Rabbit reproductive system basically has to do with the reproduction process of rabbits. Reproduction is a process of giving birth, is a complex process controlled by many substances called hormones which are produced in endocrine glands in the body, and in other parts of the body like the ovaries.
Hormones are produced in very small amounts. They are transported to the organ they controlled (target organ) by the blood circulation system. Different hormones act on different parts of the reproductive system at different times to ensure successful reproduction.
The Female Rabbit Reproductive System
The ovaries produce the female eggs- ova- inside follicles which grow on the surface of the ovaries. When released they are led by strands of tissue- the fibriae into the fallopian tubes.
Aided by muscle contractions and moving hairs in the tube walls, the ova travel down the fallopian tubes and meet and fuse with the male sperm.
Within hours the fertilized eggs divide to become embryos, which move into the uteri. The uteri have many convolutions and are well supplied with blood. The embryos attach to the uterine walls and develop into fetuses.
At the end of pregnancy, after 31 days, the young rabbits pass out through the cervix, the urino-genital canal and the vulva.
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The Male Rabbit Reproductive System
The male reproductive system consist of the following parts; their relative positions are shown in the diagram below;

The male reproductive cells- the sperm- are produced in the two testicles which normally lie outside the body in the scrotum. They descend into the scrotum when the rabbit reaches about 10-12 weeks of age.
The testicles need to be cooler than the normal body temperature if they are to produce viable sperm. Each testicle has a tube- the vas deferens- for transport of the sperm to the urinogenital canal and onwards to the penis.
In conclusion, reproduction is a complex process controlled by substances called hormones. Breeding stock should be selected from does who are good mothers and who have good body size and shape to ensure healthy offspring.
Reproduction is a complex process controlled by substances called hormones which are produced in endocrine glands in the boy, and in other parts of the body like the ovaries. Hormones are transported to the organ they controlled (target organ) by the blood circulation system.
The female reproductive system consists of the ovaries (2); oviducts or fallopian tubes (2); uteri (2); cervix; vagina; vulva ad Mammary glands- (8-10). While the male reproductive system consists of the testicles (2); vas deferens (2); Penis and associated glands.
Breeding stock should be selected from does who are good mothers and who have good body size and shape. The ratio of does to bucks should not exceed 10 : 1.
The first real confirmation of pregnancy can be obtained about 14 days after mating. The doe should be relaxed and sit naturally. If fingers are then gently run along the abdomen, between the back legs small bead-like lumps can be felt if the doe is pregnant, these are developing fetuses.
The doe usually kindles or gives birth, at night. Sexing of rabbits can be done at any time from the moment of weaning. Weaning is the separation of the doe and the young. It should be done around 6-8 weeks after kindling.
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