinking water, it is expected that birds would rush to drink it at least at that particular time they are thirsty.

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Benadine Nonye is an agricultural consultant and a writer with over 12 years of professional experience in the agriculture industry. - National Diploma in Agricultural Technology - Bachelor's Degree in Agricultural Science - Master's Degree in Science Education - PhD Student in Agricultural Economics and Environmental Policy... Visit My Websites On: 1. - Your Comprehensive Practical Agricultural Knowledge and Farmer’s Guide Website! 2. - For Effective Environmental Management through Proper Waste Management and Recycling Practices! Join Me On: Twitter: @benadinenonye - Instagram: benadinenonye - LinkedIn: benadinenonye - YouTube: Agric4Profits TV and WealthInWastes TV - Pinterest: BenadineNonye4u - Facebook: BenadineNonye

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